Jovanović, Ivan

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  • Jovanović, Ivan (9)

Author's Bibliography

Semaglutid kao potentan aktivator antitumorskog imunskog odgovora u karcinomu dojke

Stanisavljević, Isidora; Pavlović, Slađana; Simović Marković, Bojana; Ćorović, Irfan; Krajnović, Tamara; Mijatović, Sanja; Jovanović, Ivan

(Beograd, Srbija: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 2024)

AU  - Stanisavljević, Isidora
AU  - Pavlović, Slađana
AU  - Simović Marković, Bojana
AU  - Ćorović, Irfan
AU  - Krajnović, Tamara
AU  - Mijatović, Sanja
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Karcinom dojke je najčešći maligni tumor kod žena i obično je udružen sa ranim metastazama što predstavlja značajan zdravstveni problem. Imunski odgovor protiv karcinoma zasniva se na efektorskim dejstvima ćelija imunskog sistema, među kojima su najznačajnije NK ćelije i CD8+ T limfocite. Semaglutid je antidijabetik koji pripada grupi inkretinskih mimetika. Svoje efekte ostvaruje agonističkim dejstvom na receptore za peptid-sličan glukagonu 1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1). Antitumorski efekat agonista GLP-1 receptora ogleda se u inhibiciji rasta, proliferacije, migracije i invazivnosti tumorskih ćelija. Cilj ove studije je ispitati antitumorski efekat semaglutida u 4T1 eksperimentalnom modelu mišijeg karcinoma dojke. Nakon indukcije karcinoma dojke, BALB/c miševi su tretirani semaglutidom intraperitonealno. Primena semaglutida značajno je odložila pojavu palpabilnog tumora i usporila rast tumora. Istovremeno, antidijabetik nije pokazao direktno antitumorsko dejstvo u in vitro eksperimentima. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da semaglutid funkcionalni fenotip CD3-CD49b+ NK ćelija tako što pojačava ekspresiju aktivacionih receptora CD69 i NKG2D, a smanjuje ekspresiju PD-1 inhibitornog receptora i IL-10. Takođe, semaglutid je povećao infiltraciju tumora CD3+CD49b- T limfocitima kao i ekspresiju aktivacionih markera CD69 i NKG2D i pojačao produkciju granzima. Istovremeno je smanjio ekspresiju PD-1 i IL-10 na CD3+CD49b- T limfocitima. Semagutid nije uticao na povećanje ukupnog broja tumor infiltrišućih dendritksih ćelija ali je statistički značajno povećao ekspresiju kostimulatora CD86. Ovi rezultati ističu da semaglutid ima potencijal kao terapijski agens za stimulaciju imunskog sistema protiv tumora.
AB  - Карцином дојке је најчешћи малигни тумор код жена и обично је удружен са раним метастазама што представља значајан здравствени проблем. Имунски одговор против карцинома заснива се на ефекторским дејствима ћелија имунског система, међу којима су најзначајније NK ћелије и CD8+ Т лимфоците. Семаглутид је антидијабетик који припада групи инкретинских миметика. Своје ефекте остварује агонистичким дејством на рецепторе за пептид-сличан глукагону 1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1). Антитуморски ефекат агониста GLP-1 рецептора огледа се у инхибицији раста, пролиферације, миграције и инвазивности туморских ћелија. Циљ ове студије је испитати антитуморски ефекат семаглутида у 4T1 експерименталном моделу мишијег карцинома дојке. Након индукције карцинома дојке, BALB/c мишеви су третирани