Jović, Danko

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Jović, Danko (8)
Diversity of the amphibians and reptiles on the Balkan Peninsula: evolutionary and conservation aspects Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia (grant no. 401-00-00243/2014-08)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200007 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research 'Siniša Stanković') Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200178 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology)
Rufford Small Grants Foundation (Grant no. 12291-1) Data collecting for Natura 2000 network in Republic of Serbia (grant no. JNOP 02/ 2019)
Evolution in Heterogeneous Environments: Adaptation Mechanisms, Biomonitoring and Conservation of Biodiversity Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200124 (Univeristy of Niš, Faculty of Science)
Institute for Nature Conservation, Data collecting for Natura 2000 network in Republic of Serbia (grant no. JN 11/2021) Ministries of Education, Sciences and Technological Development and of Environment Protection of the Republic of Serbia (grant no. 401-00-00243/2014-08)
Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia (grant no. 401-00- 00243/2014-08, the “DNA project”) Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia (grant no. 401-00-00243/2014-08, the “DNA project”)
Monitoring of Amphibians and Reptiles of the “Kopaonik” National Park” (grants nos. 1124/2018, 1895/2019) National Park “Kopaonik” – project Monitoring vodozemaca i gmizavaca na prostoru Nacionalnog parka Kopaonik 2 (grants nos. 1124/2018, 1895/2019)
Rufford Small Grants Foundation (grant no. 12291-1) Rufford Small Grants Foundation (grants no. 20507-B)
Rufford Small Grants Foundation (grants nos. 20507-B, 25196-1)

Author's Bibliography

Distribution of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) in Serbia – implications of the recent taxonomic revision

Urošević, Aleksandar; Anđelković, Marko; Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka; Krizmanić, Imre; Ajtić, Rastko; Simović, Aleksandar; Krstić, Milivoj; Maričić, Marko; Vučić, Tijana; Jović, Danko; Džukić, Georg; Tomović, Ljiljana

(Belgrade: Natural History Museum, 2022)

AU  - Urošević, Aleksandar
AU  - Anđelković, Marko
AU  - Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka
AU  - Krizmanić, Imre
AU  - Ajtić, Rastko
AU  - Simović, Aleksandar
AU  - Krstić, Milivoj
AU  - Maričić, Marko
AU  - Vučić, Tijana
AU  - Jović, Danko
AU  - Džukić, Georg
AU  - Tomović, Ljiljana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - We present the updated distribution data of the Hyla arborea species complex
in Serbia. Hyla arborea inhabits all biogeographic regions, while Hyla orientalis
inhabits only the easternmost parts of north-eastern, eastern and south-eastern
Serbia. Potential hybrid zone encompasses parts of central and southern Serbia
from the Đerdap gorge, over Niš to Bosilegrad. Since the taxonomic separation between the tree frog taxa was not yet recognized in national nomenclature, we
propose the official Serbian names. The species H. arborea will keep the standard
Serbian name “Gatalinka”, while for the species H. orientalis we propose the name
“Istočna gatalinka”.
AB  - У овом раду, приказујемо ажуриране податке о дистрибуцији
комплекса врста Hyla arborea у Србији. Подаци се састоје од налаза
објављених у литератури или на Интернету, заједно са претходно
необјављеним теренским подацима. Од ове две врсте, највећи део
територије Србије, укључујући све биогеографске регионе, насељава
H. arborea. Hyla orientalis, са друге стране, насељава само крајње
источне делове североисточне, источне и југоисточне Србије, са
потенцијалном хибридном зоном која такође обухвата делове централ-
не и јужне Србије. Дистрибуција H. arborea је густа у панонским
деловима Србије, конкретно у плавним зонама река Дунав, Сава и
Тиса, док је дистрибуција више раштркана у перипанонским и
планинско-котлинским деловима Србије. Hyla orientalis насељава
искључиво најисточније делове планинско-котлинског региона, где је
повезана са воденим системима који припадају Балканском планин-
ском венцу, док Карпатски и Родопски масиви представљају северо-
источну и југоисточну границу дистрибуције, респективно. За хибрид-
ну зону се претпоставља да обухвата оквирно 30 км широк коридор
који се протеже од Ђердапске клисуре, преко Ниша до Босилеграда,
али додатно узорковање ће морати да се изврши како би се ово
Пошто таксономско раздвајање између криптичних врста гаталин-
ки још увек није препознато у нашој националној номенклатури, овај
рад предлаже званичне српске називе за ове врсте. Номинална врста
H. arborea ће задржати стандардни српски назив „гаталинка“, док за
врсту H. orientalis предлажемо име „источна гаталинка“.
PB  - Belgrade: Natural History Museum
T2  - Bulletin of the Natural History Museum
T1  - Distribution of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) in Serbia – implications of the recent taxonomic revision
T1  - Дистрибуција гаталинки (Hyla spp .) у Србији – импликације скорашње таксономске ревизије
VL  - 15
DO  - 10.5937/bnhmb2215137U
SP  - 137
EP  - 148
ER  - 
author = "Urošević, Aleksandar and Anđelković, Marko and Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka and Krizmanić, Imre and Ajtić, Rastko and Simović, Aleksandar and Krstić, Milivoj and Maričić, Marko and Vučić, Tijana and Jović, Danko and Džukić, Georg and Tomović, Ljiljana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "We present the updated distribution data of the Hyla arborea species complex
in Serbia. Hyla arborea inhabits all biogeographic regions, while Hyla orientalis
inhabits only the easternmost parts of north-eastern, eastern and south-eastern
Serbia. Potential hybrid zone encompasses parts of central and southern Serbia
from the Đerdap gorge, over Niš to Bosilegrad. Since the taxonomic separation between the tree frog taxa was not yet recognized in national nomenclature, we
propose the official Serbian names. The species H. arborea will keep the standard
Serbian name “Gatalinka”, while for the species H. orientalis we propose the name
“Istočna gatalinka”., У овом раду, приказујемо ажуриране податке о дистрибуцији
комплекса врста Hyla arborea у Србији. Подаци се састоје од налаза
објављених у литератури или на Интернету, заједно са претходно
необјављеним теренским подацима. Од ове две врсте, највећи део
територије Србије, укључујући све биогеографске регионе, насељава
H. arborea. Hyla orientalis, са друге стране, насељава само крајње
источне делове североисточне, источне и југоисточне Србије, са
потенцијалном хибридном зоном која такође обухвата делове централ-
не и јужне Србије. Дистрибуција H. arborea је густа у панонским
деловима Србије, конкретно у плавним зонама река Дунав, Сава и
Тиса, док је дистрибуција више раштркана у перипанонским и
планинско-котлинским деловима Србије. Hyla orientalis насељава
искључиво најисточније делове планинско-котлинског региона, где је
повезана са воденим системима који припадају Балканском планин-
ском венцу, док Карпатски и Родопски масиви представљају северо-
источну и југоисточну границу дистрибуције, респективно. За хибрид-
ну зону се претпоставља да обухвата оквирно 30 км широк коридор
који се протеже од Ђердапске клисуре, преко Ниша до Босилеграда,
али додатно узорковање ће морати да се изврши како би се ово
Пошто таксономско раздвајање између криптичних врста гаталин-
ки још увек није препознато у нашој националној номенклатури, овај
рад предлаже званичне српске називе за ове врсте. Номинална врста
H. arborea ће задржати стандардни српски назив „гаталинка“, док за
врсту H. orientalis предлажемо име „источна гаталинка“.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Natural History Museum",
journal = "Bulletin of the Natural History Museum",
title = "Distribution of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) in Serbia – implications of the recent taxonomic revision, Дистрибуција гаталинки (Hyla spp .) у Србији – импликације скорашње таксономске ревизије",
volume = "15",
doi = "10.5937/bnhmb2215137U",
pages = "137-148"
Urošević, A., Anđelković, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Krizmanić, I., Ajtić, R., Simović, A., Krstić, M., Maričić, M., Vučić, T., Jović, D., Džukić, G.,& Tomović, L.. (2022). Distribution of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) in Serbia – implications of the recent taxonomic revision. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum
Belgrade: Natural History Museum., 15, 137-148.
Urošević A, Anđelković M, Crnobrnja-Isailović J, Krizmanić I, Ajtić R, Simović A, Krstić M, Maričić M, Vučić T, Jović D, Džukić G, Tomović L. Distribution of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) in Serbia – implications of the recent taxonomic revision. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. 2022;15:137-148.
doi:10.5937/bnhmb2215137U .
Urošević, Aleksandar, Anđelković, Marko, Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka, Krizmanić, Imre, Ajtić, Rastko, Simović, Aleksandar, Krstić, Milivoj, Maričić, Marko, Vučić, Tijana, Jović, Danko, Džukić, Georg, Tomović, Ljiljana, "Distribution of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) in Serbia – implications of the recent taxonomic revision" in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, 15 (2022):137-148, . .

