Novaković, Irena

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  • Novaković, Irena (7)

Author's Bibliography

Uporedni prikaz biološke aktivnosti potencijalnih antitumorskih agenasa: terc-butilhinona i njegovih alkiltio i ariltio derivata.

Đorđević, Jelena; Kolarević, Stoimir; Jovanović Marić, Jovana; Oalđe Pavlović, Mariana; Sladić, Dušan; Novaković, Irena; Vuković-Gačić, Branka

(Belgrade: Serbian Biological Society, 2022)

AU  - Đorđević, Jelena
AU  - Kolarević, Stoimir
AU  - Jovanović Marić, Jovana
AU  - Oalđe Pavlović, Mariana
AU  - Sladić, Dušan
AU  - Novaković, Irena
AU  - Vuković-Gačić, Branka
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Rak je vodeći uzrok smrti ljudi širom sveta sa 10 miliona umrlih u 2020. godini
zbog čega je jedan od imperativa naučne zajednice pronalazak efikasnijih
hemioterapeutika. Više od polovine lekova prirodnog je porekla, a budući da
okeani čine oko 70% Zemljine površine, marinski ekosistem je odlična osnova za
dobijanje novih lekova. Hinoni avarol i avaron su redoks par izolovan iz
mediteranskog sunđera Disidea avara i pokazuju raznovrsnu biološku aktivnost
poput antimikrobne i antitumorske. Кao i kod većine marinskih organizama,
najveće probleme za njihovu primenu predstavljaju slab prinos i cena
eksploatacije. Rešenje problema može biti sinteza jedinjenja sličnih po
hemijskoj strukturi i delovanju avarolu/avaronu poput terc-butilhinona (TBQ),
a sintezom alkiltio i ariltio derivata dodatno povećanje njegove aktivnosti.
Uporedno je testiran antibakterijski, toksični, citotoksični, genotoksični,
antioksidativni i antineurodegenerativni potencijal TBQ i njegovih derivata.
Generalno, derivati TBQ pokazuju jaču biološku aktivnost. Najjača
antibakterijska aktivnost uočena je na S. aureus i B. subtilis. Modifikacije
povećavaju citotoksičnost i genotoksičnost na humanim ćelijskim linijama dok
derivat 2-terc-butil-5,6-(etileneditio)-1,4-benzohinon pokazuje najjaču
aktivnost i na osnovu γH2AX testa dovodi do dvolančanih prekida DNК
molekula. Sva ispitivana jedinjenja snažno zaustavljaju ćelijski ciklus u G0/G1
fazi. Dodatno, jedinjenja pokazuju dobar antioksidativni i anttineurodegenerativni potencijal.
AB  - Рак је водећи узрок смрти људи широм света са 10 милиона умрлих у 2020. години
због чега је један од императива научне заједнице проналазак ефикаснијих
хемиотерапеутика. Више од половине лекова природног је порекла, а будући да
океани чине око 70% Земљине површине, марински екосистем је одлична основа за
добијање нових лекова. Хинони аварол и аварон су редокс пар изолован из
медитеранског сунђера Disidea avara и показују разноврсну биолошку активност
попут антимикробне и антитуморске. Као и код већине маринских организама,
највећe проблемe за њихову примену представљају слаб принос и цена
експлоатације. Решење проблема може бити синтеза једињења сличних по
хемијској структури и деловању аваролу/аварону попут терц-бутилхинона (ТBQ),
а синтезом алкилтио и арилтио деривата додатно повећање његове активности.
Упоредно је тестиран антибактеријски, токсични, цитотоксични, генотоксични,
антиоксидативни и антинеуродегенеративни потенцијал ТBQ и његових деривата.
Генерално, деривати ТBQ показују јачу биолошку активност. Најјача
антибактеријска активност уочена је на S. aureus и B. subtilis. Модификације
повећавају цитотоксичност и генотоксичност на хуманим ћелијским линијама док
дериват 2-терц-бутил-5,6-(етиленедитио)-1,4-бензохинон показује најјачу
активност и на основу γH2AX теста доводи до дволанчаних прекида ДНК
молекула. Сва испитивана једињења снажно заустављају ћелијски циклус у Г0/Г1
фази. Додатно, једињења показују добар антиоксидативни и
анттинеуродегенеративни потенцијал.
PB  - Belgrade: Serbian Biological Society
C3  - Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia
T1  - Uporedni prikaz biološke aktivnosti potencijalnih antitumorskih agenasa: terc-butilhinona i njegovih alkiltio i ariltio derivata.
T1  - Упоредни приказ биолошкe активности потенцијалних антитуморских агенаса: терц-бутилхинона и његових алкилтио и арилтио деривата
SP  - 251
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Jelena and Kolarević, Stoimir and Jovanović Marić, Jovana and Oalđe Pavlović, Mariana and Sladić, Dušan and Novaković, Irena and Vuković-Gačić, Branka",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Rak je vodeći uzrok smrti ljudi širom sveta sa 10 miliona umrlih u 2020. godini