семаглутидом интраперитонеално. Примена семаглутида значајно је одложила појаву палпабилног тумора и успорила раст тумора. Истовремено, антидијабетик није показао директно антитуморско дејство у in vitro експериментима. Резултати истраживања указују да семаглутид функционални фенотип CD3-CD49b+ NK ћелија тако што појачава експресију активационих рецептора CD69 и NKG2D, а смањује експресију PD-1 инхибиторног рецептора и IL-10. Такође, семаглутид је повећао инфилтрацију тумора CD3+CD49b- Т лимфоцитима као и експресију активационих маркера CD69 и NKG2D и појачао продукцију гранзима. Истовремено је смањио експресију PD-1 и IL-10 на CD3+CD49b- Т лимфоцитима. Семагутид није утицао на повећање укупног броја тумор инфилтришућих дендритксих ћелија али је статистички значајно повећао експресију костимулатора CD86. Ови резултати истичу да семаглутид има потенцијал као терапијски агенс за стимулацију имунског система против тумора.
PB  - Beograd, Srbija: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
C3  - Naučni skup Svetski dan imunologije 2024; 2024 Apr 25; Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - Semaglutid kao potentan aktivator antitumorskog imunskog odgovora u karcinomu dojke
T1  - Семаглутид као потентан активатор антитуморског имунског одговора у карциному дојке
SP  - 17
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stanisavljević, Isidora and Pavlović, Slađana and Simović Marković, Bojana and Ćorović, Irfan and Krajnović, Tamara and Mijatović, Sanja and Jovanović, Ivan",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Karcinom dojke je najčešći maligni tumor kod žena i obično je udružen sa ranim metastazama što predstavlja značajan zdravstveni problem. Imunski odgovor protiv karcinoma zasniva se na efektorskim dejstvima ćelija imunskog sistema, među kojima su najznačajnije NK ćelije i CD8+ T limfocite. Semaglutid je antidijabetik koji pripada grupi inkretinskih mimetika. Svoje efekte ostvaruje agonističkim dejstvom na receptore za peptid-sličan glukagonu 1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1). Antitumorski efekat agonista GLP-1 receptora ogleda se u inhibiciji rasta, proliferacije, migracije i invazivnosti tumorskih ćelija. Cilj ove studije je ispitati antitumorski efekat semaglutida u 4T1 eksperimentalnom modelu mišijeg karcinoma dojke. Nakon indukcije karcinoma dojke, BALB/c miševi su tretirani semaglutidom intraperitonealno. Primena semaglutida značajno je odložila pojavu palpabilnog tumora i usporila rast tumora. Istovremeno, antidijabetik nije pokazao direktno antitumorsko dejstvo u in vitro eksperimentima. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da semaglutid funkcionalni fenotip CD3-CD49b+ NK ćelija tako što pojačava ekspresiju aktivacionih receptora CD69 i NKG2D, a smanjuje ekspresiju PD-1 inhibitornog receptora i IL-10. Takođe, semaglutid je povećao infiltraciju tumora CD3+CD49b- T limfocitima kao i ekspresiju aktivacionih markera CD69 i NKG2D i pojačao produkciju granzima. Istovremeno je smanjio ekspresiju PD-1 i IL-10 na CD3+CD49b- T limfocitima. Semagutid nije uticao na povećanje ukupnog broja tumor infiltrišućih dendritksih ćelija ali je statistički značajno povećao ekspresiju kostimulatora