Distribution of the slow worm (Anguis fragilis complex) with possible species delimitation in Serbia

Urošević, Aleksandar; Tomović, Ljiljana; Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka; Krizmanić, Imre; Ajtić, Rastko; Labus, Nenad; Anđelković, Marko; Nikolić, Sonja; Jović, Danko; Krstić, Milivoj; Maričić, Marko; Simović, Aleksandar; Paunović, Ana; Žikić, Vladimir; Ćorović, Jelena; Vučić, Tijana; Čubrić, Tijana; Džukić, Georg

(Belgrade: Natural History Museum, 2020)

AU  - Urošević, Aleksandar
AU  - Tomović, Ljiljana
AU  - Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka
AU  - Krizmanić, Imre
AU  - Ajtić, Rastko
AU  - Labus, Nenad
AU  - Anđelković, Marko
AU  - Nikolić, Sonja
AU  - Jović, Danko
AU  - Krstić, Milivoj
AU  - Maričić, Marko
AU  - Simović, Aleksandar
AU  - Paunović, Ana
AU  - Žikić, Vladimir
AU  - Ćorović, Jelena
AU  - Vučić, Tijana
AU  - Čubrić, Tijana
AU  - Džukić, Georg
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In this study, we present an updated distribution data of Anguis fragilis
complex species in Serbia. The dataset consists of literature and Internet records,
coupled with previously unpublished distribution data gathered in the field. Of the two species of the complex, Anguis fragilis is present in the western and southern
parts of the country while Anguis colchica is present in the northeastern and
eastern parts of the country. There is an absence of both species in the
northernmost parts of the country, due to the lack of adequate habitat. The field
records tend to be more abundant in the Mountain-valley altitudinal region, and
scarcer and more scattered in the Peripannonian and Pannonian altitudinal regions,
which can partly be attributed to the sampling bias. The location and width of the
contact zone are still poorly known. It’s hypothesized to follow the Velika Morava
river valley to the south and then the boundary between the Carpathian-Balkan and
Rhodope mountain ranges in the southeast, but the hybrid zone could be situated
more to the west. There is a certain discrepancy, in the literature, between the
contact zone proposed by morphological data, and the one proposed by molecular
sampling. That stresses the need for thorough sampling in the region and further
analyses. Finally, since the taxonomic split between the cryptic slow worm taxa
was not yet recognized in our national nomenclature, this paper also presents the
official Serbian names for the two species. The species Anguis fragilis will keep
the standard Serbian name “Slepić”, while for the species Anguis colchica we
propose the name “Istočni slepić”.
AB  - У овом раду, приказујемо ажуриране податке о дистрибуцији
комплекса врста слепића (Anguis fragilis complex) у Србији. Подаци се
састоје из налаза објављених у литератури или на Интернету, заједно
са претходно необјављеним дистрибуционим подацима сакупљеним
на терену. Од две врсте комплекса присутне у Србији, Anguis fragilis је распрострањен у западним и јужним крајевима наше земље док је
Anguis colchica присутан у североисточним и источним крајевима. У
најсевернијим деловима наше земље констатовано је одсуство обе
врсте, због недостатка одговарајућег станишта. Налази су бројнији у
планинско-котлинском региону и ређи и раштрканији у перипанон-
ском и панонском региону, што се делимично може објаснити
несистематским узорковањем. Локација и ширина контактне зоне две
врсте слепића у Србији је још увек недовољно позната. Претпоставља
се да се пружа дуж долине Велике Мораве ка југу а затим прати
границу између Родопског и Карпатско-Балканског планинског маси-
ва ка југо-истоку, али постоје индиције да се хибридна зона налази и
западније. Постоји извесно неслагање, у литератури, између контактне
зоне предложене на основу морфолошких анализа и оне предложене
на основу молекуларних анализа. Ово указује на потребу за опсежни-
јим узорковањем и даљим анализама. Коначно, пошто раздвајање две
криптичке врсте слепића до сада није препознато у нашој номенкла-
тури, у овом раду предлажемо званичне српске називе за наведене
врсте. Врста Anguis fragilis ће задржати стандардно српско име
„Слепић“, док за врсту Anguis colchica предлажемо име „Источни
PB  - Belgrade: Natural History Museum
T2  - Bulletin of the Natural History Museum
T1  - Distribution of the slow worm (Anguis fragilis complex) with possible species delimitation in Serbia
T1  - Дистрибуција слепића (Anguis fragilis complex) у Србији, са могућим разграничењем врста
VL  - 13
DO  - 10.5937/bnhmb2013253U
SP  - 253
EP  - 265
ER  - 
author = "Urošević, Aleksandar and Tomović, Ljiljana and Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka and Krizmanić, Imre and Ajtić, Rastko and Labus, Nenad and Anđelković, Marko and Nikolić, Sonja and Jović, Danko and Krstić, Milivoj and Maričić, Marko and Simović, Aleksandar and Paunović, Ana and Žikić, Vladimir and Ćorović, Jelena and Vučić, Tijana and Čubrić, Tijana and Džukić, Georg",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In this study, we present an updated distribution data of Anguis fragilis
complex species in Serbia. The dataset consists of literature and Internet records,
