Slavić, Marija

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  • Slavić, Marija (15)

Author's Bibliography

Активност антиоксидативних ензима у утерусу је зависна од еструсног циклуса

Grahovac, Tanja; Tatalović, Nikola; Vidonja Uzelac, Teodora; Slavić, Marija; Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra; Blagojević, Duško; Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana

(Belgrade: Serbian Biological Society, 2022)

AU  - Grahovac, Tanja
AU  - Tatalović, Nikola
AU  - Vidonja Uzelac, Teodora
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra
AU  - Blagojević, Duško
AU  - Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Женке пацова имају хормонски контролисан еструсни циклус који изазива регуларне цикличне ткивне и ћелијске промене. Стога, експерименти који се изводе на женкама треба да укључују проверу фазе циклуса и рад на јединкама које су у истој фази. Уобичајено је да се узимају женке у еструсу, али како еструсна фаза траје 15-24 h, женке третиране у еструсу после 6 h ће бити и даље у еструсу у већини случајева, али већ после 24 h су у метаеструсу. Наши претходни резултати показују да ефекти на женкама пацова зависе од фазе циклуса када је апликација фармаколошки активним агенсом урађена. Како је изоловани утерус један од фармаколошких ex vivo модела избора испитивања деловања фармаколошки активних супстанци, укључујући и редокс активне, промене у утерусу директно подложне цикличности могу утицати на ефективност учинка, те и давати варијабилне резултате активности. Стога смо у овом раду мерили активност антиоксидативних ензима (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px и GR) у утерусу у различитим фазама еструсног циклуса. Утеруси у еструсу имају нижу SOD2 и вишу GSH-Px активност у поређењу са другим фазама. Активност GR у еструсу и проеструсу су биле више у поређењу са метаеструсом и диеструсом. Ове промене су у вези и са хормоналним и са редокс статусом утеруса током циклуса. Наши резултати показују да физиолошки, а посебно редокс одговор на екстерне стимулусе може бити другачији у зависности од фазе еструсног циклуса.
AB  - Ženke pacova imaju hormonski kontrolisan estrusni ciklus koji izaziva regularne ciklične tkivne i ćelijske promene. Stoga, eksperimenti koji se izvode na ženkama treba da uključuje proveru faze ciklusa i rad na jedinkama koje su u istoj fazi. Uobičajeno je da se uzimaju ženke u estrusu, ali kako estrusna faza traje 15-24 h, ženke tretirane u estrusu posle 6 h će biti i dalje u estrusu u većini slučajeva, ali već posle 24 h su u metaestrusu. Naši prethodni rezultati pokazuju da efekti na ženkama pacova zavise od faze ciklusa kada je aplikacija farmakološki aktivnim agensom urađena. Kako je izolovani uterus jedan od farmakoloških ex vivo modela izbora ispitivanja delovanja farmakološki aktivnih supstanci, uključujući i redoks aktivne, promene u uterusu direktno podložne cikličnosti mogu uticati na efektivnost učinka, te i davati varijabilne rezultate aktivnosti. Stoga smo u ovom radu merili aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px и GR) u uterusu u različitim fazama estrusnog ciklusa. Uterusi u estrusu imaju nižu SOD2 i višu GSH-Px aktivnost u poređenju sa drugim fazama. Aktivnost GR u estrusu i proestrusu su bile više u poređenju sa metaestrusom i diestrusom. Ove promene su u vezi i sa hormonalnim i sa redoks statusom uterusa tokom ciklusa. Naši rezultati pokazuju da fiziološki, a posebno redoks odgovor na eksterne stimuluse može biti drugačiji u zavisnosti od faze estrusnog ciklusa.
PB  - Belgrade: Serbian Biological Society
C3  - Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia
T1  - Активност антиоксидативних ензима у утерусу је зависна од еструсног циклуса
T1  - Aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u uterusu je zavisna od estrusnog ciklusa
SP  - 390
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Grahovac, Tanja and Tatalović, Nikola and Vidonja Uzelac, Teodora and Slavić, Marija and Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra and Blagojević, Duško and Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Женке пацова имају хормонски контролисан еструсни циклус који изазива регуларне цикличне ткивне и ћелијске промене. Стога, експерименти који се изводе на женкама треба да укључују проверу фазе циклуса и рад на јединкама које су у истој фази. Уобичајено је да се узимају женке у еструсу, али како еструсна фаза траје 15-24 h, женке третиране у еструсу после 6 h ће бити и даље у еструсу у већини случајева, али већ после 24 h су у метаеструсу. Наши претходни резултати показују да ефекти на женкама пацова зависе од фазе циклуса када је апликација фармаколошки активним агенсом урађена. Како је изоловани утерус један од фармаколошких ex vivo модела избора испитивања деловања фармаколошки активних супстанци, укључујући и редокс активне, промене у утерусу директно подложне цикличности могу утицати на ефективност учинка, те и давати варијабилне резултате активности. Стога смо у овом раду мерили активност антиоксидативних ензима (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px и GR) у утерусу у различитим фазама еструсног циклуса. Утеруси у еструсу имају нижу SOD2 и вишу GSH-Px активност у поређењу са другим фазама. Активност GR у еструсу и проеструсу су биле више у поређењу са метаеструсом и диеструсом. Ове промене су у вези и са хормоналним и са редокс статусом утеруса током циклуса. Наши резултати показују да физиолошки, а посебно редокс одговор на екстерне стимулусе може бити другачији у зависности од фазе еструсног циклуса., Ženke pacova imaju hormonski kontrolisan estrusni ciklus koji izaziva regularne ciklične tkivne i ćelijske promene. Stoga, eksperimenti koji se izvode na ženkama treba da uključuje proveru faze ciklusa i rad na jedinkama koje su u istoj fazi. Uobičajeno je da se uzimaju ženke u estrusu, ali kako estrusna faza traje 15-24 h, ženke tretirane u estrusu posle 6 h će biti i dalje u estrusu u većini slučajeva, ali već posle 24 h su u metaestrusu. Naši prethodni rezultati pokazuju da efekti na ženkama pacova zavise od faze ciklusa kada je aplikacija farmakološki aktivnim agensom urađena. Kako je izolovani uterus jedan od farmakoloških ex vivo modela izbora ispitivanja delovanja farmakološki aktivnih supstanci, uključujući i redoks aktivne, promene u uterusu direktno podložne cikličnosti mogu uticati na efektivnost učinka, te i davati varijabilne rezultate aktivnosti. Stoga smo u ovom radu merili aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px и GR) u uterusu u različitim fazama estrusnog ciklusa. Uterusi u estrusu imaju nižu SOD2 i višu GSH-Px aktivnost u poređenju sa drugim fazama. Aktivnost GR u estrusu i proestrusu su bile više u poređenju sa metaestrusom i diestrusom. Ove promene su u vezi i sa hormonalnim i sa redoks statusom uterusa tokom ciklusa. Naši rezultati pokazuju da fiziološki, a posebno redoks odgovor na eksterne stimuluse može biti drugačiji u zavisnosti od faze estrusnog ciklusa.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Serbian Biological Society",
journal = "Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia",
title = "Активност антиоксидативних ензима у утерусу је зависна од еструсног циклуса, Aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u uterusu je zavisna od estrusnog ciklusa",
pages = "390",
url = ""
Grahovac, T., Tatalović, N., Vidonja Uzelac, T., Slavić, M., Nikolić-Kokić, A., Blagojević, D.,& Oreščanin-Dušić, Z.. (2022). Активност антиоксидативних ензима у утерусу је зависна од еструсног циклуса. in Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia
Belgrade: Serbian Biological Society., 390.
Grahovac T, Tatalović N, Vidonja Uzelac T, Slavić M, Nikolić-Kokić A, Blagojević D, Oreščanin-Dušić Z. Активност антиоксидативних ензима у утерусу је зависна од еструсног циклуса. in Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia. 2022;:390. .
Grahovac, Tanja, Tatalović, Nikola, Vidonja Uzelac, Teodora, Slavić, Marija, Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra, Blagojević, Duško, Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana, "Активност антиоксидативних ензима у утерусу је зависна од еструсног циклуса" in Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia (2022):390, .

Chloride channels mediate sodium sulphide-induced relaxation in rat uteri

Mijušković, Ana; Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra; Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana; Slavić, Marija; Spasić, Mihajlo; Blagojević, Duško