CD86. Ovi rezultati ističu da semaglutid ima potencijal kao terapijski agens za stimulaciju imunskog sistema protiv tumora., Карцином дојке је најчешћи малигни тумор код жена и обично је удружен са раним метастазама што представља значајан здравствени проблем. Имунски одговор против карцинома заснива се на ефекторским дејствима ћелија имунског система, међу којима су најзначајније NK ћелије и CD8+ Т лимфоците. Семаглутид је антидијабетик који припада групи инкретинских миметика. Своје ефекте остварује агонистичким дејством на рецепторе за пептид-сличан глукагону 1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1). Антитуморски ефекат агониста GLP-1 рецептора огледа се у инхибицији раста, пролиферације, миграције и инвазивности туморских ћелија. Циљ ове студије је испитати антитуморски ефекат семаглутида у 4T1 експерименталном моделу мишијег карцинома дојке. Након индукције карцинома дојке, BALB/c мишеви су третирани семаглутидом интраперитонеално. Примена семаглутида значајно је одложила појаву палпабилног тумора и успорила раст тумора. Истовремено, антидијабетик није показао директно антитуморско дејство у in vitro експериментима. Резултати истраживања указују да семаглутид функционални фенотип CD3-CD49b+ NK ћелија тако што појачава експресију активационих рецептора CD69 и NKG2D, а смањује експресију PD-1 инхибиторног рецептора и IL-10. Такође, семаглутид је повећао инфилтрацију тумора CD3+CD49b- Т лимфоцитима као и експресију активационих маркера CD69 и NKG2D и појачао продукцију гранзима. Истовремено је смањио експресију PD-1 и IL-10 на CD3+CD49b- Т лимфоцитима. Семагутид није утицао на повећање укупног броја тумор инфилтришућих дендритксих ћелија али је статистички значајно повећао експресију костимулатора CD86. Ови резултати истичу да семаглутид има потенцијал као терапијски агенс за стимулацију имунског система против тумора.",
publisher = "Beograd, Srbija: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti",
journal = "Naučni skup Svetski dan imunologije 2024; 2024 Apr 25; Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "Semaglutid kao potentan aktivator antitumorskog imunskog odgovora u karcinomu dojke, Семаглутид као потентан активатор антитуморског имунског одговора у карциному дојке",
pages = "17",
url = ""
Stanisavljević, I., Pavlović, S., Simović Marković, B., Ćorović, I., Krajnović, T., Mijatović, S.,& Jovanović, I.. (2024). Semaglutid kao potentan aktivator antitumorskog imunskog odgovora u karcinomu dojke. in Naučni skup Svetski dan imunologije 2024; 2024 Apr 25; Belgrade, Serbia
Beograd, Srbija: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti., 17.
Stanisavljević I, Pavlović S, Simović Marković B, Ćorović I, Krajnović T, Mijatović S, Jovanović I. Semaglutid kao potentan aktivator antitumorskog imunskog odgovora u karcinomu dojke. in Naučni skup Svetski dan imunologije 2024; 2024 Apr 25; Belgrade, Serbia. 2024;:17. .
Stanisavljević, Isidora, Pavlović, Slađana, Simović Marković, Bojana, Ćorović, Irfan, Krajnović, Tamara, Mijatović, Sanja, Jovanović, Ivan, "Semaglutid kao potentan aktivator antitumorskog imunskog odgovora u karcinomu dojke" in Naučni skup Svetski dan imunologije 2024; 2024 Apr 25; Belgrade, Serbia (2024):17, .