coupled with previously unpublished distribution data gathered in the field. Of the two species of the complex, Anguis fragilis is present in the western and southern
parts of the country while Anguis colchica is present in the northeastern and
eastern parts of the country. There is an absence of both species in the
northernmost parts of the country, due to the lack of adequate habitat. The field
records tend to be more abundant in the Mountain-valley altitudinal region, and
scarcer and more scattered in the Peripannonian and Pannonian altitudinal regions,
which can partly be attributed to the sampling bias. The location and width of the
contact zone are still poorly known. It’s hypothesized to follow the Velika Morava
river valley to the south and then the boundary between the Carpathian-Balkan and
Rhodope mountain ranges in the southeast, but the hybrid zone could be situated
more to the west. There is a certain discrepancy, in the literature, between the
contact zone proposed by morphological data, and the one proposed by molecular
sampling. That stresses the need for thorough sampling in the region and further
analyses. Finally, since the taxonomic split between the cryptic slow worm taxa
was not yet recognized in our national nomenclature, this paper also presents the
official Serbian names for the two species. The species Anguis fragilis will keep
the standard Serbian name “Slepić”, while for the species Anguis colchica we
propose the name “Istočni slepić”., У овом раду, приказујемо ажуриране податке о дистрибуцији
комплекса врста слепића (Anguis fragilis complex) у Србији. Подаци се
састоје из налаза објављених у литератури или на Интернету, заједно
са претходно необјављеним дистрибуционим подацима сакупљеним
на терену. Од две врсте комплекса присутне у Србији, Anguis fragilis је распрострањен у западним и јужним крајевима наше земље док је
Anguis colchica присутан у североисточним и источним крајевима. У
најсевернијим деловима наше земље констатовано је одсуство обе
врсте, због недостатка одговарајућег станишта. Налази су бројнији у
планинско-котлинском региону и ређи и раштрканији у перипанон-
ском и панонском региону, што се делимично може објаснити
несистематским узорковањем. Локација и ширина контактне зоне две
врсте слепића у Србији је још увек недовољно позната. Претпоставља
се да се пружа дуж долине Велике Мораве ка југу а затим прати
границу између Родопског и Карпатско-Балканског планинског маси-
ва ка југо-истоку, али постоје индиције да се хибридна зона налази и
западније. Постоји извесно неслагање, у литератури, између контактне
зоне предложене на основу морфолошких анализа и оне предложене
на основу молекуларних анализа. Ово указује на потребу за опсежни-
јим узорковањем и даљим анализама. Коначно, пошто раздвајање две
криптичке врсте слепића до сада није препознато у нашој номенкла-
тури, у овом раду предлажемо званичне српске називе за наведене
врсте. Врста Anguis fragilis ће задржати стандардно српско име
„Слепић“, док за врсту Anguis colchica предлажемо име „Источни
publisher = "Belgrade: Natural History Museum",
journal = "Bulletin of the Natural History Museum",
title = "Distribution of the slow worm (Anguis fragilis complex) with possible species delimitation in Serbia, Дистрибуција слепића (Anguis fragilis complex) у Србији, са могућим разграничењем врста",
volume = "13",
doi = "10.5937/bnhmb2013253U",
pages = "253-265"
Urošević, A., Tomović, L., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Krizmanić, I., Ajtić, R., Labus, N., Anđelković, M., Nikolić, S., Jović, D., Krstić, M., Maričić, M., Simović, A., Paunović, A., Žikić, V., Ćorović, J., Vučić, T., Čubrić, T.,& Džukić, G.. (2020). Distribution of the slow worm (Anguis fragilis complex) with possible species delimitation in Serbia. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum
Belgrade: Natural History Museum., 13, 253-265.
Urošević A, Tomović L, Crnobrnja-Isailović J, Krizmanić I, Ajtić R, Labus N, Anđelković M, Nikolić S, Jović D, Krstić M, Maričić M, Simović A, Paunović A, Žikić V, Ćorović J, Vučić T, Čubrić T, Džukić G. Distribution of the slow worm (Anguis fragilis complex) with possible species delimitation in Serbia. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. 2020;13:253-265.
doi:10.5937/bnhmb2013253U .
Urošević, Aleksandar, Tomović, Ljiljana, Crnobrnja-Isailović, Jelka, Krizmanić, Imre, Ajtić, Rastko, Labus, Nenad, Anđelković, Marko, Nikolić, Sonja, Jović, Danko, Krstić, Milivoj, Maričić, Marko, Simović, Aleksandar, Paunović, Ana, Žikić, Vladimir, Ćorović, Jelena, Vučić, Tijana, Čubrić, Tijana, Džukić, Georg, "Distribution of the slow worm (Anguis fragilis complex) with possible species delimitation in Serbia" in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, 13 (2020):253-265, . .

Distribution of three Vipera species in the Republic of Serbia

Tomović, Ljiljana; Anđelković, Marko; Krizmanić, Imre; Ajtić, Rastko; Urošević, Aleksandar; Labus, Nenad; Simović, Aleksandar; Maričić, Marko; Golubović, Ana; Ćorović, Jelena; Paunović, Ana; Jović, Danko; Krstić, Milivoj; Lakušić, Margareta; Džukić, Georg

(Belgrade: Natural History Museum, 2019)