AU  - Mijušković, Ana
AU  - Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra
AU  - Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Spasić, Mihajlo
AU  - Blagojević, Duško
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Background and PurposeHydrogen sulphide reduces uterine contractility
   and is of potential interest as a treatment for uterine disorders. The
   aim of this study was to explore the mechanism of sodium sulphide
   (Na2S)-induced relaxation of rat uterus, investigate the importance of
   redox effects and ion channel-mediated mechanisms, and any interactions
   between these two mechanisms.
   Experimental ApproachOrgan bath studies were employed to assess the
   pharmacological effects of Na2S in uterine strips by exposing them to
   Na2S with or without Cl- channel blockers (DIDS, NFA, IAA-94,
   T16Ainh-A01, TA), raised KCl (15 and 75mM), K+ channel inhibitors
   (glibenclamide, TEA, 4-AP), L-type Ca2+ channel activator (S-Bay K
   8644), propranolol and methylene blue. The activities of antioxidant
   enzymes were measured in homogenates of treated uteri. The expression of
   bestrophin channel 1 (BEST-1) was determined by Western blotting and
   Key ResultsNa(2)S caused concentration-dependent reversible relaxation
   of spontaneously active and calcium-treated uteri, affecting both
   amplitude and frequency of contractions. Uteri exposed to 75mM KCl were
   less sensitive to Na2S compared with uteri in 15mM KCl. Na2S-induced
   relaxations were abolished by DIDS, but unaffected by other modulators
   or by the absence of extracellular HCO3-, suggesting the involvement of
   chloride ion channels. Na2S in combination with different modulators
   provoked specific changes in the anti-oxidant profiles of uteri. The
   expression of BEST-1, both mRNA and protein, was demonstrated in rat
   Conclusions and ImplicationsThe relaxant effects of Na2S in rat uteri
   are mediated mainly via a DIDS-sensitive Cl--pathway. Components of the
   relaxation are redox- and Ca2+-dependent.
T2  - British Journal of Pharmacology
T1  - Chloride channels mediate sodium sulphide-induced relaxation in rat
IS  - 14, SI
VL  - 172
DO  - 10.1111/bph.13161
SP  - 3671
EP  - 3686
ER  - 
author = "Mijušković, Ana and Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra and Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana and Slavić, Marija and Spasić, Mihajlo and Blagojević, Duško",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Background and PurposeHydrogen sulphide reduces uterine contractility
   and is of potential interest as a treatment for uterine disorders. The
   aim of this study was to explore the mechanism of sodium sulphide
   (Na2S)-induced relaxation of rat uterus, investigate the importance of
   redox effects and ion channel-mediated mechanisms, and any interactions
   between these two mechanisms.
   Experimental ApproachOrgan bath studies were employed to assess the
   pharmacological effects of Na2S in uterine strips by exposing them to
   Na2S with or without Cl- channel blockers (DIDS, NFA, IAA-94,
   T16Ainh-A01, TA), raised KCl (15 and 75mM), K+ channel inhibitors
   (glibenclamide, TEA, 4-AP), L-type Ca2+ channel activator (S-Bay K
   8644), propranolol and methylene blue. The activities of antioxidant
   enzymes were measured in homogenates of treated uteri. The expression of
   bestrophin channel 1 (BEST-1) was determined by Western blotting and
   Key ResultsNa(2)S caused concentration-dependent reversible relaxation
   of spontaneously active and calcium-treated uteri, affecting both
   amplitude and frequency of contractions. Uteri exposed to 75mM KCl were
   less sensitive to Na2S compared with uteri in 15mM KCl. Na2S-induced
   relaxations were abolished by DIDS, but unaffected by other modulators
   or by the absence of extracellular HCO3-, suggesting the involvement of
   chloride ion channels. Na2S in combination with different modulators
   provoked specific changes in the anti-oxidant profiles of uteri. The
   expression of BEST-1, both mRNA and protein, was demonstrated in rat
   Conclusions and ImplicationsThe relaxant effects of Na2S in rat uteri
   are mediated mainly via a DIDS-sensitive Cl--pathway. Components of the
   relaxation are redox- and Ca2+-dependent.",
journal = "British Journal of Pharmacology",
title = "Chloride channels mediate sodium sulphide-induced relaxation in rat
number = "14, SI",
volume = "172",
doi = "10.1111/bph.13161",
pages = "3671-3686"
Mijušković, A., Nikolić-Kokić, A., Oreščanin-Dušić, Z., Slavić, M., Spasić, M.,& Blagojević, D.. (2015). Chloride channels mediate sodium sulphide-induced relaxation in rat
 uteri. in British Journal of Pharmacology, 172(14, SI), 3671-3686.
Mijušković A, Nikolić-Kokić A, Oreščanin-Dušić Z, Slavić M, Spasić M, Blagojević D. Chloride channels mediate sodium sulphide-induced relaxation in rat
 uteri. in British Journal of Pharmacology. 2015;172(14, SI):3671-3686.
doi:10.1111/bph.13161 .
Mijušković, Ana, Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra, Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana, Slavić, Marija, Spasić, Mihajlo, Blagojević, Duško, "Chloride channels mediate sodium sulphide-induced relaxation in rat
 uteri" in British Journal of Pharmacology, 172, no. 14, SI (2015):3671-3686, . .

An investigation of the mechanism of hydrogen sulphide mediated uterine relaxation

Mijušković, Ana; Dusić, ZO; Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra; Slavić, Marija; Milovanović, S; Blagojević, Duško; Spasić, Mihajlo


AU  - Mijušković, Ana
AU  - Dusić, ZO
AU  - Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Milovanović, S
AU  - Blagojević, Duško
AU  - Spasić, Mihajlo
PY  - 2013
UR  -
C3  - Febs Journal
T1  - An investigation of the mechanism of hydrogen sulphide mediated uterine relaxation
IS  - null
VL  - 280
SP  - 5
EP  - 185
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mijušković, Ana and Dusić, ZO and Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra and Slavić, Marija and Milovanović, S and Blagojević, Duško and Spasić, Mihajlo",
year = "2013",
journal = "Febs Journal",
title = "An investigation of the mechanism of hydrogen sulphide mediated uterine relaxation",
number = "null",
volume = "280",
pages = "5-185",
url = ""
Mijušković, A., Dusić, Z., Nikolić-Kokić, A., Slavić, M., Milovanović, S., Blagojević, D.,& Spasić, M.. (2013). An investigation of the mechanism of hydrogen sulphide mediated uterine relaxation. in Febs Journal, 280(null), 5-185.
Mijušković A, Dusić Z, Nikolić-Kokić A, Slavić M, Milovanović S, Blagojević D, Spasić M. An investigation of the mechanism of hydrogen sulphide mediated uterine relaxation. in Febs Journal. 2013;280(null):5-185. .
Mijušković, Ana, Dusić, ZO, Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra, Slavić, Marija, Milovanović, S, Blagojević, Duško, Spasić, Mihajlo, "An investigation of the mechanism of hydrogen sulphide mediated uterine relaxation" in Febs Journal, 280, no. null (2013):5-185, .

Erythrocyte SOD1 activity-role in bioavailability of NO and possible cause of 'duing back' phenomena in neurodegenerative diseases

Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra; Slavić, Marija; Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana; Spasić, Mihajlo; Stević, Zorica D; Rakocević-Stojanović, Vidosava M; Blagojević, Duško


AU  - Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana
AU  - Spasić, Mihajlo
AU  - Stević, Zorica D
AU  - Rakocević-Stojanović, Vidosava M
AU  - Blagojević, Duško
PY  - 2013
UR  -
C3  - Febs Journal
T1  - Erythrocyte SOD1 activity-role in bioavailability of NO and possible cause of 'duing back' phenomena in neurodegenerative diseases
IS  - null
VL  - 280
SP  - 114
EP  - 431
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra and Slavić, Marija and Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana and Spasić, Mihajlo and Stević, Zorica D and Rakocević-Stojanović, Vidosava M and Blagojević, Duško",
year = "2013",
journal = "Febs Journal",
title = "Erythrocyte SOD1 activity-role in bioavailability of NO and possible cause of 'duing back' phenomena in neurodegenerative diseases",
number = "null",
volume = "280",
pages = "114-431",
url = ""
Nikolić-Kokić, A., Slavić, M., Oreščanin Dušić, Z., Spasić, M., Stević, Z. D., Rakocević-Stojanović, V. M.,& Blagojević, D.. (2013). Erythrocyte SOD1 activity-role in bioavailability of NO and possible cause of 'duing back' phenomena in neurodegenerative diseases. in Febs Journal, 280(null), 114-431.
Nikolić-Kokić A, Slavić M, Oreščanin Dušić Z, Spasić M, Stević ZD, Rakocević-Stojanović VM, Blagojević D. Erythrocyte SOD1 activity-role in bioavailability of NO and possible cause of 'duing back' phenomena in neurodegenerative diseases. in Febs Journal. 2013;280(null):114-431. .
Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra, Slavić, Marija, Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana, Spasić, Mihajlo, Stević, Zorica D, Rakocević-Stojanović, Vidosava M, Blagojević, Duško, "Erythrocyte SOD1 activity-role in bioavailability of NO and possible cause of 'duing back' phenomena in neurodegenerative diseases" in Febs Journal, 280, no. null (2013):114-431, .

Fullerenol C-60(OH)(24) nanoparticles decrease relaxing effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on rat uterus spontaneous contraction

Slavić, Marija; Đorđević, Aleksandar N; Radojičić, Ratko M.; Milovanović, Slobodan R; Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana; Rakocević, Zlatko Lj; Spasić, Mihajlo; Blagojević, Duško


AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Đorđević, Aleksandar N
AU  - Radojičić, Ratko M.
AU  - Milovanović, Slobodan R
AU  - Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana
AU  - Rakocević, Zlatko Lj
AU  - Spasić, Mihajlo
AU  - Blagojević, Duško
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a widely used solvent and cryoprotectant that can cause impaired blood flow, reduction in intracranial pressure, tissue edema, inflammatory reactions, inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation, processes which can lead to atherosclerosis of the coronary, peripheral and cerebral circulation. Although the adverse effects are rare when DMSO is administered in clinically established concentrations, there is no safe antagonist for an overdose. In this work, we treated isolated spontaneous and calcium-induced contractile active rat uteri (Wistar, virgo intacta), with DMSO and fullerenol C-60(OH)(24) nanoparticle (FNP) in DMSO. FNP is a water-soluble derivative of fullerene C-60. Its size is a 1.1 nm in diameter and is a very promising candidate for a drug carrier in nanomedicine. FNP also displays free radical scavenging activity. DMSO decreased both spontaneous and calcium-induced contractions. In contrast, FNP only decreased spontaneous contraction. FNP decreased copper-zinc superoxide dismutase activity and prevented the DMSO-induced increase in glutathione reductase activity. Atomic force microscopy detected that FNP aggregated with calcium ions. Our results indicate that FNP has properties that make it a good candidate to be a modulator of DMSO activity which could minimize side effects of the latter.
T2  - Journal of Nanoparticle Research
T1  - Fullerenol C-60(OH)(24) nanoparticles decrease relaxing effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on rat uterus spontaneous contraction
IS  - 5
VL  - 15
SP  - 235
EP  - na
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Slavić, Marija and Đorđević, Aleksandar N and Radojičić, Ratko M. and Milovanović, Slobodan R and Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana and Rakocević, Zlatko Lj and Spasić, Mihajlo and Blagojević, Duško",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a widely used solvent and cryoprotectant that can cause impaired blood flow, reduction in intracranial pressure, tissue edema, inflammatory reactions, inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation, processes which can lead to atherosclerosis of the coronary, peripheral and cerebral circulation. Although the adverse effects are rare when DMSO is administered in clinically established concentrations, there is no safe antagonist for an overdose. In this work, we treated isolated spontaneous and calcium-induced contractile active rat uteri (Wistar, virgo intacta), with DMSO and fullerenol C-60(OH)(24) nanoparticle (FNP) in DMSO. FNP is a water-soluble derivative of fullerene C-60. Its size is a 1.1 nm in diameter and is a very promising candidate for a drug carrier in nanomedicine. FNP also displays free radical scavenging activity. DMSO decreased both spontaneous and calcium-induced contractions. In contrast, FNP only decreased spontaneous contraction. FNP decreased copper-zinc superoxide dismutase activity and prevented the DMSO-induced increase in glutathione reductase activity. Atomic force microscopy detected that FNP aggregated with calcium ions. Our results indicate that FNP has properties that make it a good candidate to be a modulator of DMSO activity which could minimize side effects of the latter.",
journal = "Journal of Nanoparticle Research",
title = "Fullerenol C-60(OH)(24) nanoparticles decrease relaxing effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on rat uterus spontaneous contraction",
number = "5",
volume = "15",
pages = "235-na",
url = ""
Slavić, M., Đorđević, A. N., Radojičić, R. M., Milovanović, S. R., Oreščanin Dušić, Z., Rakocević, Z. L., Spasić, M.,& Blagojević, D.. (2013). Fullerenol C-60(OH)(24) nanoparticles decrease relaxing effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on rat uterus spontaneous contraction. in Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15(5), 235-na.
Slavić M, Đorđević AN, Radojičić RM, Milovanović SR, Oreščanin Dušić Z, Rakocević ZL, Spasić M, Blagojević D. Fullerenol C-60(OH)(24) nanoparticles decrease relaxing effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on rat uterus spontaneous contraction. in Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2013;15(5):235-na. .
Slavić, Marija, Đorđević, Aleksandar N, Radojičić, Ratko M., Milovanović, Slobodan R, Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana, Rakocević, Zlatko Lj, Spasić, Mihajlo, Blagojević, Duško, "Fullerenol C-60(OH)(24) nanoparticles decrease relaxing effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on rat uterus spontaneous contraction" in Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15, no. 5 (2013):235-na, .

