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The effect of long-term dietary restriction on insulin signaling pathway in rat brain during aging

dc.contributor.advisorMladenović, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.advisorKanazir, Selma
dc.creatorTodorović, Smilja
dc.description.abstractStarenje je normalan, fiziološki proces koji obuhvata sve organe i organske sisteme i tokom koga se organizam suočava sa nizom strukturnih i funkcionalnih promena. Starenje mozga je izrazito kompleksan proces, predstavljen nizom sukcesivnih događaja koji postepeno rezultiraju gubitkom kognitivnih i motornih funkcija. Postoji niz farmakoloških i sredinskih faktora koji su u stanju da odlože i/ili uspore mnoge od starosno-zavisnih procesa, a dijetalna restrikcija (DR) je jedna od najviše i najduže istraživanih. Mnogobrojni su eksperimentalni i epidemiološki podaci koji govore u prilog korisnih efekata restriktivnog režima ishrane, bez obzira da li se radi o svakodnevnoj, ili intermitentnoj dijeti, smanjenju količine hrane ili kalorija. Međutim, u poslednje vreme se sve više pojavljuju podaci koji dovode u pitanje univerzalnost korisnog dejstva dijete. Da bi ovakva intervencija postigla svoj optimalni efekat, neophodno je povesti računa o određenim specifičnostima prilikom uspostavljanja restriktivnog režima ishrane. Pre svega, pokazano je da stepen restrikcije igra bitnu ulogu u efektima koje ona proizvodi i da previše restriktivan režim ishrane može imati negativne posledice po organizam. Takođe, postoje indicije da nisu svi organski sistemi podjednako podložni procesima starenja, kao ni dejstvu dijete. Efekat dijete se može veoma razlikovati u zavisnosti od stepena i tipa restrikcije, pola i organa gde se efekat očekuje, kao i od starosti jedinke na koju se restriktivni režim primenjuje. Prvi korak u istraživanju korisnih efekata restrikcije hrane koja je iznosila 60% prosečnog dnevnog unosa hrane, bio je ispitati efekat različitih dijetalnih režima, odnosno efekte DR koja je različito trajala i koja je započeta u različitim životnim dobima kod mužjaka Wistar soja pacova. Praćen je čitav niz parametara u aktivnosti životinja i detektovane su značajne razlike u njihovim fizičkim i kognitivnim preformansama, kako tokom starenja, tako i pod uticajem različitih režima ishrane. Dugotrajna dijetalna restrikcija otpočeta u adultnom dobu je dovela do poboljšanja u izvođenju motoričkih i kognitivnih testova i do sveukupnog poboljšanog stanja organizma, što se ogledalo u smanjenoj krhkosti ovih životinja. Nasuprot tome, restriktivni režimi istog tipa, ali kasnijeg početka i/ili kraćeg trajanja, pokazali su se kao neuspešni u pokušaju da se izazovu korisni efekti i poboljša stanje organizma. Dijeta sa izrazito kasnim početkom i kratkog trajanja je dovela čak i do negativnih posledica po organizam, izazivajući dodatne poteškoće u habituaciji životinja i povečavajući njihovu krhkost. Shodno detektovanim rezultatima, za dalji nastavak istraživanja je izabrana dijeta za koju je pokazano da daje nedvosmisleno dobar efekat i dalje je ispitivan njen uticaj na energetski metabolizam mozga. Smatra se da je narušavanje homeostaze energetskog metabolizma jedan od vodećih uzroka koji leži u osnovi brojnih neurodegenerativnih bolesti koje se javljaju tokom starenja. Ključnu ulogu u metabolizmu glukoze i održavanju energetske homeostaze imaju proteini insulinskog signalnog puta koji su odgovorni za regulaciju unosa hranjivih materija, zatim AMPK kao glavni energetski senzor ćelije i glukozni transporteri koji omogućavaju ulazak glukoze u mozak i nervne ćelije. Novija istraživanja ukazuju da pomenuti proteini imaju važnu ulogu u procesima koji leže u osnovi efekata DR na starosno-zavisne promene. Upravo zato, važan aspekt ove doktorske disertacije predstavljao je ispitivanje promena u ekspresiji glukoznih transportera, AMPK proteina, Neuropeptida Y, insulina, insulinskog receptora, supstrata insulinskog receptora i protein kinaze B. Ispitivanja su sprovedena na nivou kore prednjeg mozga, hipokampusa i hipotalamusa, struktura u kojima je pokazano da dolazi do znatnog narušavanja energetske homeostaze tokom starenja. Dobijene promene su sagledane u odnosu na promene relevantnih biohemijskih parametara u serumu, kao što su glukoza, insulin, holesterol i trigliceridi. Zaključeno je da dugotrajna dijetalna restrikcija dovodi do niza promena, koje uključuju povećanje nivoa NPY proteina i insulina, utišavanje insulinskog signalnog puta u hipotalamusu i hipokampusu, kao i do bolje snabdevenost kore velikog mozga i hipokampusa dovoljnom količinom energije. Sve ove promene su zajedno doprinele poboljšanju kognitivnih i motoričkih performansi životinja u dubokoj starosti. Rezultati ove doktorske disertacije upućuju na korisnost restriktivnog režima ishrane, ali istovremeno nameću limite u pogledu trenutka uvođenja ovakvog režima ishrane i dužine trajanja, uzimajući u obzir negativne efekte do kojih DR može dovesti u određenim sluč