AU  - Tomović, Ljiljana
AU  - Anđelković, Marko
AU  - Krizmanić, Imre
AU  - Ajtić, Rastko
AU  - Urošević, Aleksandar
AU  - Labus, Nenad
AU  - Simović, Aleksandar
AU  - Maričić, Marko
AU  - Golubović, Ana
AU  - Ćorović, Jelena
AU  - Paunović, Ana
AU  - Jović, Danko
AU  - Krstić, Milivoj
AU  - Lakušić, Margareta
AU  - Džukić, Georg
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In the most recent comprehensive distribution of vipers in the western and
central Balkans, 210 precise records (146 UTM cells) for all three species of vipers
(Vipera ammodytes, V. berus, and V. ursinii) were presented for Serbia. During the
past eight years, extensive field investigations within the ongoing conservation
projects in our country (e.g. Ecological Networks and Natura 2000), significantly
increased the number of faunistic records, which urged the need for publishing the
updated distribution of all three species of vipers in Serbia. We collected a total of
770 records of vipers in Serbia, of which literature data constitute 49.4% (n = 380)
and unpublished field data made as much as 50.6% (n = 390) of the records. As
expected, V. ammodytes was the best-represented species, accounting for 614 records (79.8%), followed by V. berus with 145 records (18.8%), and V. ursinii
with 11 records (1.4%). Results of the present study showed that in our country
there are three areas crucially important for the diversity of vipers, with all three
species present: Koritnik Mt. and Žljeb Mt. in Metohija, as well as Mokra Gora Mt.
in south-western Serbia. We also found 25 10×10 km UTM squares with sympatry
of two species of vipers. The designation of areas of special importance for vipers
(e.g. Mokra Gora Mt., Dukat Mt., Besna kobila Mt., Kamena Gora Mt.) should be
one of the priority actions for improvement of their conservation statuses in our
AB  - Literaturni podaci o distribuci roda Vipera na području zapadnog i centralnog dela Balkanskog poluostrva, pokazuju da je u Srbiji zabeleženo 210 nalaza (146 UTM polja) za sve tri vrste ovog roda (Vipera ammodytes, V. berus i V. ursinii). Tokom poslednjih osam godina, intenzivna faunistička istraživanja u okviru nacionalnih konzervacionih projekata (npr. Ekološke mreže i Natura 2000), doprinela su značajnom povećanju broja podataka o distribuciji ove tri vrste, čime se ukazala potreba za objavljivanjem novih faunističkih podataka. U ovom radu, ukupno je sakupljeno 770 podataka o rasprostranjenju predstavnika roda Vipera u Srbiji, od čega literaturni podaci čine 49.4% (n = 380), a novi faunistički podaci predstavljaju 50.6% (n = 390). Očekivano, najveći broj podataka se odnosi na vrstu V. ammodytes (614 - 79.8%), dok je mnogo manje podataka za vrste V. berus (145 - 18.8%) i V. ursinii (11 - 1.4%). Rezultati ovog rada su pokazali da na teritoriji Republike Srbije postoje tri područja od najvećeg značaja za diverzitet roda Vipera, na kojima su prisutne sve tri vrste: planine Koritnik i Žljeb u Metohiji, kao i planina Mokra gora u jugozapadnoj Srbiji. Takođe, zabeleženo je ukupno 25 UTM 10×10 km kvadrata u kojima po dve vrste roda Vipera žive u simpatriji. Proglašenje zaštićenih područja od posebnog značaja za otrovnice (npr. Mokra gora, Dukat, Besna kobila, Kamena gora), trebalo bi da bude prioritet za poboljšanje konzervacionog statusa vrsta roda Vipera u našoj zemlji.
PB  - Belgrade: Natural History Museum
T2  - Bulletin of the Natural History Museum
T1  - Distribution of three Vipera species in the Republic of Serbia
T1  - Rasprostranjenje tri vrste roda Vipera u Republici Srbiji
VL  - 12
DO  - 10.5937/bnhmb1912217T
SP  - 217
EP  - 242
ER  - 
author = "Tomović, Ljiljana and Anđelković, Marko and Krizmanić, Imre and Ajtić, Rastko and Urošević, Aleksandar and Labus, Nenad and Simović, Aleksandar and Maričić, Marko and Golubović, Ana and Ćorović, Jelena and Paunović, Ana and Jović, Danko and Krstić, Milivoj and Lakušić, Margareta and Džukić, Georg",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In the most recent comprehensive distribution of vipers in the western and
central Balkans, 210 precise records (146 UTM cells) for all three species of vipers
(Vipera ammodytes, V. berus, and V. ursinii) were presented for Serbia. During the
past eight years, extensive field investigations within the ongoing conservation
projects in our country (e.g. Ecological Networks and Natura 2000), significantly
increased the number of faunistic records, which urged the need for publishing the
updated distribution of all three species of vipers in Serbia. We collected a total of
770 records of vipers in Serbia, of which literature data constitute 49.4% (n = 380)
and unpublished field data made as much as 50.6% (n = 390) of the records. As
expected, V. ammodytes was the best-represented species, accounting for 614 records (79.8%), followed by V. berus with 145 records (18.8%), and V. ursinii
with 11 records (1.4%). Results of the present study showed that in our country
there are three areas crucially important for the diversity of vipers, with all three
species present: Koritnik Mt. and Žljeb Mt. in Metohija, as well as Mokra Gora Mt.
in south-western Serbia. We also found 25 10×10 km UTM squares with sympatry
of two species of vipers. The designation of areas of special importance for vipers
(e.g. Mokra Gora Mt., Dukat Mt., Besna kobila Mt., Kamena Gora Mt.) should be
one of the priority actions for improvement of their conservation statuses in our
country., Literaturni podaci o distribuci roda Vipera na području zapadnog i centralnog dela Balkanskog poluostrva, pokazuju da je u Srbiji zabeleženo 210 nalaza (146 UTM polja) za sve tri vrste ovog roda (Vipera ammodytes, V. berus i V. ursinii). Tokom poslednjih osam godina, intenzivna faunistička istraživanja u okviru nacionalnih konzervacionih projekata (npr. Ekološke mreže i Natura 2000), doprinela su značajnom povećanju broja podataka o distribuciji ove tri vrste, čime se ukazala potreba za objavljivanjem novih faunističkih podataka. U ovom radu, ukupno je sakupljeno 770 podataka o rasprostranjenju predstavnika roda Vipera u Srbiji, od čega literaturni podaci čine 49.4% (n = 380), a novi faunistički podaci predstavljaju 50.6% (n = 390). Očekivano, najveći broj podataka se odnosi na vrstu V. ammodytes (614 - 79.8%), dok je mnogo manje podataka za vrste V. berus (145 - 18.8%) i V. ursinii (11 - 1.4%). Rezultati ovog rada su pokazali da na teritoriji Republike Srbije postoje tri područja od najvećeg značaja za diverzitet roda Vipera, na kojima su prisutne sve tri vrste: planine Koritnik i Žljeb u Metohiji, kao i planina Mokra gora u jugozapadnoj Srbiji. Takođe, zabeleženo je ukupno 25 UTM 10×10 km kvadrata u kojima po dve vrste roda Vipera žive u simpatriji. Proglašenje zaštićenih područja od posebnog značaja za otrovnice (npr. Mokra gora, Dukat, Besna kobila, Kamena gora), trebalo bi da bude prioritet za poboljšanje konzervacionog statusa vrsta roda Vipera u našoj zemlji.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Natural History Museum",
journal = "Bulletin of the Natural History Museum",
title = "Distribution of three Vipera species in the Republic of Serbia, Rasprostranjenje tri vrste roda Vipera u Republici Srbiji",
volume = "12",
doi = "10.5937/bnhmb1912217T",
pages = "217-242"
Tomović, L., Anđelković, M., Krizmanić, I., Ajtić, R., Urošević, A., Labus, N., Simović, A., Maričić, M., Golubović, A., Ćorović, J., Paunović, A., Jović, D., Krstić, M., Lakušić, M.,& Džukić, G.. (2019). Distribution of three Vipera species in the Republic of Serbia. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum
Belgrade: Natural History Museum., 12, 217-242.
Tomović L, Anđelković M, Krizmanić I, Ajtić R, Urošević A, Labus N, Simović A, Maričić M, Golubović A, Ćorović J, Paunović A, Jović D, Krstić M, Lakušić M, Džukić G. Distribution of three Vipera species in the Republic of Serbia. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. 2019;12:217-242.
doi:10.5937/bnhmb1912217T .
Tomović, Ljiljana, Anđelković, Marko, Krizmanić, Imre, Ajtić, Rastko, Urošević, Aleksandar, Labus, Nenad, Simović, Aleksandar, Maričić, Marko, Golubović, Ana, Ćorović, Jelena, Paunović, Ana, Jović, Danko, Krstić, Milivoj, Lakušić, Margareta, Džukić, Georg, "Distribution of three Vipera species in the Republic of Serbia" in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, 12 (2019):217-242, . .