Efekti humane normalne i FALS mutirane L144P SOD1 na nevaskularne kontrakcije glatkih mišića

Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra; Blagojević, Duško; Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana; Slavić, Marija; Spasojević, Ivan; Stević, Zorica; Spasić, Mihajlo


AU  - Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra
AU  - Blagojević, Duško
AU  - Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Spasojević, Ivan
AU  - Stević, Zorica
AU  - Spasić, Mihajlo
PY  - 2013
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Background: Mutated copper, zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (SOD1) may self-aggregate, an event that could also be an initial cause of motor neuron malfunction leading to disease onset. The effects of human mutated SOD1 protein from the blood of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) patients bearing Leu144Phe (L144F) mutation were compared to wild-type (WT) human SOD1 derived from healthy examinees, for enzymatic activity and the effects on isometric contractions of non-vascular smooth muscle. Methods: We isolated WT and L144F SOD1 enzymes from eight patients with FALS, L144F mutation in exon 5 and eight healthy controls. We then investigated SOD1 activities in the obtained samples by the adrenaline method and profiled them electrophoretically. Finally, we applied WT and L144F SOD1 on the isolated rat uterus. Results: L144F SOD1 showed lower superoxide-dismutating activity compared to WT human SOD1. We found that, in contrast to WT human SOD1, mutated L144F does not induce smooth muscle relaxation. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the lack of relaxation of muscle tonus in the presence of mutated SOD1 may have pathogenic feedback effects in FALS.
AB  - Uvod: Mutirana bakar, cink superoksid-dizmutaza (SOD1) može da pravi agregate, sto predstavlja početni uzrok oštećenja motornog neurona može da izazove nastanak bolesti. U ovom radu su pokazani efekti humane bakar, cink super-oksid dizmutaze iz krvi pacijenata obolelih od familijarne amiotrofične lateralne skleroze (FALS) sa Leu144Phe (L144F) mutacijom i normalne (wild-type - WT) humane SOD1, iz krvi zdravih kontrola, na glatkom mišiću. Metode: Izolovali smo WT i L144F SOD1 enzime kod osam odabranih FALS pacijenata sa L144F mutacijom na egzonu 5 i pet zdravih kontrola. Dalje smo ispitivali aktivnost SOD1 u dobijenim uzorcima adrenalinskom metodom i elektro-foretski ih profilisali. Konačno, izolovanu WT i L144F SOD1 aplicirali smo na izolovani uterus pacova. Rezultati: Aktivnost L144F SOD1 je statistički značajno manja (p<0,05) u poređenju sa aktivnosti WT SOD1 zdravih kontrola. L144F ne izaziva relaksaciju glatkog mišića, kao sto je to slučaj sa WT SOD1. Zaključak: Naši rezultati pokazuju da izostanak relaksacije mišićnog tonusa u prisustvu mutirane SOD1 može imati štetni povratni efekat kod FALS pacijenata.
T2  - Journal of Medical Biochemistry
T1  - Efekti humane normalne i FALS mutirane L144P SOD1 na nevaskularne kontrakcije glatkih mišića
T1  - The effects of human wild-type and FALS mutant L144P SOD1 on non-vascular smooth muscle contractions
IS  - 4
VL  - 32
SP  - 375
EP  - 379
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra and Blagojević, Duško and Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana and Slavić, Marija and Spasojević, Ivan and Stević, Zorica and Spasić, Mihajlo",
year = "2013, 2013",
abstract = "Background: Mutated copper, zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (SOD1) may self-aggregate, an event that could also be an initial cause of motor neuron malfunction leading to disease onset. The effects of human mutated SOD1 protein from the blood of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) patients bearing Leu144Phe (L144F) mutation were compared to wild-type (WT) human SOD1 derived from healthy examinees, for enzymatic activity and the effects on isometric contractions of non-vascular smooth muscle. Methods: We isolated WT and L144F SOD1 enzymes from eight patients with FALS, L144F mutation in exon 5 and eight healthy controls. We then investigated SOD1 activities in the obtained samples by the adrenaline method and profiled them electrophoretically. Finally, we applied WT and L144F SOD1 on the isolated rat uterus. Results: L144F SOD1 showed lower superoxide-dismutating activity compared to WT human SOD1. We found that, in contrast to WT human SOD1, mutated L144F does not induce smooth muscle relaxation. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the lack of relaxation of muscle tonus in the presence of mutated SOD1 may have pathogenic feedback effects in FALS., Uvod: Mutirana bakar, cink superoksid-dizmutaza (SOD1) može da pravi agregate, sto predstavlja početni uzrok oštećenja motornog neurona može da izazove nastanak bolesti. U ovom radu su pokazani efekti humane bakar, cink super-oksid dizmutaze iz krvi pacijenata obolelih od familijarne amiotrofične lateralne skleroze (FALS) sa Leu144Phe (L144F) mutacijom i normalne (wild-type - WT) humane SOD1, iz krvi zdravih kontrola, na glatkom mišiću. Metode: Izolovali smo WT i L144F SOD1 enzime kod osam odabranih FALS pacijenata sa L144F mutacijom na egzonu 5 i pet zdravih kontrola. Dalje smo ispitivali aktivnost SOD1 u dobijenim uzorcima adrenalinskom metodom i elektro-foretski ih profilisali. Konačno, izolovanu WT i L144F SOD1 aplicirali smo na izolovani uterus pacova. Rezultati: Aktivnost L144F SOD1 je statistički značajno manja (p<0,05) u poređenju sa aktivnosti WT SOD1 zdravih kontrola. L144F ne izaziva relaksaciju glatkog mišića, kao sto je to slučaj sa WT SOD1. Zaključak: Naši rezultati pokazuju da izostanak relaksacije mišićnog tonusa u prisustvu mutirane SOD1 može imati štetni povratni efekat kod FALS pacijenata.",
journal = "Journal of Medical Biochemistry",
title = "Efekti humane normalne i FALS mutirane L144P SOD1 na nevaskularne kontrakcije glatkih mišića, The effects of human wild-type and FALS mutant L144P SOD1 on non-vascular smooth muscle contractions",
number = "4",
volume = "32",
pages = "375-379",
url = ""
Nikolić-Kokić, A., Blagojević, D., Oreščanin Dušić, Z., Slavić, M., Spasojević, I., Stević, Z.,& Spasić, M.. (2013). Efekti humane normalne i FALS mutirane L144P SOD1 na nevaskularne kontrakcije glatkih mišića. in Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 32(4), 375-379.
Nikolić-Kokić A, Blagojević D, Oreščanin Dušić Z, Slavić M, Spasojević I, Stević Z, Spasić M. Efekti humane normalne i FALS mutirane L144P SOD1 na nevaskularne kontrakcije glatkih mišića. in Journal of Medical Biochemistry. 2013;32(4):375-379. .
Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra, Blagojević, Duško, Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana, Slavić, Marija, Spasojević, Ivan, Stević, Zorica, Spasić, Mihajlo, "Efekti humane normalne i FALS mutirane L144P SOD1 na nevaskularne kontrakcije glatkih mišića" in Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 32, no. 4 (2013):375-379, .

The mechanisms responsible for neuroprotective capacity of arylpiperazine dopaminergic ligands against cell death induced by sodium nitroprusside

Ignjatović, Đurđica; Vojnović Milutinović, Danijela; Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra; Slavić, Marija; Andrić, Deana; Tomić, Mirko; Kostić-Rajačić, Slađana

(Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 2012)