zbog čega je jedan od imperativa naučne zajednice pronalazak efikasnijih
hemioterapeutika. Više od polovine lekova prirodnog je porekla, a budući da
okeani čine oko 70% Zemljine površine, marinski ekosistem je odlična osnova za
dobijanje novih lekova. Hinoni avarol i avaron su redoks par izolovan iz
mediteranskog sunđera Disidea avara i pokazuju raznovrsnu biološku aktivnost
poput antimikrobne i antitumorske. Кao i kod većine marinskih organizama,
najveće probleme za njihovu primenu predstavljaju slab prinos i cena
eksploatacije. Rešenje problema može biti sinteza jedinjenja sličnih po
hemijskoj strukturi i delovanju avarolu/avaronu poput terc-butilhinona (TBQ),
a sintezom alkiltio i ariltio derivata dodatno povećanje njegove aktivnosti.
Uporedno je testiran antibakterijski, toksični, citotoksični, genotoksični,
antioksidativni i antineurodegenerativni potencijal TBQ i njegovih derivata.
Generalno, derivati TBQ pokazuju jaču biološku aktivnost. Najjača
antibakterijska aktivnost uočena je na S. aureus i B. subtilis. Modifikacije
povećavaju citotoksičnost i genotoksičnost na humanim ćelijskim linijama dok
derivat 2-terc-butil-5,6-(etileneditio)-1,4-benzohinon pokazuje najjaču
aktivnost i na osnovu γH2AX testa dovodi do dvolančanih prekida DNК
molekula. Sva ispitivana jedinjenja snažno zaustavljaju ćelijski ciklus u G0/G1
fazi. Dodatno, jedinjenja pokazuju dobar antioksidativni i anttineurodegenerativni potencijal., Рак је водећи узрок смрти људи широм света са 10 милиона умрлих у 2020. години
због чега је један од императива научне заједнице проналазак ефикаснијих
хемиотерапеутика. Више од половине лекова природног је порекла, а будући да
океани чине око 70% Земљине површине, марински екосистем је одлична основа за
добијање нових лекова. Хинони аварол и аварон су редокс пар изолован из
медитеранског сунђера Disidea avara и показују разноврсну биолошку активност
попут антимикробне и антитуморске. Као и код већине маринских организама,
највећe проблемe за њихову примену представљају слаб принос и цена
експлоатације. Решење проблема може бити синтеза једињења сличних по
хемијској структури и деловању аваролу/аварону попут терц-бутилхинона (ТBQ),
а синтезом алкилтио и арилтио деривата додатно повећање његове активности.
Упоредно је тестиран антибактеријски, токсични, цитотоксични, генотоксични,
антиоксидативни и антинеуродегенеративни потенцијал ТBQ и његових деривата.
Генерално, деривати ТBQ показују јачу биолошку активност. Најјача
антибактеријска активност уочена је на S. aureus и B. subtilis. Модификације
повећавају цитотоксичност и генотоксичност на хуманим ћелијским линијама док
дериват 2-терц-бутил-5,6-(етиленедитио)-1,4-бензохинон показује најјачу
активност и на основу γH2AX теста доводи до дволанчаних прекида ДНК
молекула. Сва испитивана једињења снажно заустављају ћелијски циклус у Г0/Г1
фази. Додатно, једињења показују добар антиоксидативни и
анттинеуродегенеративни потенцијал.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Serbian Biological Society",
journal = "Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia",
title = "Uporedni prikaz biološke aktivnosti potencijalnih antitumorskih agenasa: terc-butilhinona i njegovih alkiltio i ariltio derivata., Упоредни приказ биолошкe активности потенцијалних антитуморских агенаса: терц-бутилхинона и његових алкилтио и арилтио деривата",
pages = "251",
url = ""
Đorđević, J., Kolarević, S., Jovanović Marić, J., Oalđe Pavlović, M., Sladić, D., Novaković, I.,& Vuković-Gačić, B.. (2022). Uporedni prikaz biološke aktivnosti potencijalnih antitumorskih agenasa: terc-butilhinona i njegovih alkiltio i ariltio derivata.. in Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia
Belgrade: Serbian Biological Society., 251.
Đorđević J, Kolarević S, Jovanović Marić J, Oalđe Pavlović M, Sladić D, Novaković I, Vuković-Gačić B. Uporedni prikaz biološke aktivnosti potencijalnih antitumorskih agenasa: terc-butilhinona i njegovih alkiltio i ariltio derivata.. in Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia. 2022;:251. .
Đorđević, Jelena, Kolarević, Stoimir, Jovanović Marić, Jovana, Oalđe Pavlović, Mariana, Sladić, Dušan, Novaković, Irena, Vuković-Gačić, Branka, "Uporedni prikaz biološke aktivnosti potencijalnih antitumorskih agenasa: terc-butilhinona i njegovih alkiltio i ariltio derivata." in Knjiga sažetaka: Treći Kongres biologa Srbije: Osnovna i primenjena istraživanja: Metodika nastave; 2022 Sep 21-25; Zlatibor, Serbia (2022):251, .