Contribution to the knowledge of distribution and diversity of lacertid lizards in Serbia

Urošević, Aleksandar; Ljubisavljević, Katarina; Tomović, Ljiljana; Krizmanić, Imre; Ajtić, Rastko; Simović, Aleksandar; Labus, Nenad; Jović, Danko; Golubović, Ana; Anđelković, Marko; Džukić, Georg

(Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro, 2015)

AU  - Urošević, Aleksandar
AU  - Ljubisavljević, Katarina
AU  - Tomović, Ljiljana
AU  - Krizmanić, Imre
AU  - Ajtić, Rastko
AU  - Simović, Aleksandar
AU  - Labus, Nenad
AU  - Jović, Danko
AU  - Golubović, Ana
AU  - Anđelković, Marko
AU  - Džukić, Georg
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - In this study, we present updated distributional data for all Serbian lacertids, having taken into account the available previously published information, and the so far unpublished authors’ field records and evidence from other sources. According to our current knowledge, eight lacertid species inhabit Serbia. Analysis of lacertid diversity within the country showed that biogeographic regions with highest species diversity are Metohija (eight species) and Kosovo (seven species). Regions in Serbia are mutually similar concerning lacertid faunas (average Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index is 0.82). Comparative analysis of lacertid faunas among all Balkan countries showed that Serbian lacertid fauna is the most similar to those of Albania and the FYR of Macedonia, and then to faunas of Romania and Bulgaria. Zoogeographic analysis showed that Serbian lacertids belong to three distinct chorotypes, with the East-Mediterranean being the richest (four species). Generally, diversity of lacertids in Serbia is most strongly determined by topographic diversity, habitat heterogeneity, and climatic peculiarities, with the inflow of the sub-Mediterranean climate along several river valleys in the south being especially important. This paper is intended to serve as a basis for further research, since data on distribution of lacertid species in Serbia are far from complete, with large distributional gaps of recorded species and with unconfirmed presence of two species.
PB  - Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro
T2  - Ecologica Montenegrina
T1  - Contribution to the knowledge of distribution and diversity of lacertid lizards in Serbia
IS  - 3
VL  - 2
SP  - 197
EP  - 227
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Urošević, Aleksandar and Ljubisavljević, Katarina and Tomović, Ljiljana and Krizmanić, Imre and Ajtić, Rastko and Simović, Aleksandar and Labus, Nenad and Jović, Danko and Golubović, Ana and Anđelković, Marko and Džukić, Georg",
year = "2015",
abstract = "In this study, we present updated distributional data for all Serbian lacertids, having taken into account the available previously published information, and the so far unpublished authors’ field records and evidence from other sources. According to our current knowledge, eight lacertid species inhabit Serbia. Analysis of lacertid diversity within the country showed that biogeographic regions with highest species diversity are Metohija (eight species) and Kosovo (seven species). Regions in Serbia are mutually similar concerning lacertid faunas (average Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index is 0.82). Comparative analysis of lacertid faunas among all Balkan countries showed that Serbian lacertid fauna is the most similar to those of Albania and the FYR of Macedonia, and then to faunas of Romania and Bulgaria. Zoogeographic analysis showed that Serbian lacertids belong to three distinct chorotypes, with the East-Mediterranean being the richest (four species). Generally, diversity of lacertids in Serbia is most strongly determined by topographic diversity, habitat heterogeneity, and climatic peculiarities, with the inflow of the sub-Mediterranean climate along several river valleys in the south being especially important. This paper is intended to serve as a basis for further research, since data on distribution of lacertid species in Serbia are far from complete, with large distributional gaps of recorded species and with unconfirmed presence of two species.",
publisher = "Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro",
journal = "Ecologica Montenegrina",
title = "Contribution to the knowledge of distribution and diversity of lacertid lizards in Serbia",
number = "3",
volume = "2",
pages = "197-227",
url = ""
Urošević, A., Ljubisavljević, K., Tomović, L., Krizmanić, I., Ajtić, R., Simović, A., Labus, N., Jović, D., Golubović, A., Anđelković, M.,& Džukić, G.. (2015). Contribution to the knowledge of distribution and diversity of lacertid lizards in Serbia. in Ecologica Montenegrina
Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro., 2(3), 197-227.
Urošević A, Ljubisavljević K, Tomović L, Krizmanić I, Ajtić R, Simović A, Labus N, Jović D, Golubović A, Anđelković M, Džukić G. Contribution to the knowledge of distribution and diversity of lacertid lizards in Serbia. in Ecologica Montenegrina. 2015;2(3):197-227. .
Urošević, Aleksandar, Ljubisavljević, Katarina, Tomović, Ljiljana, Krizmanić, Imre, Ajtić, Rastko, Simović, Aleksandar, Labus, Nenad, Jović, Danko, Golubović, Ana, Anđelković, Marko, Džukić, Georg, "Contribution to the knowledge of distribution and diversity of lacertid lizards in Serbia" in Ecologica Montenegrina, 2, no. 3 (2015):197-227, .

Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Colubrid snakes in Serbia

Tomović, Ljiljana; Urošević, Aleksandar; Ajtić, Rastko; Krizmanić, Imre; Simović, Aleksandar; Labus, Nenad; Jović, Danko; Krstić, Milivoj; Đorđević, Sonja; Anđelković, Marko; Golubović, Ana; Džukić, Georg

(Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro, 2015)