AU  - Ignjatović, Đurđica
AU  - Vojnović Milutinović, Danijela
AU  - Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Andrić, Deana
AU  - Tomić, Mirko
AU  - Kostić-Rajačić, Slađana
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - A group of sixteen arylpiperazines had been previously synthesized and evaluated for atypical antipsychotic
activity. Here we examined these compounds for their neuroprotective capacity. The affinity and agonist/
antagonist action of the arylpiperazines at dopamine hD2S receptors were determined in vitro on membranes
from stably transfected CHO-hD2S cell line. The assays for cell viability and antioxidative capacity (total
glutathione and total superoxide dismutase activity), amount of nitric oxide and superoxide radicals, as
well as influence on prosurvival pathways (Akt and ERK), were performed on the human neuroblastoma
cell line SH-SY5Y. Cell death was induced by oxidative or nitrosative stress, or by growing cells in the medium
deprived of serum. Only four of the arylpiperazines exhibited notable neuroprotection against cell death
induced by sodium nitroprusside. Two of these arylpiperazines induced elevations of pAkt, while two other
compounds reduced the levels of pErk, whereas these actions are considered to support the cell survival.
The benzimidazole heteroaryl-group, that mimics catechol moiety of the dopamine molecule, might be the
prerequisite structure for the neuroprotective action of these ligands. It is postulated that neuroprotection
was acquired also by elevation of endogenous glutathione or total superoxide dismutase activity.
PB  - Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier
T2  - European Journal of Pharmacology
T1  - The mechanisms responsible for neuroprotective capacity of arylpiperazine dopaminergic ligands against cell death induced by sodium nitroprusside
IS  - 1-3
VL  - 683
DO  - 10.1016/j.ejphar.2012.03.011
SP  - 93
EP  - 100
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Đurđica and Vojnović Milutinović, Danijela and Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra and Slavić, Marija and Andrić, Deana and Tomić, Mirko and Kostić-Rajačić, Slađana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "A group of sixteen arylpiperazines had been previously synthesized and evaluated for atypical antipsychotic
activity. Here we examined these compounds for their neuroprotective capacity. The affinity and agonist/
antagonist action of the arylpiperazines at dopamine hD2S receptors were determined in vitro on membranes
from stably transfected CHO-hD2S cell line. The assays for cell viability and antioxidative capacity (total
glutathione and total superoxide dismutase activity), amount of nitric oxide and superoxide radicals, as
well as influence on prosurvival pathways (Akt and ERK), were performed on the human neuroblastoma
cell line SH-SY5Y. Cell death was induced by oxidative or nitrosative stress, or by growing cells in the medium
deprived of serum. Only four of the arylpiperazines exhibited notable neuroprotection against cell death
induced by sodium nitroprusside. Two of these arylpiperazines induced elevations of pAkt, while two other
compounds reduced the levels of pErk, whereas these actions are considered to support the cell survival.
The benzimidazole heteroaryl-group, that mimics catechol moiety of the dopamine molecule, might be the
prerequisite structure for the neuroprotective action of these ligands. It is postulated that neuroprotection
was acquired also by elevation of endogenous glutathione or total superoxide dismutase activity.",
publisher = "Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier",
journal = "European Journal of Pharmacology",
title = "The mechanisms responsible for neuroprotective capacity of arylpiperazine dopaminergic ligands against cell death induced by sodium nitroprusside",
number = "1-3",
volume = "683",
doi = "10.1016/j.ejphar.2012.03.011",
pages = "93-100"
Ignjatović, Đ., Vojnović Milutinović, D., Nikolić-Kokić, A., Slavić, M., Andrić, D., Tomić, M.,& Kostić-Rajačić, S.. (2012). The mechanisms responsible for neuroprotective capacity of arylpiperazine dopaminergic ligands against cell death induced by sodium nitroprusside. in European Journal of Pharmacology
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier., 683(1-3), 93-100.
Ignjatović Đ, Vojnović Milutinović D, Nikolić-Kokić A, Slavić M, Andrić D, Tomić M, Kostić-Rajačić S. The mechanisms responsible for neuroprotective capacity of arylpiperazine dopaminergic ligands against cell death induced by sodium nitroprusside. in European Journal of Pharmacology. 2012;683(1-3):93-100.
doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2012.03.011 .
Ignjatović, Đurđica, Vojnović Milutinović, Danijela, Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra, Slavić, Marija, Andrić, Deana, Tomić, Mirko, Kostić-Rajačić, Slađana, "The mechanisms responsible for neuroprotective capacity of arylpiperazine dopaminergic ligands against cell death induced by sodium nitroprusside" in European Journal of Pharmacology, 683, no. 1-3 (2012):93-100, . .

Effects of subacute oral warfarin administration on peripheral blood granulocytes in rats

Belij, Sandra; Miljković, Đorđe; Popov Aleksandrov, Aleksandra; Subota, Vesna S; Timotijević, Gordana S; Slavić, Marija; Mirkov, Ivana; Kataranovski, Dragan S.; Kataranovski, Milena


AU  - Belij, Sandra
AU  - Miljković, Đorđe
AU  - Popov Aleksandrov, Aleksandra
AU  - Subota, Vesna S
AU  - Timotijević, Gordana S
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Mirkov, Ivana
AU  - Kataranovski, Dragan S.
AU  - Kataranovski, Milena
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Warfarin affects mainly vitamin K dependent (VKD) processes, but the effects on some non-VKD-related activities such as tumor growth inhibition and mononuclear cell-mediated immune reactions were shown as well. In this study, the effect of subchronic (30 days) oral warfarin (0.35 mg/l and 3.5 mg/l) intake on peripheral blood granulocytes in rats was investigated. Increase in prothrombin and partial thromboplastin time at high warfarin dose reflected its basic activity. Priming effect for respiratory burst was noted at both warfarin doses, while only high warfarin dose resulted in priming for adhesion, the rise in intracellular myeloperoxidase content/release and stimulation of nitric oxide production. Differential effects of high warfarin dose were noted on granulocyte cytokines IL-6 (lack of the effect), TNF-alpha (decreased release and mRNA expression) and IL-12 (increase in mRNA for IL-12 subunits p35 and p40). Changes in granulocytes seems not to rely on mitogen activated kinases p38 and ERK. Warfarin intake was associated with an increase in circulating IL-6, fibrinogen and haptoglobin and with changes in the activity of erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase. The effects of oral warfarin intake on peripheral blood granulocytes demonstrated in this study might be relevant for oral anticoagulant therapy strategies in humans. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T2  - Food and Chemical Toxicology
T1  - Effects of subacute oral warfarin administration on peripheral blood granulocytes in rats
IS  - 5
VL  - 50
EP  - 1507
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Belij, Sandra and Miljković, Đorđe and Popov Aleksandrov, Aleksandra and Subota, Vesna S and Timotijević, Gordana S and Slavić, Marija and Mirkov, Ivana and Kataranovski, Dragan S. and Kataranovski, Milena",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Warfarin affects mainly vitamin K dependent (VKD) processes, but the effects on some non-VKD-related activities such as tumor growth inhibition and mononuclear cell-mediated immune reactions were shown as well. In this study, the effect of subchronic (30 days) oral warfarin (0.35 mg/l and 3.5 mg/l) intake on peripheral blood granulocytes in rats was investigated. Increase in prothrombin and partial thromboplastin time at high warfarin dose reflected its basic activity. Priming effect for respiratory burst was noted at both warfarin doses, while only high warfarin dose resulted in priming for adhesion, the rise in intracellular myeloperoxidase content/release and stimulation of nitric oxide production. Differential effects of high warfarin dose were noted on granulocyte cytokines IL-6 (lack of the effect), TNF-alpha (decreased release and mRNA expression) and IL-12 (increase in mRNA for IL-12 subunits p35 and p40). Changes in granulocytes seems not to rely on mitogen activated kinases p38 and ERK. Warfarin intake was associated with an increase in circulating IL-6, fibrinogen and haptoglobin and with changes in the activity of erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase. The effects of oral warfarin intake on peripheral blood granulocytes demonstrated in this study might be relevant for oral anticoagulant therapy strategies in humans. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.",
journal = "Food and Chemical Toxicology",
title = "Effects of subacute oral warfarin administration on peripheral blood granulocytes in rats",
number = "5",
volume = "50",
pages = "1507",
url = ""
Belij, S., Miljković, Đ., Popov Aleksandrov, A., Subota, V. S., Timotijević, G. S., Slavić, M., Mirkov, I., Kataranovski, D. S.,& Kataranovski, M.. (2012). Effects of subacute oral warfarin administration on peripheral blood granulocytes in rats. in Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50(5).
Belij S, Miljković Đ, Popov Aleksandrov A, Subota VS, Timotijević GS, Slavić M, Mirkov I, Kataranovski DS, Kataranovski M. Effects of subacute oral warfarin administration on peripheral blood granulocytes in rats. in Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2012;50(5):null-1507. .
Belij, Sandra, Miljković, Đorđe, Popov Aleksandrov, Aleksandra, Subota, Vesna S, Timotijević, Gordana S, Slavić, Marija, Mirkov, Ivana, Kataranovski, Dragan S., Kataranovski, Milena, "Effects of subacute oral warfarin administration on peripheral blood granulocytes in rats" in Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, no. 5 (2012), .

Tianeptine's effects on spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine smooth muscle contraction

Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana; Miljević, Cedo D; Slavić, Marija; Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra; Blagojević, Duško; Lecić-Tosevski, Dusica M; Spasić, Mihajlo


AU  - Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana
AU  - Miljević, Cedo D
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra
AU  - Blagojević, Duško
AU  - Lecić-Tosevski, Dusica M
AU  - Spasić, Mihajlo
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Tianeptine is a novel anti-depressant with an efficacy equivalent to that of classical anti-depressants. Additional beneficial effects include neuroprotection, anti-stress and anti-ulcer properties whose molecular mechanisms are still not completely understood but may involve changes in the anti-oxidant defence system. Herein, we have studied the effects of tianeptine on both contractile activity of isolated rat uteri and components of the endogenous anti-oxidative defence system. Tianeptine-induced dose-dependent inhibition of both spontaneous and Ca2+-induced contraction of uterine smooth muscle. The effect was more pronounced in the latter. Tianeptine treatment increased glutathione-peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase (CAT) activities in spontaneous and Ca2+-stimulated uteri. A significant decrease in glutathione-reductase (GR) activity in both spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine contractions after tianeptine treatment indicated a reduction in reduced glutathione and consequently a shift toward a more oxidised state in the treated uteri. In spontaneously contracting uteri, tianeptine caused a decrease in copper-zinc SOD (CuZnSOD) activity. Tianeptine's anti-depressant effects may be accomplished by triggering a cascade of cellular adaptations including inhibition of smooth muscle contractility and an adequate anti-oxidative protection response.
T2  - Acta Physiologica Hungarica
T1  - Tianeptine's effects on spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine smooth muscle contraction
IS  - 2
VL  - 99
EP  - 147
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana and Miljević, Cedo D and Slavić, Marija and Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra and Blagojević, Duško and Lecić-Tosevski, Dusica M and Spasić, Mihajlo",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Tianeptine is a novel anti-depressant with an efficacy equivalent to that of classical anti-depressants. Additional beneficial effects include neuroprotection, anti-stress and anti-ulcer properties whose molecular mechanisms are still not completely understood but may involve changes in the anti-oxidant defence system. Herein, we have studied the effects of tianeptine on both contractile activity of isolated rat uteri and components of the endogenous anti-oxidative defence system. Tianeptine-induced dose-dependent inhibition of both spontaneous and Ca2+-induced contraction of uterine smooth muscle. The effect was more pronounced in the latter. Tianeptine treatment increased glutathione-peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase (CAT) activities in spontaneous and Ca2+-stimulated uteri. A significant decrease in glutathione-reductase (GR) activity in both spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine contractions after tianeptine treatment indicated a reduction in reduced glutathione and consequently a shift toward a more oxidised state in the treated uteri. In spontaneously contracting uteri, tianeptine caused a decrease in copper-zinc SOD (CuZnSOD) activity. Tianeptine's anti-depressant effects may be accomplished by triggering a cascade of cellular adaptations including inhibition of smooth muscle contractility and an adequate anti-oxidative protection response.",
journal = "Acta Physiologica Hungarica",
title = "Tianeptine's effects on spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine smooth muscle contraction",
number = "2",
volume = "99",
pages = "147",
url = ""
Oreščanin Dušić, Z., Miljević, C. D., Slavić, M., Nikolić-Kokić, A., Blagojević, D., Lecić-Tosevski, D. M.,& Spasić, M.. (2012). Tianeptine's effects on spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine smooth muscle contraction. in Acta Physiologica Hungarica, 99(2).
Oreščanin Dušić Z, Miljević CD, Slavić M, Nikolić-Kokić A, Blagojević D, Lecić-Tosevski DM, Spasić M. Tianeptine's effects on spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine smooth muscle contraction. in Acta Physiologica Hungarica. 2012;99(2):null-147. .
Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana, Miljević, Cedo D, Slavić, Marija, Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra, Blagojević, Duško, Lecić-Tosevski, Dusica M, Spasić, Mihajlo, "Tianeptine's effects on spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine smooth muscle contraction" in Acta Physiologica Hungarica, 99, no. 2 (2012), .