dc.description.abstractAging is a normal, physiological process that involves all organs and organic systems, and during which the organism faces a number of structural and functional changes. Brain aging is an extremely complex process, represented by a series of successive events that gradually result in loss of cognitive and motor functions. There are a number of pharmacological and environmental factors that are able to postpone and / or slow down many of the age-dependent processes, and dietary restriction (DR) is one of the most investigated and most widely used experimental intervention in aging research. There are numerous experimental and epidemiological data that support the beneficial effects of a restrictive diet, regardless of the type: a daily reduction or intermittent diet, reduction in food or in calories, all of those approaches seem beneficial. Nevertheless, there is a body of data that challenges current premise about comprehensive DR usefulness. In order for DR to achieve its optimal effect, it is necessary to take certain specificities into account while establishing a restrictive dietary regime. First of all, it has been shown that the percentage of restriction plays an important role in the effects it induces, and that a very restrictive diet may have negative consequences for the organism. In addition, not all the body systems are equally susceptible to aging processes, nor to the beneficial effects of DR. The effect of the restrictive diet can vary greatly, depending on the degree and type of restriction, gender and organs examined, as well as the age of the individual to which the restrictive regimen is applied. In order to investigate the effect of 60% DR on the energy homeostasis and insulin signaling in the brain, we first examined the effects of three different types of dietary restriction that varied in length and onset, on rat behavior during aging. The experiments were performed on 12-, 18- and 24-month-old male Wistar rats exposed to AL or DR type of feeding (60% of AL daily intake). A variety of parameters were monitored in the activities of animals and significant differences in their physical and cognitive performance were detected, both during aging and under the influence of different dietary regimes. Long-term dietary restriction that started in young adulthood led to the improvement of motor and cognitive performances and to the reduced frailty. By contrast, restrictive regimes of the same type, but with late-onset and/or the shorter duration, have a less pronounced positive impact on motor and cognitive functions during aging. A diet that started at old age and had the shortest duration has even led to negative consequences, causing additional difficulties in the habituation of animals, and increased their frailty score. Based on results mentioned above and the most favorable outcome of DR, we continued to investigate the longest dietary regime and its effect on brain metabolism during aging. Disruption of homeostasis in the brain energy metabolism is considered to be one of the leading causes that lie behind many age-related neurodegenerative diseases. The key proteins that regulate processes of glucose metabolism and energy homeostasis are: AMPK, as the main energy cell sensor, glucose transporters that facilitate glucose transport across the blood-brain-barrier and plasma membrane, and proteins involved in insulin signaling pathway, responsible for the regulation of nutrient intake. These proteins play an important role in processes involved in the effects of DR on age-dependent changes. For this reason, we examined changes in the expression of glucose transporters, AMPK protein, Neuropeptide Y, insulin, Insulin Receptor, Insulin Receptor Substrate, and Protein Kinase B. The analysis was performed in cerebral cortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus, structures most severely affected by process of aging and also with important role in energy homeostasis. Relevant biochemical parameters in the serum were also investigated, such as glucose, insulin, cholesterol, and triglycerides. The most pronounced changes elicited by long-term restrictive regime were related to increased levels of insulin and NPY proteins, as well as attenuation of the insulin signal pathway in the hypothalamus and the hippocampus, and improved energy supply of cortex and hippocampus. All the above changes resulted in a significant improvement of cognitive and motor performances of 24 month-old animals. The results of this doctoral dissertation point to the usefulness of a restrictive diet, but at the same time impose certain limits, regarding the time point when the diet should be applied and also the duration of diet, taking into account the negative effects that DR may have in certain cases.en
dc.publisherBelgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173056/RS//
dc.sourceUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
dc.subjectDijetalna restrikcijasr
dc.subjectMotorička aktivnostsr
dc.subjectProstorna memorijasr
dc.subjectEnergetska homeostazasr
dc.subjectMetabolizam glukozesr
dc.subjectDietary restrictionen
dc.subjectMotor activityen
dc.subjectSpatial memoryen
dc.subjectGlucose metabolismen
dc.subjectEnergy homeostasisen
dc.titleUticaj dugotrajne dijetalne restrikcije na insulinski signalni put u mozgu pacova tokom starenjasr
dc.titleThe effect of long-term dietary restriction on insulin signaling pathway in rat brain during agingen
dcterms.abstractМладеновић Ђорђевић, Aлександра; Каназир, Селма; Тодоровић, Смиља; Утицај дуготрајне дијеталне рестрикције на инсулински сигнални пут у мозгу пацова током старења; Утицај дуготрајне дијеталне рестрикције на инсулински сигнални пут у мозгу пацова током старења;
dc.rights.holder© 2019 The Author
dc.citation.vancouverTodorović S. The effect of long-term dietary restriction on insulin signaling pathway in rat brain during aging. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology; 2019. 155 p.



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