Antimelanoma Effects of Alchemilla vulgaris: A Comprehensive In Vitro and In Vivo Study

Jelača, Sanja; Jovanović, Ivan; Bovan, Dijana; Pavlović, Slađana; Gajović, Nevena; Dunđerović, Duško; Dajić-Stevanović, Zora; Acović, Aleksandar; Mijatović, Sanja; Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela

(Basel: MDPI, 2024)

AU  - Jelača, Sanja
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
AU  - Bovan, Dijana
AU  - Pavlović, Slađana
AU  - Gajović, Nevena
AU  - Dunđerović, Duško
AU  - Dajić-Stevanović, Zora
AU  - Acović, Aleksandar
AU  - Mijatović, Sanja
AU  - Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Due to the rich ethnobotanical and growing evidence-based medicine records, the Alchemillae herba, i.e., the upper parts of the Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris L.), was used for the assessment of antimelanoma activity. The ethanolic extract of A. vulgaris strongly suppressed the viability of B16F1, B16F10, 518A2, and Fem-X cell lines. In contrast to the in vitro study, where the B16F1 cells were more sensitive to the treatment than the more aggressive counterpart B16F10, the results obtained in vivo using the corresponding syngeneic murine model were quite the opposite. The higher sensitivity of B16F10 tumors in vivo may be attributed to a more complex response to the extract compared to one triggered in vitro. In addition, the strong immunosuppressive microenvironment in the B16F1 model is impaired by the treatment, as evidenced by enhanced antigen-presenting potential of dendritic cells, influx and activity of CD4+ T and CD8+ T lymphocytes, decreased presence of T regulatory lymphocytes, and attenuation of anti-inflammatory cytokine production. All these effects are supported by the absence of systemic toxicity. A. vulgaris extract treatment results in a sustained and enhanced ability to reduce melanoma growth, followed by the restoration of innate and adopted antitumor immunity without affecting the overall physiology of the host.
PB  - Basel: MDPI
T2  - Diseases
T1  - Antimelanoma Effects of Alchemilla vulgaris: A Comprehensive In Vitro and In Vivo Study
IS  - 6
VL  - 12
DO  - 10.3390/diseases12060125
SP  - 125
ER  - 
author = "Jelača, Sanja and Jovanović, Ivan and Bovan, Dijana and Pavlović, Slađana and Gajović, Nevena and Dunđerović, Duško and Dajić-Stevanović, Zora and Acović, Aleksandar and Mijatović, Sanja and Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Due to the rich ethnobotanical and growing evidence-based medicine records, the Alchemillae herba, i.e., the upper parts of the Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris L.), was used for the assessment of antimelanoma activity. The ethanolic extract of A. vulgaris strongly suppressed the viability of B16F1, B16F10, 518A2, and Fem-X cell lines. In contrast to the in vitro study, where the B16F1 cells were more sensitive to the treatment than the more aggressive counterpart B16F10, the results obtained in vivo using the corresponding syngeneic murine model were quite the opposite. The higher sensitivity of B16F10 tumors in vivo may be attributed to a more complex response to the extract compared to one triggered in vitro. In addition, the strong immunosuppressive microenvironment in the B16F1 model is impaired by the treatment, as evidenced by enhanced antigen-presenting potential of dendritic cells, influx and activity of CD4+ T and CD8+ T lymphocytes, decreased presence of T regulatory lymphocytes, and attenuation of anti-inflammatory cytokine production. All these effects are supported by the absence of systemic toxicity. A. vulgaris extract treatment results in a sustained and enhanced ability to reduce melanoma growth, followed by the restoration of innate and adopted antitumor immunity without affecting the overall physiology of the host.",
publisher = "Basel: MDPI",
journal = "Diseases",
title = "Antimelanoma Effects of Alchemilla vulgaris: A Comprehensive In Vitro and In Vivo Study",
number = "6",
volume = "12",
doi = "10.3390/diseases12060125",
pages = "125"
Jelača, S., Jovanović, I., Bovan, D., Pavlović, S., Gajović, N., Dunđerović, D., Dajić-Stevanović, Z., Acović, A., Mijatović, S.,& Maksimović-Ivanić, D.. (2024). Antimelanoma Effects of Alchemilla vulgaris: A Comprehensive In Vitro and In Vivo Study. in Diseases
Basel: MDPI., 12(6), 125.
Jelača S, Jovanović I, Bovan D, Pavlović S, Gajović N, Dunđerović D, Dajić-Stevanović Z, Acović A, Mijatović S, Maksimović-Ivanić D. Antimelanoma Effects of Alchemilla vulgaris: A Comprehensive In Vitro and In Vivo Study. in Diseases. 2024;12(6):125.
doi:10.3390/diseases12060125 .
Jelača, Sanja, Jovanović, Ivan, Bovan, Dijana, Pavlović, Slađana, Gajović, Nevena, Dunđerović, Duško, Dajić-Stevanović, Zora, Acović, Aleksandar, Mijatović, Sanja, Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela, "Antimelanoma Effects of Alchemilla vulgaris: A Comprehensive In Vitro and In Vivo Study" in Diseases, 12, no. 6 (2024):125, . .

Dual Role of Alchemilla vulgaris L. Extract in Breast Cancer Regression: Reestablishment of Effective Immune Response

Jelača, Sanja; Jovanović, Ivan; Bovan, Dijana; Jovanović, Marina Z.; Jurišević, Milena M.; Dunđerović, Duško; Dajić-Stevanović, Zora; Arsenijević, Nebojša; Mijatović, Sanja; Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela

(Basel: MDPI, 2024)