Effect of indometacin pretreatment on protamine sulfate-mediated relaxation of the isolated rat uterus: the role of the antioxidative defense system

Kordić-Bojinović, Jelena; Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana; Slavić, Marija; Radojičić, Ratko; Spasić, Mihajlo; Milovanović, Slobodan; Blagojević, Duško

(Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o., 2011)

AU  - Kordić-Bojinović, Jelena
AU  - Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Radojičić, Ratko
AU  - Spasić, Mihajlo
AU  - Milovanović, Slobodan
AU  - Blagojević, Duško
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Previous results in this laboratory indicate that protamine sulfate (PS) evokes dose-dependent relaxation of both spontaneous and calcium ion-induced uterus activity mediated predominantly by potassium channels and, to a small extent, via alpha-adrenergic receptors or nitric oxide (NO)-dependent pathways. Indometacin is a nonselective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX 1 and COX 2) that has the ability to delay premature labor by reducing uterine contractions through the inhibition of prostanglandin synthesis in the
uterus. This study investigates the effects of indometacin (0.1 and 1 μg/ml) pretreatment on the PS-induced relaxation of isolated uterine smooth muscle.
Indometacin pretreatment per se did not change the activity of the uteri. However, indometacin significantly increased PS-induced relaxation of spontaneous uterine contractions. Indometacin pretreatment significantly decreased the magnitude and slope of PS induced relaxation of calcium ion-induced uterine contractions. Indometacin pretreatment increased CuZnSOD activity and slightly increased GR activity during spontaneous uterine contractions when compared to PS alone. In calcium ion-induced contractions, indometacin pretreatment increased CuZnSOD, GSH-Px and GR activities. These results suggest that, in addition to its COX inhibitory effects, indometacin influences the effects of PS. Therefore, it is possible that indometacin regulates diverse cell functions via its association with lipid membranes by altering micro-environments within the membranes. The above-mentioned processes appear to be partly mediated by redox processes involving ROS, lipid peroxides and antioxidant enzymes. The extent of the PS-mediated effect was different in spontaneous versus calcium ion-induced active uteri.
PB  - Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o.
T2  - Pharmacological Reports
T1  - Effect of indometacin pretreatment on protamine sulfate-mediated relaxation of the isolated rat uterus: the role of the antioxidative defense system
IS  - 4
VL  - 63
DO  - 10.1016/s1734-1140(11)70618-1
SP  - 1019
EP  - 1028
ER  - 
author = "Kordić-Bojinović, Jelena and Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana and Slavić, Marija and Radojičić, Ratko and Spasić, Mihajlo and Milovanović, Slobodan and Blagojević, Duško",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Previous results in this laboratory indicate that protamine sulfate (PS) evokes dose-dependent relaxation of both spontaneous and calcium ion-induced uterus activity mediated predominantly by potassium channels and, to a small extent, via alpha-adrenergic receptors or nitric oxide (NO)-dependent pathways. Indometacin is a nonselective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX 1 and COX 2) that has the ability to delay premature labor by reducing uterine contractions through the inhibition of prostanglandin synthesis in the
uterus. This study investigates the effects of indometacin (0.1 and 1 μg/ml) pretreatment on the PS-induced relaxation of isolated uterine smooth muscle.
Indometacin pretreatment per se did not change the activity of the uteri. However, indometacin significantly increased PS-induced relaxation of spontaneous uterine contractions. Indometacin pretreatment significantly decreased the magnitude and slope of PS induced relaxation of calcium ion-induced uterine contractions. Indometacin pretreatment increased CuZnSOD activity and slightly increased GR activity during spontaneous uterine contractions when compared to PS alone. In calcium ion-induced contractions, indometacin pretreatment increased CuZnSOD, GSH-Px and GR activities. These results suggest that, in addition to its COX inhibitory effects, indometacin influences the effects of PS. Therefore, it is possible that indometacin regulates diverse cell functions via its association with lipid membranes by altering micro-environments within the membranes. The above-mentioned processes appear to be partly mediated by redox processes involving ROS, lipid peroxides and antioxidant enzymes. The extent of the PS-mediated effect was different in spontaneous versus calcium ion-induced active uteri.",
publisher = "Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o.",
journal = "Pharmacological Reports",
title = "Effect of indometacin pretreatment on protamine sulfate-mediated relaxation of the isolated rat uterus: the role of the antioxidative defense system",
number = "4",
volume = "63",
doi = "10.1016/s1734-1140(11)70618-1",
pages = "1019-1028"
Kordić-Bojinović, J., Oreščanin-Dušić, Z., Slavić, M., Radojičić, R., Spasić, M., Milovanović, S.,& Blagojević, D.. (2011). Effect of indometacin pretreatment on protamine sulfate-mediated relaxation of the isolated rat uterus: the role of the antioxidative defense system. in Pharmacological Reports
Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o.., 63(4), 1019-1028.
Kordić-Bojinović J, Oreščanin-Dušić Z, Slavić M, Radojičić R, Spasić M, Milovanović S, Blagojević D. Effect of indometacin pretreatment on protamine sulfate-mediated relaxation of the isolated rat uterus: the role of the antioxidative defense system. in Pharmacological Reports. 2011;63(4):1019-1028.
doi:10.1016/s1734-1140(11)70618-1 .
Kordić-Bojinović, Jelena, Oreščanin-Dušić, Zorana, Slavić, Marija, Radojičić, Ratko, Spasić, Mihajlo, Milovanović, Slobodan, Blagojević, Duško, "Effect of indometacin pretreatment on protamine sulfate-mediated relaxation of the isolated rat uterus: the role of the antioxidative defense system" in Pharmacological Reports, 63, no. 4 (2011):1019-1028, . .

Direktni farmakološki efekti fulerenola C60(OH)24 na modelu izolovanog glatkog mišića pacova i uloga antioksidativnog sistema

Slavić, Marija

(Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, 2011)