Synthesis and biological activity of alkylthio and arylthio derivatives of tert-butylquinone

Đorđević, Jelena; Kolarević, Stoimir; Jovanović-Marić, Jovana; Oalđe-Pavlović, Mariana; Sladić, Dušan; Novaković, Irena; Vuković-Gačić, Branka

(Belgrade: Serbian Chemical Society, 2022)

AU  - Đorđević, Jelena
AU  - Kolarević, Stoimir
AU  - Jovanović-Marić, Jovana
AU  - Oalđe-Pavlović, Mariana
AU  - Sladić, Dušan
AU  - Novaković, Irena
AU  - Vuković-Gačić, Branka
PY  - 2022
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Biological activity of 2-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (TBQ) and its derivatives, 2-tert-butyl-5-(2-propylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-butyl-5- -(propylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-butyl-5,6-(ethylenedithio)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-butyl-5-(phenylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone and 2-tert-butyl-6-(phenylthio)- 1,4-benzoquinone, were tested for their antioxidant, antibacterial, toxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic potential. Using the DPPH test, all derivatives showed good antioxidant activity, better than ascorbic acid, and the 2-tert- -butyl-5-(propylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone derivative showed the strongest effect. Better antibacterial potential was observed against Gram-positive bacteria in the broth microdilution method in which the 2-tert-butyl-5-(phenylthio)-1,4- -benzoquinone derivative showed the strongest activity (MIC = 15.6 μM). The results of toxicity tests, using the Brine shrimp test, indicated that the derivatives lose their toxic potential compared to TBQ, except for 2-tert-butyl-6- -(phenylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone, which showed a 3 times stronger effect. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the MTT assay in 24 and 72 h treatments in MRC-5, HS 294T and A549 cell lines in threefold decreasing gradient (11, 33 and 100 μM). Modifications potentiate the cytotoxic effect, and the strongest effect was observed with the 2-tert-butyl-5,6-(ethylendithio)-1,4-benzoquinone derivative. In addition, the genotoxic potential was examined in the MRC-5 cell line using the comet assay. All tested derivatives of TBQ showed a genotoxic effect at all applied subtoxic concentrations. In general, the chemical modifications of TBQ enhanced its biological activity.
PB  - Belgrade: Serbian Chemical Society
T2  - Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
T1  - Synthesis and biological activity of alkylthio and arylthio derivatives of tert-butylquinone
DO  - 10.2298/JSC220304044D
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Jelena and Kolarević, Stoimir and Jovanović-Marić, Jovana and Oalđe-Pavlović, Mariana and Sladić, Dušan and Novaković, Irena and Vuković-Gačić, Branka",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Biological activity of 2-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (TBQ) and its derivatives, 2-tert-butyl-5-(2-propylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-butyl-5- -(propylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-butyl-5,6-(ethylenedithio)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-butyl-5-(phenylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone and 2-tert-butyl-6-(phenylthio)- 1,4-benzoquinone, were tested for their antioxidant, antibacterial, toxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic potential. Using the DPPH test, all derivatives showed good antioxidant activity, better than ascorbic acid, and the 2-tert- -butyl-5-(propylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone derivative showed the strongest effect. Better antibacterial potential was observed against Gram-positive bacteria in the broth microdilution method in which the 2-tert-butyl-5-(phenylthio)-1,4- -benzoquinone derivative showed the strongest activity (MIC = 15.6 μM). The results of toxicity tests, using the Brine shrimp test, indicated that the derivatives lose their toxic potential compared to TBQ, except for 2-tert-butyl-6- -(phenylthio)-1,4-benzoquinone, which showed a 3 times stronger effect. Cytotoxicity was assessed by the MTT assay in 24 and 72 h treatments in MRC-5, HS 294T and A549 cell lines in threefold decreasing gradient (11, 33 and 100 μM). Modifications potentiate the cytotoxic effect, and the strongest effect was observed with the 2-tert-butyl-5,6-(ethylendithio)-1,4-benzoquinone derivative. In addition, the genotoxic potential was examined in the MRC-5 cell line using the comet assay. All tested derivatives of TBQ showed a genotoxic effect at all applied subtoxic concentrations. In general, the chemical modifications of TBQ enhanced its biological activity.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society",
title = "Synthesis and biological activity of alkylthio and arylthio derivatives of tert-butylquinone",
doi = "10.2298/JSC220304044D"
Đorđević, J., Kolarević, S., Jovanović-Marić, J., Oalđe-Pavlović, M., Sladić, D., Novaković, I.,& Vuković-Gačić, B.. (2022). Synthesis and biological activity of alkylthio and arylthio derivatives of tert-butylquinone. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Belgrade: Serbian Chemical Society..
Đorđević J, Kolarević S, Jovanović-Marić J, Oalđe-Pavlović M, Sladić D, Novaković I, Vuković-Gačić B. Synthesis and biological activity of alkylthio and arylthio derivatives of tert-butylquinone. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2022;.
doi:10.2298/JSC220304044D .
Đorđević, Jelena, Kolarević, Stoimir, Jovanović-Marić, Jovana, Oalđe-Pavlović, Mariana, Sladić, Dušan, Novaković, Irena, Vuković-Gačić, Branka, "Synthesis and biological activity of alkylthio and arylthio derivatives of tert-butylquinone" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2022), . .