AU  - Tomović, Ljiljana
AU  - Urošević, Aleksandar
AU  - Ajtić, Rastko
AU  - Krizmanić, Imre
AU  - Simović, Aleksandar
AU  - Labus, Nenad
AU  - Jović, Danko
AU  - Krstić, Milivoj
AU  - Đorđević, Sonja
AU  - Anđelković, Marko
AU  - Golubović, Ana
AU  - Džukić, Georg
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Detailed distribution pattern of colubrid snakes in Serbia is still inadequately described, despite the long historical study. In this paper, we provide accurate distribution of seven species, with previously published and newly accumulated faunistic records compiled. Comparative analysis of faunas among all Balkan countries showed that Serbian colubrid fauna is among the most distinct (together with faunas of Slovenia and Romania), due to small number of species. Zoogeographic analysis showed high chorotype diversity of Serbian colubrids: seven species belong to six chorotypes. South-eastern Serbia (Pčinja River valley) is characterized by the presence of all colubrid species inhabiting our country, and deserves the highest conservation status at the national level. This study should provide the basis for further, more comprehensive faunistic research, as the data on distribution of colubrid species in our country are far from complete, with large distribution “gaps”, especially in northern and central parts of Serbia.
PB  - Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro
T2  - Ecologica Montenegrina
T1  - Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Colubrid snakes in Serbia
IS  - 3
VL  - 2
SP  - 162
EP  - 186
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Tomović, Ljiljana and Urošević, Aleksandar and Ajtić, Rastko and Krizmanić, Imre and Simović, Aleksandar and Labus, Nenad and Jović, Danko and Krstić, Milivoj and Đorđević, Sonja and Anđelković, Marko and Golubović, Ana and Džukić, Georg",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Detailed distribution pattern of colubrid snakes in Serbia is still inadequately described, despite the long historical study. In this paper, we provide accurate distribution of seven species, with previously published and newly accumulated faunistic records compiled. Comparative analysis of faunas among all Balkan countries showed that Serbian colubrid fauna is among the most distinct (together with faunas of Slovenia and Romania), due to small number of species. Zoogeographic analysis showed high chorotype diversity of Serbian colubrids: seven species belong to six chorotypes. South-eastern Serbia (Pčinja River valley) is characterized by the presence of all colubrid species inhabiting our country, and deserves the highest conservation status at the national level. This study should provide the basis for further, more comprehensive faunistic research, as the data on distribution of colubrid species in our country are far from complete, with large distribution “gaps”, especially in northern and central parts of Serbia.",
publisher = "Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro",
journal = "Ecologica Montenegrina",
title = "Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Colubrid snakes in Serbia",
number = "3",
volume = "2",
pages = "162-186",
url = ""
Tomović, L., Urošević, A., Ajtić, R., Krizmanić, I., Simović, A., Labus, N., Jović, D., Krstić, M., Đorđević, S., Anđelković, M., Golubović, A.,& Džukić, G.. (2015). Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Colubrid snakes in Serbia. in Ecologica Montenegrina
Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro., 2(3), 162-186.
Tomović L, Urošević A, Ajtić R, Krizmanić I, Simović A, Labus N, Jović D, Krstić M, Đorđević S, Anđelković M, Golubović A, Džukić G. Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Colubrid snakes in Serbia. in Ecologica Montenegrina. 2015;2(3):162-186. .
Tomović, Ljiljana, Urošević, Aleksandar, Ajtić, Rastko, Krizmanić, Imre, Simović, Aleksandar, Labus, Nenad, Jović, Danko, Krstić, Milivoj, Đorđević, Sonja, Anđelković, Marko, Golubović, Ana, Džukić, Georg, "Contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Colubrid snakes in Serbia" in Ecologica Montenegrina, 2, no. 3 (2015):162-186, .

Filling in the gaps in distribution data of the Snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron and Bory, 1833 (Squamata: Scincidae) in Serbia

Ljubisavljević, Katarina; Tomović, Ljiljana; Simović, Aleksandar; Krizmanić, Imre; Ajtić, Rastko; Jović, Danko; Urošević, Aleksandar; Labus, Nenad; Đorđević, Sonja; Golubović, Ana; Anđelković, Marko; Džukić, Georg V.

(Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro, 2015)

AU  - Ljubisavljević, Katarina
AU  - Tomović, Ljiljana
AU  - Simović, Aleksandar
AU  - Krizmanić, Imre
AU  - Ajtić, Rastko
AU  - Jović, Danko
AU  - Urošević, Aleksandar
AU  - Labus, Nenad
AU  - Đorđević, Sonja
AU  - Golubović, Ana
AU  - Anđelković, Marko
AU  - Džukić, Georg V.
PY  - 2015
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The distribution of Ablepharus kitaibelii (Snake-eyed skink) in Serbia was reviewed, based on the collection of 183 records comprised of the authors’ unpublished data, observations of colleague researchers and of literature data. Roughly 68% of these records have not been published previously. Apparent distribution gaps in western and southern parts of the country were largely filled in by new findings. The absence of the Snake-eyed skink in the northern parts of our country is most likely caused by large-scale alteration and destruction of suitable habitats. Presented data provide the basis for further research and conservation assessments of this species.
PB  - Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro
T2  - Ecologica Montenegrina
T1  - Filling in the gaps in distribution data of the Snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron and Bory, 1833 (Squamata: Scincidae) in Serbia
IS  - 3
VL  - 2
SP  - 247
EP  - 254
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ljubisavljević, Katarina and Tomović, Ljiljana and Simović, Aleksandar and Krizmanić, Imre and Ajtić, Rastko and Jović, Danko and Urošević, Aleksandar and Labus, Nenad and Đorđević, Sonja and Golubović, Ana and Anđelković, Marko and Džukić, Georg V.",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The distribution of Ablepharus kitaibelii (Snake-eyed skink) in Serbia was reviewed, based on the collection of 183 records comprised of the authors’ unpublished data, observations of colleague researchers and of literature data. Roughly 68% of these records have not been published previously. Apparent distribution gaps in western and southern parts of the country were largely filled in by new findings. The absence of the Snake-eyed skink in the northern parts of our country is most likely caused by large-scale alteration and destruction of suitable habitats. Presented data provide the basis for further research and conservation assessments of this species.",
publisher = "Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro",
journal = "Ecologica Montenegrina",
title = "Filling in the gaps in distribution data of the Snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron and Bory, 1833 (Squamata: Scincidae) in Serbia",
number = "3",
volume = "2",
pages = "247-254",
url = ""
Ljubisavljević, K., Tomović, L., Simović, A., Krizmanić, I., Ajtić, R., Jović, D., Urošević, A., Labus, N., Đorđević, S., Golubović, A., Anđelković, M.,& Džukić, G. V.. (2015). Filling in the gaps in distribution data of the Snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron and Bory, 1833 (Squamata: Scincidae) in Serbia. in Ecologica Montenegrina
Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro., 2(3), 247-254.
Ljubisavljević K, Tomović L, Simović A, Krizmanić I, Ajtić R, Jović D, Urošević A, Labus N, Đorđević S, Golubović A, Anđelković M, Džukić GV. Filling in the gaps in distribution data of the Snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron and Bory, 1833 (Squamata: Scincidae) in Serbia. in Ecologica Montenegrina. 2015;2(3):247-254. .
Ljubisavljević, Katarina, Tomović, Ljiljana, Simović, Aleksandar, Krizmanić, Imre, Ajtić, Rastko, Jović, Danko, Urošević, Aleksandar, Labus, Nenad, Đorđević, Sonja, Golubović, Ana, Anđelković, Marko, Džukić, Georg V., "Filling in the gaps in distribution data of the Snake-eyed skink Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron and Bory, 1833 (Squamata: Scincidae) in Serbia" in Ecologica Montenegrina, 2, no. 3 (2015):247-254, .