AU  - Slavić, Marija
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Fuleren C60 je alotropska modifikacija ugljenika i on, kao i njegovi derivati, već imaju
značajan uticaj na razvoj biomedicinske nanotehnologije. Potencijal nanočestica je veliki, a u
slučaju fulerena najveći je njegova primena kao finog biomarkera u molekularnoj dijagnostici.
Ispitivanja polihidroksilovanih derivata fulerena pokazali su da oni imaju širok spektar
bioloških efekata. Fulerenol C60(OH)24, vodorastvorni derivat fulerena C60, privlači veliku
pažnju istraživača. Najviše je ispitivana njegova sposobnost fotosenzitivnosti, kao i
sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala (free radical “sponge” ili free radical scavenger).
Takođe, u žiži interesovanja su i anitproliferativna i antikancerogena dejstva ove supstance.
Zbog specifične strukture koja podseća na fudbalsku loptu, kandidat je za ulogu nosača
supstanci i lekova. Ovakva primena lekova omogućila bi njihovo specifično delovanje na
ciljne ćelije ili tkivo. Pokazano je, takođe, da fulerenol ima sposobnost interakcije sa dsDNK,
što je veoma značajno sa aspekta razumevanja penetracije ove nanočestice kroz membranu
ćelije i njegove intraćelijske aktivnosti.
 Potencijalna široka primena fulerenola u biomedicini zahteva i obimna farmakološka i
toksikološka ispitivanja. Do sada ima malo rezultata farmakoloških ispitivanja fulerenola a
direktni farmakološki efekti dobijeni aplikacijom fulerenola na izolovane organe koji
poseduju glatku muskulaturu su sporadično ispitivani.
 S druge strane, supstanca koja se već dugo istražuje ali je, po nekima, i dalje nedovoljno
prisutna u farmakologiji je dimetil sulfoksid (DMSO). Osim što je odličan rastvarač, topikalni
analgetik i nosač supstanci, DMSO-u se pripisuje sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala i
smatra se da ima pozitivne efekte na oštećenja kardiovaskularnog sistema, centralnog nervnog
sistema, bubrežna oboljenja, defekte u strukturi vezivnog tkiva itd.
 Promene koje fulerenol i DMSO mogu izazvati na kontraktilnost glatke muskulature su
izuzetno važne za mogućnost njihove šire primene u medicini i farmakologiji.
Ileum je kao deo digestivnog trakta, veoma značajan model sistem za izučavanje dejstva
supstance koja bi se potencijalno mogla koristiti u farmakologiji.
 Uterus pokazuje promene tokom mesečnog ciklusa, kako u kontraktilnosti, tako i u sastavu
mikroflore i aktivnosti enzima antioksidativne zaštite.
 Ispitivane supstance mogu uticati na promene parametara kao što su: frekvenca,
amplituda, trajanje i smer propagacije kontrakcija.
AB  - Fullerene (C60) is the carbon allotrope and as its derivatives already has a significant
impact on biomedical nanotechnology. The potential of nanoparticles is large but one of the
most relevant biological features of fullerene is its application as a biomarker in molecular
diagnostics. Polyhidroxylated fullerene derivatives have been shown to display a wide range
of biological effects. Fullerenol C60(OH)24, as a soluble derivative of fullerene C60, attracts the
attention of a number of researchers. The most studied features of fullerenol are
photosensitization and the ability to quench various free radicals, behaving as a free radical
“sponge” or free radical scavenger. Anitproliferative and anti-cancer properties of this
substance are also in the spotlight. Due to its specific structure that resembles a soccer ball,
fullerenol is a candidate for a drug carrier. This could enable specific action on target cells or
tissue. Ability of fullerenol to interact with dsDNK has also been demonstrated, which is very
important in understanding the penetration of nanoparticles through the cell membrane and
their intracellular activities.
 Potentially wide application of fullerenol in biomedicine requires extensive
pharmacological and toxicological investigations. Pharmacological tests and direct
pharmacological effects obtained from application of fullerenol on isolated organs that
possess smooth musculature were investigated only sporadically.
 On the other hand, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has long been investigated but is,
according to some, still insufficiently represented in the pharmacology. Besides being an
excellent solvent, topical analgetic and drug carrier, DMSO has the ability to remove free
radicals and is considered to have positive effects on the damage of cardiovascular system,
central nervous system, renal disease, defects in the structure of connective tissue etc.
 Both fullerenol and DMSO can cause changes in the contractility of smooth muscles,
which is extremely important for their potentially wider application in pharmacology.
 Ileum, as a part of the digestive tract is an important model system for the investigation of
a substance that could potentially be used in pharmacology. Uterus contractility, microflora and the activity of antioxidative enzymes change during menstrual cycle. Investigated
substances can change parameters of contraction, such as: frequency, amplitude, duration and
PB  - Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
T2  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
T1  - Direktni farmakološki efekti fulerenola C60(OH)24 na modelu izolovanog glatkog mišića pacova i uloga antioksidativnog sistema
T1  - Direct pharmacological effects of fullerenol С60(ОН)24 on an isolated 
rat smooth muscle model and the role of the antioxidant system
SP  - 1
EP  - 140
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Slavić, Marija",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Fuleren C60 je alotropska modifikacija ugljenika i on, kao i njegovi derivati, već imaju
značajan uticaj na razvoj biomedicinske nanotehnologije. Potencijal nanočestica je veliki, a u
slučaju fulerena najveći je njegova primena kao finog biomarkera u molekularnoj dijagnostici.
Ispitivanja polihidroksilovanih derivata fulerena pokazali su da oni imaju širok spektar
bioloških efekata. Fulerenol C60(OH)24, vodorastvorni derivat fulerena C60, privlači veliku
pažnju istraživača. Najviše je ispitivana njegova sposobnost fotosenzitivnosti, kao i
sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala (free radical “sponge” ili free radical scavenger).
Takođe, u žiži interesovanja su i anitproliferativna i antikancerogena dejstva ove supstance.
Zbog specifične strukture koja podseća na fudbalsku loptu, kandidat je za ulogu nosača
supstanci i lekova. Ovakva primena lekova omogućila bi njihovo specifično delovanje na
ciljne ćelije ili tkivo. Pokazano je, takođe, da fulerenol ima sposobnost interakcije sa dsDNK,
što je veoma značajno sa aspekta razumevanja penetracije ove nanočestice kroz membranu
ćelije i njegove intraćelijske aktivnosti.
 Potencijalna široka primena fulerenola u biomedicini zahteva i obimna farmakološka i
toksikološka ispitivanja. Do sada ima malo rezultata farmakoloških ispitivanja fulerenola a
direktni farmakološki efekti dobijeni aplikacijom fulerenola na izolovane organe koji
poseduju glatku muskulaturu su sporadično ispitivani.
 S druge strane, supstanca koja se već dugo istražuje ali je, po nekima, i dalje nedovoljno
prisutna u farmakologiji je dimetil sulfoksid (DMSO). Osim što je odličan rastvarač, topikalni
analgetik i nosač supstanci, DMSO-u se pripisuje sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala i
smatra se da ima pozitivne efekte na oštećenja kardiovaskularnog sistema, centralnog nervnog
sistema, bubrežna oboljenja, defekte u strukturi vezivnog tkiva itd.
 Promene koje fulerenol i DMSO mogu izazvati na kontraktilnost glatke muskulature su
izuzetno važne za mogućnost njihove šire primene u medicini i farmakologiji.
Ileum je kao deo digestivnog trakta, veoma značajan model sistem za izučavanje dejstva
supstance koja bi se potencijalno mogla koristiti u farmakologiji.
 Uterus pokazuje promene tokom mesečnog ciklusa, kako u kontraktilnosti, tako i u sastavu
mikroflore i aktivnosti enzima antioksidativne zaštite.
 Ispitivane supstance mogu uticati na promene parametara kao što su: frekvenca,
amplituda, trajanje i smer propagacije kontrakcija., Fullerene (C60) is the carbon allotrope and as its derivatives already has a significant
impact on biomedical nanotechnology. The potential of nanoparticles is large but one of the
most relevant biological features of fullerene is its application as a biomarker in molecular
diagnostics. Polyhidroxylated fullerene derivatives have been shown to display a wide range
of biological effects. Fullerenol C60(OH)24, as a soluble derivative of fullerene C60, attracts the
attention of a number of researchers. The most studied features of fullerenol are
photosensitization and the ability to quench various free radicals, behaving as a free radical
“sponge” or free radical scavenger. Anitproliferative and anti-cancer properties of this
substance are also in the spotlight. Due to its specific structure that resembles a soccer ball,
fullerenol is a candidate for a drug carrier. This could enable specific action on target cells or
tissue. Ability of fullerenol to interact with dsDNK has also been demonstrated, which is very
important in understanding the penetration of nanoparticles through the cell membrane and
their intracellular activities.
 Potentially wide application of fullerenol in biomedicine requires extensive
pharmacological and toxicological investigations. Pharmacological tests and direct
pharmacological effects obtained from application of fullerenol on isolated organs that
possess smooth musculature were investigated only sporadically.
 On the other hand, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has long been investigated but is,
according to some, still insufficiently represented in the pharmacology. Besides being an
excellent solvent, topical analgetic and drug carrier, DMSO has the ability to remove free
radicals and is considered to have positive effects on the damage of cardiovascular system,
central nervous system, renal disease, defects in the structure of connective tissue etc.
 Both fullerenol and DMSO can cause changes in the contractility of smooth muscles,
which is extremely important for their potentially wider application in pharmacology.
 Ileum, as a part of the digestive tract is an important model system for the investigation of
a substance that could potentially be used in pharmacology. Uterus contractility, microflora and the activity of antioxidative enzymes change during menstrual cycle. Investigated
substances can change parameters of contraction, such as: frequency, amplitude, duration and
publisher = "Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology",
journal = "University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology",
title = "Direktni farmakološki efekti fulerenola C60(OH)24 na modelu izolovanog glatkog mišića pacova i uloga antioksidativnog sistema, Direct pharmacological effects of fullerenol С60(ОН)24 on an isolated 
rat smooth muscle model and the role of the antioxidant system",
pages = "1-140",
url = ""
Slavić, M.. (2011). Direktni farmakološki efekti fulerenola C60(OH)24 na modelu izolovanog glatkog mišića pacova i uloga antioksidativnog sistema. in University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology., 1-140.
Slavić M. Direktni farmakološki efekti fulerenola C60(OH)24 na modelu izolovanog glatkog mišića pacova i uloga antioksidativnog sistema. in University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology. 2011;:1-140. .
Slavić, Marija, "Direktni farmakološki efekti fulerenola C60(OH)24 na modelu izolovanog glatkog mišića pacova i uloga antioksidativnog sistema" in University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology (2011):1-140, .

Induction of energy metabolism related enzymes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to ibogaine is adaptation to acute decrease in ATP energy pool

Jamnik, Polona; Paskulin, Roman; Obermajer, Natasa; Slavić, Marija; Strukelj, Borut


AU  - Jamnik, Polona
AU  - Paskulin, Roman
AU  - Obermajer, Natasa
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Strukelj, Borut
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Ibogaine has been extensively studied in the last decades in relation to its anti-addictive properties that have been repeatedly reported as being addiction interruptive and craving eliminative. In our previous study we have already demonstrated induction of energy related enzymes in rat brains treated with ibogaine at a dose of 20 mg/kg i.p. 24 and 72 h prior to proteomic analysis. In this study a model organism yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cultivated with ibogaine in a concentration of 1 mg/l. Energy metabolism cluster enzymes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase, enolase and alcohol dehydrogenase were induced after 5 h of exposure. This is a compensation of demonstrated ATP pool decrease after ibogaine. Yeast in a stationary growth phase is an accepted model for studies of housekeeping metabolism of eukaryotes, including humans. Study showed that ibogaine's influence on metabolism is neither species nor tissue specific. Effect is not mediated by binding of ibogaine to receptors, as previously described in literature since they are lacking in this model. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T2  - European Journal of Pharmacology
T1  - Induction of energy metabolism related enzymes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to ibogaine is adaptation to acute decrease in ATP energy pool
IS  - 1-3
VL  - 627
EP  - 135
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jamnik, Polona and Paskulin, Roman and Obermajer, Natasa and Slavić, Marija and Strukelj, Borut",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Ibogaine has been extensively studied in the last decades in relation to its anti-addictive properties that have been repeatedly reported as being addiction interruptive and craving eliminative. In our previous study we have already demonstrated induction of energy related enzymes in rat brains treated with ibogaine at a dose of 20 mg/kg i.p. 24 and 72 h prior to proteomic analysis. In this study a model organism yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cultivated with ibogaine in a concentration of 1 mg/l. Energy metabolism cluster enzymes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase, enolase and alcohol dehydrogenase were induced after 5 h of exposure. This is a compensation of demonstrated ATP pool decrease after ibogaine. Yeast in a stationary growth phase is an accepted model for studies of housekeeping metabolism of eukaryotes, including humans. Study showed that ibogaine's influence on metabolism is neither species nor tissue specific. Effect is not mediated by binding of ibogaine to receptors, as previously described in literature since they are lacking in this model. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.",
journal = "European Journal of Pharmacology",
title = "Induction of energy metabolism related enzymes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to ibogaine is adaptation to acute decrease in ATP energy pool",
number = "1-3",
volume = "627",
pages = "135",
url = ""
Jamnik, P., Paskulin, R., Obermajer, N., Slavić, M.,& Strukelj, B.. (2010). Induction of energy metabolism related enzymes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to ibogaine is adaptation to acute decrease in ATP energy pool. in European Journal of Pharmacology, 627(1-3).
Jamnik P, Paskulin R, Obermajer N, Slavić M, Strukelj B. Induction of energy metabolism related enzymes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to ibogaine is adaptation to acute decrease in ATP energy pool. in European Journal of Pharmacology. 2010;627(1-3):null-135. .
Jamnik, Polona, Paskulin, Roman, Obermajer, Natasa, Slavić, Marija, Strukelj, Borut, "Induction of energy metabolism related enzymes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to ibogaine is adaptation to acute decrease in ATP energy pool" in European Journal of Pharmacology, 627, no. 1-3 (2010), .