Evaluation of genotoxic potential of tert-butylquinone and its derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.

Đorđević, Jelena; Kolarević, Stoimir; Jovanović, Jovana; Kostić-Vuković, Jovana; Novaković, Irena; Jeremić, Marko; Sladić, Dušan; Vuković-Gačić, Branka


AU  - Đorđević, Jelena
AU  - Kolarević, Stoimir
AU  - Jovanović, Jovana
AU  - Kostić-Vuković, Jovana
AU  - Novaković, Irena
AU  - Jeremić, Marko
AU  - Sladić, Dušan
AU  - Vuković-Gačić, Branka
PY  - 2020
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Tert-butylquinone (TBQ) and its alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives are of high interest as a potential antitumor agent. Therefore, it was necessary to investigate if the compounds exert undesirable activities such as interaction with DNA molecule which could result in negative side effects in the case of their use in the diseases treatment. The major aim of this study was to investigate genotoxic potential of TBQ and selected derivatives in an acellular model by using plasmid DNA, in the prokaryotic model by the SOS/umuC assay in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 and in eukaryotic models by using comet assay in human fetal lung cell line (MRC-5) and human liver cancer cell line (HepG2). Results indicated that in the acellular model TBQ and its derivatives do not interact with plasmid pUC19. In the prokaryotic model, only TBQ exerted weak genotoxic potential and only at highly cytotoxic concentrations. In eukaryotic models, genotoxic potential was detected mainly at the highest concentrations of the tested substances but the effect was lower in both cell lines in comparison with benzo[a]pyrene and etoposide which were used as positive controls. Weak genotoxic potential of tested compounds recommends them as good candidates for further testing in development of new antitumor agents.
T2  - Drug and Chemical Toxicology
T1  - Evaluation of genotoxic potential of tert-butylquinone and its derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.
IS  - 5
VL  - 43
DO  - 10.1080/01480545.2018.1514043
SP  - 522
EP  - 530
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Jelena and Kolarević, Stoimir and Jovanović, Jovana and Kostić-Vuković, Jovana and Novaković, Irena and Jeremić, Marko and Sladić, Dušan and Vuković-Gačić, Branka",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Tert-butylquinone (TBQ) and its alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives are of high interest as a potential antitumor agent. Therefore, it was necessary to investigate if the compounds exert undesirable activities such as interaction with DNA molecule which could result in negative side effects in the case of their use in the diseases treatment. The major aim of this study was to investigate genotoxic potential of TBQ and selected derivatives in an acellular model by using plasmid DNA, in the prokaryotic model by the SOS/umuC assay in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 and in eukaryotic models by using comet assay in human fetal lung cell line (MRC-5) and human liver cancer cell line (HepG2). Results indicated that in the acellular model TBQ and its derivatives do not interact with plasmid pUC19. In the prokaryotic model, only TBQ exerted weak genotoxic potential and only at highly cytotoxic concentrations. In eukaryotic models, genotoxic potential was detected mainly at the highest concentrations of the tested substances but the effect was lower in both cell lines in comparison with benzo[a]pyrene and etoposide which were used as positive controls. Weak genotoxic potential of tested compounds recommends them as good candidates for further testing in development of new antitumor agents.",
journal = "Drug and Chemical Toxicology",
title = "Evaluation of genotoxic potential of tert-butylquinone and its derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.",
number = "5",
volume = "43",
doi = "10.1080/01480545.2018.1514043",
pages = "522-530"
Đorđević, J., Kolarević, S., Jovanović, J., Kostić-Vuković, J., Novaković, I., Jeremić, M., Sladić, D.,& Vuković-Gačić, B.. (2020). Evaluation of genotoxic potential of tert-butylquinone and its derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.. in Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 43(5), 522-530.
Đorđević J, Kolarević S, Jovanović J, Kostić-Vuković J, Novaković I, Jeremić M, Sladić D, Vuković-Gačić B. Evaluation of genotoxic potential of tert-butylquinone and its derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.. in Drug and Chemical Toxicology. 2020;43(5):522-530.
doi:10.1080/01480545.2018.1514043 .
Đorđević, Jelena, Kolarević, Stoimir, Jovanović, Jovana, Kostić-Vuković, Jovana, Novaković, Irena, Jeremić, Marko, Sladić, Dušan, Vuković-Gačić, Branka, "Evaluation of genotoxic potential of tert-butylquinone and its derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models." in Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 43, no. 5 (2020):522-530, . .