Gmizavci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet

Tomović, Ljiljana; Urošević, Aleksandar; Ajtić, Rastko; Ljubisavljević, Katarina; Jović, Danko; Krizmanić, Imre; Labus, Nenad; Đorđević, Sonja; Kalezić, Miloš L.; Vukov, Tanja; Džukić, Georg V.


AU  - Tomović, Ljiljana
AU  - Urošević, Aleksandar
AU  - Ajtić, Rastko
AU  - Ljubisavljević, Katarina
AU  - Jović, Danko
AU  - Krizmanić, Imre
AU  - Labus, Nenad
AU  - Đorđević, Sonja
AU  - Kalezić, Miloš L.
AU  - Vukov, Tanja
AU  - Džukić, Georg V.
PY  - 2014
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - In this paper we present confirmed and potential distribution ranges of all native Serbian reptile species. The information provided herein presents the combination of the newly collected faunistic data and previously published records. The centres of reptilian diversity in Serbia were evaluated, in order to focus future conservation efforts on the regions of particular importance for the protection of this understudied group of animals. We found four main centres of species richness: three in Metohija and one in Šumadija, with 17-21 species per 50 × 50 km square. Analysis of the similarity of species composition in different regions of Serbia showed that South-eastern Serbia is the most distinct from other regions of Serbia, due to high number of Mediterranean species, with two being found exclusively in that region (E. quatuorlineata and P. najadum). Metohija is also very distinct, due to the highest number of species and significant number of specific (Mediterranean) faunal elements. The remaining geographic regions are grouped into three clusters, with Kosovo-Southern Serbia cluster being especially distinct in the terms of species richness and the presence of Mediterranean species. We also compared Serbian herpetofauna with those in other Balkan countries, considering species' numbers and zoogeographic herpetofaunistic elements. Serbian herpetofauna is closest to the Romanian. Zoogeographic analysis showed that reptilian fauna of Serbia consists of eight chorotypes, with the Eastern-Mediterranean (nine species) and Southern-European (five species) as the most dominant ones.
AB  - U ovom radu predstavljeni su potvrđeni i potencijalni areali svih autohtonih gmizavaca Srbije. Korišćeni su do sada neobjavljeni podaci terenskih istraživanja, kao i informacije objavljene u literaturi. Ocenjeni su pretpostavljeni centri diverziteta gmizavaca u Srbiji, sa ciljem da se skrene pažnja na konzervacione mere neophodne za zaštitu pojedinih regiona od značaja za diverzitet gmizavaca u našoj zemlji. Utvrđeno je postojanje četiri centra diverziteta: tri u Metohiji i jednog u Šumadiji, sa prisustvom od 17 do 21 vrste na površini od 50 × 50 km. Analiza regiona Srbije po pitanju sličnosti sastava faune gmizavaca pokazala je da se region jugoistočne Srbije najviše odvaja od svih ostalih zbog ekskluzivnog prisustva dve mediteranske vrste gmizavaca (Elaphe quatuorlineata i Platyceps najadum). Metohija se odvaja po najvećem diverzitetu kao i prisustvu velikog broja mediteranskih vrsta gmizavaca. Ostali regioni formiraju tri grupe, pri čemu se klaster koga čine Kosovo i južna Srbija odvaja po prisustvu mediteranskih vrsta gmizavaca. Kada su na sličan način upoređene faune gmizavaca svih država Balkanskog poluostrva ispostavilo se da je fauna gmizavaca Srbije najsličnija onoj u Rumuniji. Zoogeografska analiza je pokazala da gmizavci Srbije spadaju u osam horotipova, pri čemu su po broju vrsta najzastupljeniji istočnomediteranski (sa devet vrsta) i južnoevropski (sa pet vrsta) horotipovi.
T2  - Bulletin of the Natural History Museum
T1  - Gmizavci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet
T1  - Reptiles in Serbia: Distribution and diversity patterns
IS  - 7
VL  - null
SP  - 129
EP  - 158
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Tomović, Ljiljana and Urošević, Aleksandar and Ajtić, Rastko and Ljubisavljević, Katarina and Jović, Danko and Krizmanić, Imre and Labus, Nenad and Đorđević, Sonja and Kalezić, Miloš L. and Vukov, Tanja and Džukić, Georg V.",
year = "2014, 2014",
abstract = "In this paper we present confirmed and potential distribution ranges of all native Serbian reptile species. The information provided herein presents the combination of the newly collected faunistic data and previously published records. The centres of reptilian diversity in Serbia were evaluated, in order to focus future conservation efforts on the regions of particular importance for the protection of this understudied group of animals. We found four main centres of species richness: three in Metohija and one in Šumadija, with 17-21 species per 50 × 50 km square. Analysis of the similarity of species composition in different regions of Serbia showed that South-eastern Serbia is the most distinct from other regions of Serbia, due to high number of Mediterranean species, with two being found exclusively in that region (E. quatuorlineata and P. najadum). Metohija is also very distinct, due to the highest number of species and significant number of specific (Mediterranean) faunal elements. The remaining geographic regions are grouped into three clusters, with Kosovo-Southern Serbia cluster being especially distinct in the terms of species richness and the presence of Mediterranean species. We also compared Serbian herpetofauna with those in other Balkan countries, considering species' numbers and zoogeographic herpetofaunistic elements. Serbian herpetofauna is closest to the Romanian. Zoogeographic analysis showed that reptilian fauna of Serbia consists of eight chorotypes, with the Eastern-Mediterranean (nine species) and Southern-European (five species) as the most dominant ones., U ovom radu predstavljeni su potvrđeni i potencijalni areali svih autohtonih gmizavaca Srbije. Korišćeni su do sada neobjavljeni podaci terenskih istraživanja, kao i informacije objavljene u literaturi. Ocenjeni su pretpostavljeni centri diverziteta gmizavaca u Srbiji, sa ciljem da se skrene pažnja na konzervacione mere neophodne za zaštitu pojedinih regiona od značaja za diverzitet gmizavaca u našoj zemlji. Utvrđeno je postojanje četiri centra diverziteta: tri u Metohiji i jednog u Šumadiji, sa prisustvom od 17 do 21 vrste na površini od 50 × 50 km. Analiza regiona Srbije po pitanju sličnosti sastava faune gmizavaca pokazala je da se region jugoistočne Srbije najviše odvaja od svih ostalih zbog ekskluzivnog prisustva dve mediteranske vrste gmizavaca (Elaphe quatuorlineata i Platyceps najadum). Metohija se odvaja po najvećem diverzitetu kao i prisustvu velikog broja mediteranskih vrsta gmizavaca. Ostali regioni formiraju tri grupe, pri čemu se klaster koga čine Kosovo i južna Srbija odvaja po prisustvu mediteranskih vrsta gmizavaca. Kada su na sličan način upoređene faune gmizavaca svih država Balkanskog poluostrva ispostavilo se da je fauna gmizavaca Srbije najsličnija onoj u Rumuniji. Zoogeografska analiza je pokazala da gmizavci Srbije spadaju u osam horotipova, pri čemu su po broju vrsta najzastupljeniji istočnomediteranski (sa devet vrsta) i južnoevropski (sa pet vrsta) horotipovi.",
journal = "Bulletin of the Natural History Museum",
title = "Gmizavci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet, Reptiles in Serbia: Distribution and diversity patterns",
number = "7",
volume = "null",
pages = "129-158",
url = ""
Tomović, L., Urošević, A., Ajtić, R., Ljubisavljević, K., Jović, D., Krizmanić, I., Labus, N., Đorđević, S., Kalezić, M. L., Vukov, T.,& Džukić, G. V.. (2014). Gmizavci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, null(7), 129-158.
Tomović L, Urošević A, Ajtić R, Ljubisavljević K, Jović D, Krizmanić I, Labus N, Đorđević S, Kalezić ML, Vukov T, Džukić GV. Gmizavci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. 2014;null(7):129-158. .
Tomović, Ljiljana, Urošević, Aleksandar, Ajtić, Rastko, Ljubisavljević, Katarina, Jović, Danko, Krizmanić, Imre, Labus, Nenad, Đorđević, Sonja, Kalezić, Miloš L., Vukov, Tanja, Džukić, Georg V., "Gmizavci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet" in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, null, no. 7 (2014):129-158, .