Hydrogen peroxide affects contractile activity and anti-oxidant enzymes in rat uterus

Appiah, Isabella; Milovanović, Slobodan R; Radojičić, Ratko M.; Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra; Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana; Slavić, Marija; Trbojević, Stevan; Skrbić, Ranko; Spasić, Mihajlo; Blagojević, Duško


AU  - Appiah, Isabella
AU  - Milovanović, Slobodan R
AU  - Radojičić, Ratko M.
AU  - Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra
AU  - Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Trbojević, Stevan
AU  - Skrbić, Ranko
AU  - Spasić, Mihajlo
AU  - Blagojević, Duško
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - Background and purpose: The effects of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) on uterine smooth muscle are not well studied. We have investigated the effect and the mechanism of action of exogenous hydrogen peroxide on rat uteri contractile activity [spontaneous and calcium ion (Ca2+)-induced] and the effect of such treatment on anti-oxidative enzyme activities. Experimental approach: Uteri were isolated from virgin Wistar rats and suspended in an organ bath. Uteri were allowed to contract spontaneously or in the presence of Ca2+ (6 mM) and treated with H(2)O(2) (2 mu M-3 mM) over 2 h. Anti-oxidative enzyme activities (manganese superoxide dismutase-MnSOD, copper-zinc superoxide dismutase-CuZnSOD, catalase-CAT, glutathione peroxidase-GSHPx and glutathione reductase-GR) in H(2)O(2)-treated uteri were compared with those in uteri immediately frozen after isolation or undergoing spontaneous or Ca2+-induced contractions, without treatment with H(2)O(2). The effect of inhibitors (propranolol, methylene blue, L-NAME, tetraethylamonium, glibenclamide and 4-aminopyridine) on H(2)O(2)-mediated relaxation was explored. Key results: H(2)O(2) caused concentration-dependent relaxation of both spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine contractions. After H(2)O(2) treatment, GSHPx and MnSOD activities were increased, while CuZnSOD and GR (In Ca2+-induced rat uteri) were decreased. N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester antagonized the effect of H(2)O(2) on Ca2+-induced contractions. H(2)O(2)-induced relaxation was not affected by propranolol, potentiated by methylene blue and antagonized by tetraethylamonium, 4-aminopyridine and glibenclamide, with the last compound being the least effective. Conclusions and implications: H(2)O(2) induced dose-dependent relaxation of isolated rat uteri mainly via changes in voltage-dependent potassium channels. Decreasing generation of reactive oxygen species by stimulation of anti-oxidative pathways may lead to new approaches to the management of dysfunctional uteri.
T2  - British Journal of Pharmacology
T1  - Hydrogen peroxide affects contractile activity and anti-oxidant enzymes in rat uterus
IS  - 8
VL  - 158
EP  - 1941
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Appiah, Isabella and Milovanović, Slobodan R and Radojičić, Ratko M. and Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra and Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana and Slavić, Marija and Trbojević, Stevan and Skrbić, Ranko and Spasić, Mihajlo and Blagojević, Duško",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Background and purpose: The effects of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) on uterine smooth muscle are not well studied. We have investigated the effect and the mechanism of action of exogenous hydrogen peroxide on rat uteri contractile activity [spontaneous and calcium ion (Ca2+)-induced] and the effect of such treatment on anti-oxidative enzyme activities. Experimental approach: Uteri were isolated from virgin Wistar rats and suspended in an organ bath. Uteri were allowed to contract spontaneously or in the presence of Ca2+ (6 mM) and treated with H(2)O(2) (2 mu M-3 mM) over 2 h. Anti-oxidative enzyme activities (manganese superoxide dismutase-MnSOD, copper-zinc superoxide dismutase-CuZnSOD, catalase-CAT, glutathione peroxidase-GSHPx and glutathione reductase-GR) in H(2)O(2)-treated uteri were compared with those in uteri immediately frozen after isolation or undergoing spontaneous or Ca2+-induced contractions, without treatment with H(2)O(2). The effect of inhibitors (propranolol, methylene blue, L-NAME, tetraethylamonium, glibenclamide and 4-aminopyridine) on H(2)O(2)-mediated relaxation was explored. Key results: H(2)O(2) caused concentration-dependent relaxation of both spontaneous and Ca2+-induced uterine contractions. After H(2)O(2) treatment, GSHPx and MnSOD activities were increased, while CuZnSOD and GR (In Ca2+-induced rat uteri) were decreased. N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester antagonized the effect of H(2)O(2) on Ca2+-induced contractions. H(2)O(2)-induced relaxation was not affected by propranolol, potentiated by methylene blue and antagonized by tetraethylamonium, 4-aminopyridine and glibenclamide, with the last compound being the least effective. Conclusions and implications: H(2)O(2) induced dose-dependent relaxation of isolated rat uteri mainly via changes in voltage-dependent potassium channels. Decreasing generation of reactive oxygen species by stimulation of anti-oxidative pathways may lead to new approaches to the management of dysfunctional uteri.",
journal = "British Journal of Pharmacology",
title = "Hydrogen peroxide affects contractile activity and anti-oxidant enzymes in rat uterus",
number = "8",
volume = "158",
pages = "1941",
url = ""
Appiah, I., Milovanović, S. R., Radojičić, R. M., Nikolić-Kokić, A., Oreščanin Dušić, Z., Slavić, M., Trbojević, S., Skrbić, R., Spasić, M.,& Blagojević, D.. (2009). Hydrogen peroxide affects contractile activity and anti-oxidant enzymes in rat uterus. in British Journal of Pharmacology, 158(8).
Appiah I, Milovanović SR, Radojičić RM, Nikolić-Kokić A, Oreščanin Dušić Z, Slavić M, Trbojević S, Skrbić R, Spasić M, Blagojević D. Hydrogen peroxide affects contractile activity and anti-oxidant enzymes in rat uterus. in British Journal of Pharmacology. 2009;158(8):null-1941. .
Appiah, Isabella, Milovanović, Slobodan R, Radojičić, Ratko M., Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra, Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana, Slavić, Marija, Trbojević, Stevan, Skrbić, Ranko, Spasić, Mihajlo, Blagojević, Duško, "Hydrogen peroxide affects contractile activity and anti-oxidant enzymes in rat uterus" in British Journal of Pharmacology, 158, no. 8 (2009), .

Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze u animalnoj ćelijskoj kulturi CHO-K1 nakon tretmana fulerenolom i mitomicinom C

Bogdanović, Višnja; Slavić, Marija; Mrđanović, Jasminka; Šolajić, Slavica; Đorđević, Aleksandar