Composition, Antioxidant Potential, and Antimicrobial Activity of Helichrysum plicatum DC. Various Extracts

Vujić, Bojan; Vidaković, Vera; Jadranin, Milka; Novaković, Irena; Trifunović, Snežana; Tešević, Vele; Mandić, Boris

(Basel : MDPI, 2020)

AU  - Vujić, Bojan
AU  - Vidaković, Vera
AU  - Jadranin, Milka
AU  - Novaković, Irena
AU  - Trifunović, Snežana
AU  - Tešević, Vele
AU  - Mandić, Boris
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Helichrysum plicatum DC. is widely used in folk medicine in treating a variety of health disorders. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of different extraction solvents on the chemical composition, antioxidant potential, and antimicrobial activities of H. plicatum. Aerial parts were separately extracted with ethanol, dichloromethane, and sunflower oil. The oil extract (OE) was re-extracted with acetonitrile. A total of 142 compounds were tentatively identified in ethanolic (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), and acetonitrile (ACNE) extracts using HPLC-DAD/ESI-ToF-MS. The dominant compound class in all extracts were α-pyrones, alongside flavonoids in EE, terpenoids in DCME and ACNE, and phloroglucinols in DCME. The antioxidant potential of the extracts was assessed by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) assay. EE and DCME possessed the most potent radical scavenging capacity. Antimicrobial activity was investigated on eight bacterial, two yeast, and one fungal species. All extracts exhibited high antifungal and notable antibacterial activities compared to control substances, with DCME being the most potent. DCME exhibited stronger antimicrobial activity against P. aeruginosa than the standard chloramphenicol.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Plants
T1  - Composition, Antioxidant Potential, and Antimicrobial Activity of Helichrysum plicatum DC. Various Extracts
IS  - 3
VL  - 9
DO  - 10.3390/plants9030337
SP  - 337
ER  - 
author = "Vujić, Bojan and Vidaković, Vera and Jadranin, Milka and Novaković, Irena and Trifunović, Snežana and Tešević, Vele and Mandić, Boris",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Helichrysum plicatum DC. is widely used in folk medicine in treating a variety of health disorders. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of different extraction solvents on the chemical composition, antioxidant potential, and antimicrobial activities of H. plicatum. Aerial parts were separately extracted with ethanol, dichloromethane, and sunflower oil. The oil extract (OE) was re-extracted with acetonitrile. A total of 142 compounds were tentatively identified in ethanolic (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), and acetonitrile (ACNE) extracts using HPLC-DAD/ESI-ToF-MS. The dominant compound class in all extracts were α-pyrones, alongside flavonoids in EE, terpenoids in DCME and ACNE, and phloroglucinols in DCME. The antioxidant potential of the extracts was assessed by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) assay. EE and DCME possessed the most potent radical scavenging capacity. Antimicrobial activity was investigated on eight bacterial, two yeast, and one fungal species. All extracts exhibited high antifungal and notable antibacterial activities compared to control substances, with DCME being the most potent. DCME exhibited stronger antimicrobial activity against P. aeruginosa than the standard chloramphenicol.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Plants",
title = "Composition, Antioxidant Potential, and Antimicrobial Activity of Helichrysum plicatum DC. Various Extracts",
number = "3",
volume = "9",
doi = "10.3390/plants9030337",
pages = "337"
Vujić, B., Vidaković, V., Jadranin, M., Novaković, I., Trifunović, S., Tešević, V.,& Mandić, B.. (2020). Composition, Antioxidant Potential, and Antimicrobial Activity of Helichrysum plicatum DC. Various Extracts. in Plants
Basel : MDPI., 9(3), 337.
Vujić B, Vidaković V, Jadranin M, Novaković I, Trifunović S, Tešević V, Mandić B. Composition, Antioxidant Potential, and Antimicrobial Activity of Helichrysum plicatum DC. Various Extracts. in Plants. 2020;9(3):337.
doi:10.3390/plants9030337 .
Vujić, Bojan, Vidaković, Vera, Jadranin, Milka, Novaković, Irena, Trifunović, Snežana, Tešević, Vele, Mandić, Boris, "Composition, Antioxidant Potential, and Antimicrobial Activity of Helichrysum plicatum DC. Various Extracts" in Plants, 9, no. 3 (2020):337, . .