Vodozemci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet

Jović, Danko; Vukov, Tanja; Kalezić, Miloš L.; Tomović, Ljiljana; Krizmanić, Imre; Labus, Nenad; Džukić, Georg V.


AU  - Jović, Danko
AU  - Vukov, Tanja
AU  - Kalezić, Miloš L.
AU  - Tomović, Ljiljana
AU  - Krizmanić, Imre
AU  - Labus, Nenad
AU  - Džukić, Georg V.
PY  - 2013
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Considering the need for an up-to-date overview of the distribution and diversity of amphibians of Serbia, we mapped the species distributions upon current, mostly unpublished, faunistic data. Also, we compared batrachofaunas of Serbia and other Balkan countries in terms of species number and zoogeographic batrachofaunistic elements. With its 21 native species (8 urodeles and 13 anurans), Serbia appears to be the second most diverse country in the Balkans. We found three main centres of species richness in Panonnian and Peripannonian Serbia (with 15-17 species per 50 x 50 km square) which signals urgency for their protection. Serbian batrachofauna is most similar to that of the eastern Balkan countries (Bulgaria and Romania). Zoogeographic analysis showed that amphibian fauna of Serbia consists of six chorotypes, with the central-European and southern-European as the most dominant ones.
AB  - S obzirom na potrebu za najnovijim pregledom distribucije i diverziteta vodozemaca Srbije, u ovom radu prikazane su distribucije vrsta dobijene na osnovu postojećih i velikog broja do sada neobjavljenih faunističkih podataka. Dodatno, poređena je batrahofaunu Srbije i ostalih balkanskih zemalja u odnosu na broj vrsta i zoogeografskih batrahofaunističkih elemenata. Sa 21 autohtonom vrstom (8 vrsta repatih vodozemaca i 13 vrsta bezrepih vodozemaca), Srbija je druga zemlja Balkana po diverzitetu vodozemaca. Utvrđeno je postojanje tri glavna centra diverziteta u Panonskoj i Peripanonskoj Srbiji (sa 15-17 vrsta u okviru 50 × 50 km2) što ukazuje na hitnost uvođenja mera zaštite ovih centara. Batrahofauna Srbije je najsličnija istočnim balkanskim zemljama (Bugarska i Rumunija). Zoogeografska analiza pokazala je da se fauna vodozemaca Srbije sastoji od šest horotipova, sa centralnoevropskim i južnoevropskim kao dominantnim horotipovima.
T2  - Bulletin of the Natural History Museum
T1  - Vodozemci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet
T1  - Amphibians in Serbia: Distribution and diversity patterns
IS  - 6
VL  - null
SP  - 90
EP  - 112
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jović, Danko and Vukov, Tanja and Kalezić, Miloš L. and Tomović, Ljiljana and Krizmanić, Imre and Labus, Nenad and Džukić, Georg V.",
year = "2013, 2013",
abstract = "Considering the need for an up-to-date overview of the distribution and diversity of amphibians of Serbia, we mapped the species distributions upon current, mostly unpublished, faunistic data. Also, we compared batrachofaunas of Serbia and other Balkan countries in terms of species number and zoogeographic batrachofaunistic elements. With its 21 native species (8 urodeles and 13 anurans), Serbia appears to be the second most diverse country in the Balkans. We found three main centres of species richness in Panonnian and Peripannonian Serbia (with 15-17 species per 50 x 50 km square) which signals urgency for their protection. Serbian batrachofauna is most similar to that of the eastern Balkan countries (Bulgaria and Romania). Zoogeographic analysis showed that amphibian fauna of Serbia consists of six chorotypes, with the central-European and southern-European as the most dominant ones., S obzirom na potrebu za najnovijim pregledom distribucije i diverziteta vodozemaca Srbije, u ovom radu prikazane su distribucije vrsta dobijene na osnovu postojećih i velikog broja do sada neobjavljenih faunističkih podataka. Dodatno, poređena je batrahofaunu Srbije i ostalih balkanskih zemalja u odnosu na broj vrsta i zoogeografskih batrahofaunističkih elemenata. Sa 21 autohtonom vrstom (8 vrsta repatih vodozemaca i 13 vrsta bezrepih vodozemaca), Srbija je druga zemlja Balkana po diverzitetu vodozemaca. Utvrđeno je postojanje tri glavna centra diverziteta u Panonskoj i Peripanonskoj Srbiji (sa 15-17 vrsta u okviru 50 × 50 km2) što ukazuje na hitnost uvođenja mera zaštite ovih centara. Batrahofauna Srbije je najsličnija istočnim balkanskim zemljama (Bugarska i Rumunija). Zoogeografska analiza pokazala je da se fauna vodozemaca Srbije sastoji od šest horotipova, sa centralnoevropskim i južnoevropskim kao dominantnim horotipovima.",
journal = "Bulletin of the Natural History Museum",
title = "Vodozemci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet, Amphibians in Serbia: Distribution and diversity patterns",
number = "6",
volume = "null",
pages = "90-112",
url = ""
Jović, D., Vukov, T., Kalezić, M. L., Tomović, L., Krizmanić, I., Labus, N.,& Džukić, G. V.. (2013). Vodozemci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, null(6), 90-112.
Jović D, Vukov T, Kalezić ML, Tomović L, Krizmanić I, Labus N, Džukić GV. Vodozemci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet. in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. 2013;null(6):90-112. .
Jović, Danko, Vukov, Tanja, Kalezić, Miloš L., Tomović, Ljiljana, Krizmanić, Imre, Labus, Nenad, Džukić, Georg V., "Vodozemci Srbije - rasprostranjenje i diverzitet" in Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, null, no. 6 (2013):90-112, .