AU  - Bogdanović, Višnja
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Mrđanović, Jasminka
AU  - Šolajić, Slavica
AU  - Đorđević, Aleksandar
PY  - 2009
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - Eukaryotic cell survives in predominantly reduced conditions. Homeostasis of cellular redox system is an imperative of cell surviving and its normal metabolism. ROS are well recognized for playing a dual role as both deleterious and beneficial species, since they can be either harmful or beneficial to living systems. These species are mutagenic compounds known to lead to DNA damage, favor cell transformation, and contribute to the development of a variety of malignant diseases. All the effects of oxidants are influenced by the cellular antioxidant defenses. This multilayer system consists of low molecular weight components and several antioxidant enzymes. Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are the only enzymes dismuting superoxide radicals. Mitomycin C, a cross-linking agent, demonstrated genotoxicity in all in vitro and in vivo test systems in mammalian cells and animals. Water-soluble fullerenes are well known as cytotoxic agents for many cell lines in vitro. At the other side, fullerenols are good free radical scavengers and antioxidants both in vitro and in vivo. This paper investigates the effects of fullerenol on survival and fullerenol/ /mytomicine (MMC) treatment on superoxide-dismutase (SOD) activity in CHO-K1 cells. Samples were treated 3 and 24 h with fullerenol (C60(OH)24) at concentration range 0.01-0.5 mg/mL and survival was monitored with dye exclusion test (DET). The activity of total SOD was estimated in samples treated with chosen concentrations of fullerenol and MMC (0.5 and 0.1 mg/mL) after 3 and 24 h of cell incubation. Increasing of C60(OH)24 concentration leads to decreasing of percent of surviving cells 3 and 24 h after incubation. The activity of total SOD enhanced with higher concentration of fullerenol, while decreased in the highest concentration at both experimental points. In samples treated with MMC, as well as in samples treated with fullerenol (0.0625 mg/mL) + MMC was noticed boost in total SOD activity in comparison with controls. Treatment with fullerenol decreased SOD activity in rest of samples treated with MMC. Decreased activity of superoxide-dismutase in almost all samples treated with fullerenol and MMC might be contributed to antioxidative properties of fullerenol. Increased enzyme level at concentration of 0.0625 mg/mL may be due to its prooxidative activity.
AB  - U ovom radu ispitivani su efekti fulerenola (C60(OH)24) na preživljavanje, kao i tretmana fulerenolom i mitomicinom c (MMC) na aktivnost ukupne superoksid-dismutaze u CHO-K1 (ovarijalnih ćelija hrčka) ćelijskoj liniji. U uzorcima ćelija tretiranim fulerenolom koncentracija 0,01-0,5 mg/mL, praćeno je preživljavanje testom odbacivanja boje (DET) u 3 i 24 h tretmanu. Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze (SOD) merena je u uzorcima tretiranim fulerenolom izabranih koncentracija i mitomicinom c (0,5 i 0,1 mg/mL) nakon 3 i 24 h. Sa porastom koncentracije (C60(OH)24) opada procenat preživelih ćelija tokom 3 i 24 h. Aktivnost SOD raste sa porastom koncentracije fulerenola i u najvećoj koncentraciji opada u obe vremenske tačke eksperimenta. U uzorcima tretiranim fulerenolom i MMC došlo je do smanjenja aktivnosti SOD, izuzev pri koncentraciji fulerenola od 0,0625 mg/mL, kada je zapažen porast aktivnosti SOD u odnosu na kontrolne grupe.
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze u animalnoj ćelijskoj kulturi CHO-K1 nakon tretmana fulerenolom i mitomicinom C
T1  - The activity of superoxide-dismutase in animal cell culture CHO-K1 after treatment with fullerenol and mytomicine C
IS  - 3
VL  - 63
SP  - 143
EP  - 149
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bogdanović, Višnja and Slavić, Marija and Mrđanović, Jasminka and Šolajić, Slavica and Đorđević, Aleksandar",
year = "2009, 2009",
abstract = "Eukaryotic cell survives in predominantly reduced conditions. Homeostasis of cellular redox system is an imperative of cell surviving and its normal metabolism. ROS are well recognized for playing a dual role as both deleterious and beneficial species, since they can be either harmful or beneficial to living systems. These species are mutagenic compounds known to lead to DNA damage, favor cell transformation, and contribute to the development of a variety of malignant diseases. All the effects of oxidants are influenced by the cellular antioxidant defenses. This multilayer system consists of low molecular weight components and several antioxidant enzymes. Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are the only enzymes dismuting superoxide radicals. Mitomycin C, a cross-linking agent, demonstrated genotoxicity in all in vitro and in vivo test systems in mammalian cells and animals. Water-soluble fullerenes are well known as cytotoxic agents for many cell lines in vitro. At the other side, fullerenols are good free radical scavengers and antioxidants both in vitro and in vivo. This paper investigates the effects of fullerenol on survival and fullerenol/ /mytomicine (MMC) treatment on superoxide-dismutase (SOD) activity in CHO-K1 cells. Samples were treated 3 and 24 h with fullerenol (C60(OH)24) at concentration range 0.01-0.5 mg/mL and survival was monitored with dye exclusion test (DET). The activity of total SOD was estimated in samples treated with chosen concentrations of fullerenol and MMC (0.5 and 0.1 mg/mL) after 3 and 24 h of cell incubation. Increasing of C60(OH)24 concentration leads to decreasing of percent of surviving cells 3 and 24 h after incubation. The activity of total SOD enhanced with higher concentration of fullerenol, while decreased in the highest concentration at both experimental points. In samples treated with MMC, as well as in samples treated with fullerenol (0.0625 mg/mL) + MMC was noticed boost in total SOD activity in comparison with controls. Treatment with fullerenol decreased SOD activity in rest of samples treated with MMC. Decreased activity of superoxide-dismutase in almost all samples treated with fullerenol and MMC might be contributed to antioxidative properties of fullerenol. Increased enzyme level at concentration of 0.0625 mg/mL may be due to its prooxidative activity., U ovom radu ispitivani su efekti fulerenola (C60(OH)24) na preživljavanje, kao i tretmana fulerenolom i mitomicinom c (MMC) na aktivnost ukupne superoksid-dismutaze u CHO-K1 (ovarijalnih ćelija hrčka) ćelijskoj liniji. U uzorcima ćelija tretiranim fulerenolom koncentracija 0,01-0,5 mg/mL, praćeno je preživljavanje testom odbacivanja boje (DET) u 3 i 24 h tretmanu. Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze (SOD) merena je u uzorcima tretiranim fulerenolom izabranih koncentracija i mitomicinom c (0,5 i 0,1 mg/mL) nakon 3 i 24 h. Sa porastom koncentracije (C60(OH)24) opada procenat preživelih ćelija tokom 3 i 24 h. Aktivnost SOD raste sa porastom koncentracije fulerenola i u najvećoj koncentraciji opada u obe vremenske tačke eksperimenta. U uzorcima tretiranim fulerenolom i MMC došlo je do smanjenja aktivnosti SOD, izuzev pri koncentraciji fulerenola od 0,0625 mg/mL, kada je zapažen porast aktivnosti SOD u odnosu na kontrolne grupe.",
journal = "Hemijska industrija",
title = "Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze u animalnoj ćelijskoj kulturi CHO-K1 nakon tretmana fulerenolom i mitomicinom C, The activity of superoxide-dismutase in animal cell culture CHO-K1 after treatment with fullerenol and mytomicine C",
number = "3",
volume = "63",
pages = "143-149",
url = ""
Bogdanović, V., Slavić, M., Mrđanović, J., Šolajić, S.,& Đorđević, A.. (2009). Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze u animalnoj ćelijskoj kulturi CHO-K1 nakon tretmana fulerenolom i mitomicinom C. in Hemijska industrija, 63(3), 143-149.
Bogdanović V, Slavić M, Mrđanović J, Šolajić S, Đorđević A. Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze u animalnoj ćelijskoj kulturi CHO-K1 nakon tretmana fulerenolom i mitomicinom C. in Hemijska industrija. 2009;63(3):143-149. .
Bogdanović, Višnja, Slavić, Marija, Mrđanović, Jasminka, Šolajić, Slavica, Đorđević, Aleksandar, "Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze u animalnoj ćelijskoj kulturi CHO-K1 nakon tretmana fulerenolom i mitomicinom C" in Hemijska industrija, 63, no. 3 (2009):143-149, .

Effects of protamine sulphate on spontaneous and calcium-induced contractile activity in the rat uterus are potassium channels-mediated

Blagojević, Duško; Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana; Milovanović, Slobodan R; Radojičić, Ratko M.; Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra; Appiah, Isabella; Slavić, Marija; Cutura, Neđo D; Trbojević, Stevan; Spasić, Mihajlo


AU  - Blagojević, Duško
AU  - Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana
AU  - Milovanović, Slobodan R
AU  - Radojičić, Ratko M.
AU  - Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra
AU  - Appiah, Isabella
AU  - Slavić, Marija
AU  - Cutura, Neđo D
AU  - Trbojević, Stevan
AU  - Spasić, Mihajlo
PY  - 2009
UR  -
AB  - Protamine sulphate (PS) effect on spontaneous and calcium-induced rhythmic contractions of isolated virgin rat uteri was studied. PS caused dose-dependent relaxation of both types of contractions (two-way ANOVA, significant dose effects). Pretreatment with NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 10(-5) mol/l), methylene blue (MB; 0.9 x 10(-6) mol/l) or propranolol (1.7 x 10(-5) mol/l) enhanced PS-mediated uterine muscle relaxation of spontaneous contractions. Dose-dependent relaxation of spontaneous active isolated rat uterus with PS was lower in uteri pretreated with single dose of tetraethylammonium (TEA; 6 x 10(-3) mol/l), glibenclamide (2 x 10(-6) mol/l) and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP; 10(-3) mol/l). Calcium-induced activity of the isolated rat uterus pretreated with the same concentration of L-NAME, MB, or propranolol modified the kinetic of PS-induced relaxation without changes in EC(50) values. Pre-treatment with glibenclamide, TEA and 4-AP significantly reduce PS relaxing effect of calcium-induced activity and according to EC(50) values the order of magnitude was glibenclamide > TEA > 4-AP. PS is mixture of polyamines and may activate different signal-transduction pathways. Our results cleary demonstrate that in uterine smooth muscle PS act dominantly through potassium chanels and marginaly through beta-adrenergic receptos or nitric oxide-dependent pathways.
T2  - General Physiology and Biophysics
T1  - Effects of protamine sulphate on spontaneous and calcium-induced contractile activity in the rat uterus are potassium channels-mediated
IS  - null
VL  - 28
EP  - 148
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Blagojević, Duško and Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana and Milovanović, Slobodan R and Radojičić, Ratko M. and Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra and Appiah, Isabella and Slavić, Marija and Cutura, Neđo D and Trbojević, Stevan and Spasić, Mihajlo",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Protamine sulphate (PS) effect on spontaneous and calcium-induced rhythmic contractions of isolated virgin rat uteri was studied. PS caused dose-dependent relaxation of both types of contractions (two-way ANOVA, significant dose effects). Pretreatment with NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 10(-5) mol/l), methylene blue (MB; 0.9 x 10(-6) mol/l) or propranolol (1.7 x 10(-5) mol/l) enhanced PS-mediated uterine muscle relaxation of spontaneous contractions. Dose-dependent relaxation of spontaneous active isolated rat uterus with PS was lower in uteri pretreated with single dose of tetraethylammonium (TEA; 6 x 10(-3) mol/l), glibenclamide (2 x 10(-6) mol/l) and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP; 10(-3) mol/l). Calcium-induced activity of the isolated rat uterus pretreated with the same concentration of L-NAME, MB, or propranolol modified the kinetic of PS-induced relaxation without changes in EC(50) values. Pre-treatment with glibenclamide, TEA and 4-AP significantly reduce PS relaxing effect of calcium-induced activity and according to EC(50) values the order of magnitude was glibenclamide > TEA > 4-AP. PS is mixture of polyamines and may activate different signal-transduction pathways. Our results cleary demonstrate that in uterine smooth muscle PS act dominantly through potassium chanels and marginaly through beta-adrenergic receptos or nitric oxide-dependent pathways.",
journal = "General Physiology and Biophysics",
title = "Effects of protamine sulphate on spontaneous and calcium-induced contractile activity in the rat uterus are potassium channels-mediated",
number = "null",
volume = "28",
pages = "148",
url = ""
Blagojević, D., Oreščanin Dušić, Z., Milovanović, S. R., Radojičić, R. M., Nikolić-Kokić, A., Appiah, I., Slavić, M., Cutura, N. D., Trbojević, S.,& Spasić, M.. (2009). Effects of protamine sulphate on spontaneous and calcium-induced contractile activity in the rat uterus are potassium channels-mediated. in General Physiology and Biophysics, 28(null).
Blagojević D, Oreščanin Dušić Z, Milovanović SR, Radojičić RM, Nikolić-Kokić A, Appiah I, Slavić M, Cutura ND, Trbojević S, Spasić M. Effects of protamine sulphate on spontaneous and calcium-induced contractile activity in the rat uterus are potassium channels-mediated. in General Physiology and Biophysics. 2009;28(null):null-148. .
Blagojević, Duško, Oreščanin Dušić, Zorana, Milovanović, Slobodan R, Radojičić, Ratko M., Nikolić-Kokić, Aleksandra, Appiah, Isabella, Slavić, Marija, Cutura, Neđo D, Trbojević, Stevan, Spasić, Mihajlo, "Effects of protamine sulphate on spontaneous and calcium-induced contractile activity in the rat uterus are potassium channels-mediated" in General Physiology and Biophysics, 28, no. null (2009), .