Evaluation of genotoxic potential of avarol, avarone, and its methoxy and methylamino derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.

Kolarević, Stoimir; Milovanović, Dragana; Kračun-Kolarević, Margareta; Kostić, Jovana; Sunjog, Karolina; Martinović, Rajko; Đorđević, Jelena; Novaković, Irena; Sladić, Dušan; Vuković-Gačić, Branka


AU  - Kolarević, Stoimir
AU  - Milovanović, Dragana
AU  - Kračun-Kolarević, Margareta
AU  - Kostić, Jovana
AU  - Sunjog, Karolina
AU  - Martinović, Rajko
AU  - Đorđević, Jelena
AU  - Novaković, Irena
AU  - Sladić, Dušan
AU  - Vuković-Gačić, Branka
PY  - 2018
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - In this study, mutagenic and genotoxic potential of anti-tumor compounds avarol, avarone, and its derivatives 3'-methoxyavarone, 4'-(methylamino)avarone and 3'-(methylamino)avarone was evaluated and compared to cytostatics commonly used in chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil, etoposid, and cisplatin). Mutagenic potential of selected hydroquinone and quinones was assessed in prokaryotic model by the SOS/umuC assay in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. Genotoxic potential was also assessed in eukaryotic models using comet assay in human fetal lung cell line (MRC-5), human adenocarcinoma epithelial cell line (A549), and in human peripheral blood cells (HPBC). The results indicated that avarol and avarone do not exert mutagenic/genotoxic potential. Among the studied avarone derivatives, mutagenic potential was detected by SOS/umuC test for 3'-(methylamino)avarone, but only after metabolic activation. The results of comet assay indicated that 3'-methoxyavarone and 3'-(methylamino)avarone have a significant impact on the level of DNA damage in the MRC-5 cell line. Genotoxic potential was not observed in A549 cells or HPBC probably due to a different uptake rate for the compounds and lower in metabolism rate within these cells.
T2  - Drug and Chemical Toxicology
T1  - Evaluation of genotoxic potential of avarol, avarone, and its methoxy and methylamino derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.
IS  - 2
VL  - 42
DO  - 10.1080/01480545.2017.1413108
SP  - 130
EP  - 139
ER  - 
author = "Kolarević, Stoimir and Milovanović, Dragana and Kračun-Kolarević, Margareta and Kostić, Jovana and Sunjog, Karolina and Martinović, Rajko and Đorđević, Jelena and Novaković, Irena and Sladić, Dušan and Vuković-Gačić, Branka",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In this study, mutagenic and genotoxic potential of anti-tumor compounds avarol, avarone, and its derivatives 3'-methoxyavarone, 4'-(methylamino)avarone and 3'-(methylamino)avarone was evaluated and compared to cytostatics commonly used in chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil, etoposid, and cisplatin). Mutagenic potential of selected hydroquinone and quinones was assessed in prokaryotic model by the SOS/umuC assay in Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. Genotoxic potential was also assessed in eukaryotic models using comet assay in human fetal lung cell line (MRC-5), human adenocarcinoma epithelial cell line (A549), and in human peripheral blood cells (HPBC). The results indicated that avarol and avarone do not exert mutagenic/genotoxic potential. Among the studied avarone derivatives, mutagenic potential was detected by SOS/umuC test for 3'-(methylamino)avarone, but only after metabolic activation. The results of comet assay indicated that 3'-methoxyavarone and 3'-(methylamino)avarone have a significant impact on the level of DNA damage in the MRC-5 cell line. Genotoxic potential was not observed in A549 cells or HPBC probably due to a different uptake rate for the compounds and lower in metabolism rate within these cells.",
journal = "Drug and Chemical Toxicology",
title = "Evaluation of genotoxic potential of avarol, avarone, and its methoxy and methylamino derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.",
number = "2",
volume = "42",
doi = "10.1080/01480545.2017.1413108",
pages = "130-139"
Kolarević, S., Milovanović, D., Kračun-Kolarević, M., Kostić, J., Sunjog, K., Martinović, R., Đorđević, J., Novaković, I., Sladić, D.,& Vuković-Gačić, B.. (2018). Evaluation of genotoxic potential of avarol, avarone, and its methoxy and methylamino derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.. in Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 42(2), 130-139.
Kolarević S, Milovanović D, Kračun-Kolarević M, Kostić J, Sunjog K, Martinović R, Đorđević J, Novaković I, Sladić D, Vuković-Gačić B. Evaluation of genotoxic potential of avarol, avarone, and its methoxy and methylamino derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models.. in Drug and Chemical Toxicology. 2018;42(2):130-139.
doi:10.1080/01480545.2017.1413108 .
Kolarević, Stoimir, Milovanović, Dragana, Kračun-Kolarević, Margareta, Kostić, Jovana, Sunjog, Karolina, Martinović, Rajko, Đorđević, Jelena, Novaković, Irena, Sladić, Dušan, Vuković-Gačić, Branka, "Evaluation of genotoxic potential of avarol, avarone, and its methoxy and methylamino derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models." in Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 42, no. 2 (2018):130-139, . .

Alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives of avarone and its mimetic as selective agents against non-small cell lung cancer cells, their antibacterial and antifungal potential

Jeremić, Marko; Dinić, Jelena; Pešić, Milica; Nešović, Marija; Novaković, Irena; Šegan, Dejan; Sladić, Dušan

(Serbian Chemical Society, 2018)

AU  - Jeremić, Marko
AU  - Dinić, Jelena
AU  - Pešić, Milica
AU  - Nešović, Marija
AU  - Novaković, Irena
AU  - Šegan, Dejan
AU  - Sladić, Dušan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, the synthesis of fourteen alkylamino and arylamino derivatives of sesquiterpene quinone avarone and its model compound tert-butylquinone is described. Branched, cyclic, allylic and benzylic alkylamino/arylamino groups were introduced into the quinone moiety. For all the obtained derivatives, their biological activity and redox properties were studied. The cytotoxic activity of the synthesized derivatives towards multidrug resistant (MDR) human non-small cell lung carcinoma NCI-H460/R cells, their sensitive counterpart NCI-H460 and human normal keratinocytes (HaCaT) was investigated. The antimicrobial activity towards Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and fungal cultures was determined. Some of the synthesized derivatives showed selectivity for cancer cells, including MDR cells. Regarding their cell death induction potential, the most promising compounds were allylamino derivatives, preferentially triggering apoptosis, with high selectivity for cancer cells, including MDR cells. Several compounds showed promising antimicrobial activity, comparable to those of commercial antibiotic and antimycotic agents.
PB  - Serbian Chemical Society
T2  - Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
T1  - Alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives of avarone and its mimetic as selective agents against non-small cell lung cancer cells, their antibacterial and antifungal potential
IS  - 11
VL  - 83
DO  - 10.2298/JSC180627062J
SP  - 1193
EP  - 1207
ER  - 
author = "Jeremić, Marko and Dinić, Jelena and Pešić, Milica and Nešović, Marija and Novaković, Irena and Šegan, Dejan and Sladić, Dušan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In this paper, the synthesis of fourteen alkylamino and arylamino derivatives of sesquiterpene quinone avarone and its model compound tert-butylquinone is described. Branched, cyclic, allylic and benzylic alkylamino/arylamino groups were introduced into the quinone moiety. For all the obtained derivatives, their biological activity and redox properties were studied. The cytotoxic activity of the synthesized derivatives towards multidrug resistant (MDR) human non-small cell lung carcinoma NCI-H460/R cells, their sensitive counterpart NCI-H460 and human normal keratinocytes (HaCaT) was investigated. The antimicrobial activity towards Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and fungal cultures was determined. Some of the synthesized derivatives showed selectivity for cancer cells, including MDR cells. Regarding their cell death induction potential, the most promising compounds were allylamino derivatives, preferentially triggering apoptosis, with high selectivity for cancer cells, including MDR cells. Several compounds showed promising antimicrobial activity, comparable to those of commercial antibiotic and antimycotic agents.",
publisher = "Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society",
title = "Alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives of avarone and its mimetic as selective agents against non-small cell lung cancer cells, their antibacterial and antifungal potential",
number = "11",
volume = "83",
doi = "10.2298/JSC180627062J",
pages = "1193-1207"
Jeremić, M., Dinić, J., Pešić, M., Nešović, M., Novaković, I., Šegan, D.,& Sladić, D.. (2018). Alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives of avarone and its mimetic as selective agents against non-small cell lung cancer cells, their antibacterial and antifungal potential. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Serbian Chemical Society., 83(11), 1193-1207.
Jeremić M, Dinić J, Pešić M, Nešović M, Novaković I, Šegan D, Sladić D. Alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives of avarone and its mimetic as selective agents against non-small cell lung cancer cells, their antibacterial and antifungal potential. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2018;83(11):1193-1207.
doi:10.2298/JSC180627062J .
Jeremić, Marko, Dinić, Jelena, Pešić, Milica, Nešović, Marija, Novaković, Irena, Šegan, Dejan, Sladić, Dušan, "Alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives of avarone and its mimetic as selective agents against non-small cell lung cancer cells, their antibacterial and antifungal potential" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 83, no. 11 (2018):1193-1207, . .

Simple avarone mimetics as selective agents against multidrug resistant cancer cells

Jeremić, Marko; Pešić, Milica; Dinić, Jelena; Banković, Jasna; Novaković, Irena; Šegan, Dejan; Sladić, Dušan

(Paris : Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2016)

AU  - Jeremić, Marko
AU  - Pešić, Milica
AU  - Dinić, Jelena
AU  - Banković, Jasna
AU  - Novaković, Irena
AU  - Šegan, Dejan
AU  - Sladić, Dušan
PY  - 2016
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - In this work, synthesis of alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives of sesquiterpene quinone avarone and its model compound tert-butylquinone was described. For all obtained derivatives biological activity was studied. Cytotoxic activity of the synthesized derivatives towards multidrug resistant MDR human non small cell lung carcinoma NCI-H460/R cells, their sensitive counterpart NCI-H460 and human normal keratinocytes (HaCaT) as well as detection of cell death superoxide anion generation were investigated. Antimicrobial activity towards Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and fungal cultures was determined. The results showed that strong cytotoxic activity toward cancer cells was improved with simple avarone mimetics. Some derivatives were selective towards MDR cancer cells. The most active derivatives induced apoptosis in both cancer cell lines, but not in normal cells. Superoxide production was induced by 2,6-disubstituted compounds in MDR cancer cells and not by less active 2,5-disubstituted compounds and was accompanied by the collapse of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential. Two tert-butylquinone derivatives were particularly selective towards MDR cancer cells. Some tert-butylquinone derivatives exhibited a strong antimicrobial activity.
PB  - Paris : Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier
T2  - European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
T1  - Simple avarone mimetics as selective agents against multidrug resistant cancer cells
VL  - 118
DO  - 10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.04.011
SP  - 107
EP  - 120
ER  - 
author = "Jeremić, Marko and Pešić, Milica and Dinić, Jelena and Banković, Jasna and Novaković, Irena and Šegan, Dejan and Sladić, Dušan",
year = "2016",
abstract = "In this work, synthesis of alkylamino and aralkylamino derivatives of sesquiterpene quinone avarone and its model compound tert-butylquinone was described. For all obtained derivatives biological activity was studied. Cytotoxic activity of the synthesized derivatives towards multidrug resistant MDR human non small cell lung carcinoma NCI-H460/R cells, their sensitive counterpart NCI-H460 and human normal keratinocytes (HaCaT) as well as detection of cell death superoxide anion generation were investigated. Antimicrobial activity towards Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and fungal cultures was determined. The results showed that strong cytotoxic activity toward cancer cells was improved with simple avarone mimetics. Some derivatives were selective towards MDR cancer cells. The most active derivatives induced apoptosis in both cancer cell lines, but not in normal cells. Superoxide production was induced by 2,6-disubstituted compounds in MDR cancer cells and not by less active 2,5-disubstituted compounds and was accompanied by the collapse of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential. Two tert-butylquinone derivatives were particularly selective towards MDR cancer cells. Some tert-butylquinone derivatives exhibited a strong antimicrobial activity.",
publisher = "Paris : Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier",
journal = "European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry",
title = "Simple avarone mimetics as selective agents against multidrug resistant cancer cells",
volume = "118",
doi = "10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.04.011",
pages = "107-120"
Jeremić, M., Pešić, M., Dinić, J., Banković, J., Novaković, I., Šegan, D.,& Sladić, D.. (2016). Simple avarone mimetics as selective agents against multidrug resistant cancer cells. in European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Paris : Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier., 118, 107-120.
Jeremić M, Pešić M, Dinić J, Banković J, Novaković I, Šegan D, Sladić D. Simple avarone mimetics as selective agents against multidrug resistant cancer cells. in European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2016;118:107-120.
doi:10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.04.011 .
Jeremić, Marko, Pešić, Milica, Dinić, Jelena, Banković, Jasna, Novaković, Irena, Šegan, Dejan, Sladić, Dušan, "Simple avarone mimetics as selective agents against multidrug resistant cancer cells" in European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 118 (2016):107-120, . .