AU  - Jelača, Sanja
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
AU  - Bovan, Dijana
AU  - Jovanović, Marina Z.
AU  - Jurišević, Milena M.
AU  - Dunđerović, Duško
AU  - Dajić-Stevanović, Zora
AU  - Arsenijević, Nebojša
AU  - Mijatović, Sanja
AU  - Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Ethnomedicinal records have long mentioned the historical usage of Alchemilla vulgaris L. in folk medicine, particularly for the treatment of gynecological issues. Building on this ethnomedicinal knowledge regarding female illnesses, the aim of this research was to evaluate the impact of ethanolic extract of A. vulgaris on mouse breast cancer cells (4T1) in vitro and in vivo, in addition to its effect on the immune compartment in the tumor microenvironment. Behind viability decrease of 4T1 cells induced by treatment with A. vulgaris extract was strong inhibition of cell proliferation accompanied by caspase-dependent apoptosis and autophagic cell death. Observed changes in 4T1 cell culture after treatment were well orchestrated and led to a reduction in metastatic potential through weakened adhesion, invasion, migration, and colony-forming abilities in vitro. Enhanced intracellular production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species promoted by the treatment might interfere with all the observed effects. Apart from the direct effect on tumor cells, the A. vulgaris extract significantly reduced tumor growth in the solid orthotropic mammary carcinoma model through restitution of efficient local and systemic immune response reflected in enhanced antigen-presenting potential of dendritic cells (DCs) as well as the extent and activity of effector T cells.
PB  - Basel: MDPI
T2  - Pharmaceuticals
T1  - Dual Role of Alchemilla vulgaris L. Extract in Breast Cancer Regression: Reestablishment of Effective Immune Response
IS  - 3
VL  - 17
DO  - 10.3390/ph17030286
SP  - 286
ER  - 
author = "Jelača, Sanja and Jovanović, Ivan and Bovan, Dijana and Jovanović, Marina Z. and Jurišević, Milena M. and Dunđerović, Duško and Dajić-Stevanović, Zora and Arsenijević, Nebojša and Mijatović, Sanja and Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Ethnomedicinal records have long mentioned the historical usage of Alchemilla vulgaris L. in folk medicine, particularly for the treatment of gynecological issues. Building on this ethnomedicinal knowledge regarding female illnesses, the aim of this research was to evaluate the impact of ethanolic extract of A. vulgaris on mouse breast cancer cells (4T1) in vitro and in vivo, in addition to its effect on the immune compartment in the tumor microenvironment. Behind viability decrease of 4T1 cells induced by treatment with A. vulgaris extract was strong inhibition of cell proliferation accompanied by caspase-dependent apoptosis and autophagic cell death. Observed changes in 4T1 cell culture after treatment were well orchestrated and led to a reduction in metastatic potential through weakened adhesion, invasion, migration, and colony-forming abilities in vitro. Enhanced intracellular production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species promoted by the treatment might interfere with all the observed effects. Apart from the direct effect on tumor cells, the A. vulgaris extract significantly reduced tumor growth in the solid orthotropic mammary carcinoma model through restitution of efficient local and systemic immune response reflected in enhanced antigen-presenting potential of dendritic cells (DCs) as well as the extent and activity of effector T cells.",
publisher = "Basel: MDPI",
journal = "Pharmaceuticals",
title = "Dual Role of Alchemilla vulgaris L. Extract in Breast Cancer Regression: Reestablishment of Effective Immune Response",
number = "3",
volume = "17",
doi = "10.3390/ph17030286",
pages = "286"
Jelača, S., Jovanović, I., Bovan, D., Jovanović, M. Z., Jurišević, M. M., Dunđerović, D., Dajić-Stevanović, Z., Arsenijević, N., Mijatović, S.,& Maksimović-Ivanić, D.. (2024). Dual Role of Alchemilla vulgaris L. Extract in Breast Cancer Regression: Reestablishment of Effective Immune Response. in Pharmaceuticals
Basel: MDPI., 17(3), 286.
Jelača S, Jovanović I, Bovan D, Jovanović MZ, Jurišević MM, Dunđerović D, Dajić-Stevanović Z, Arsenijević N, Mijatović S, Maksimović-Ivanić D. Dual Role of Alchemilla vulgaris L. Extract in Breast Cancer Regression: Reestablishment of Effective Immune Response. in Pharmaceuticals. 2024;17(3):286.
doi:10.3390/ph17030286 .
Jelača, Sanja, Jovanović, Ivan, Bovan, Dijana, Jovanović, Marina Z., Jurišević, Milena M., Dunđerović, Duško, Dajić-Stevanović, Zora, Arsenijević, Nebojša, Mijatović, Sanja, Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela, "Dual Role of Alchemilla vulgaris L. Extract in Breast Cancer Regression: Reestablishment of Effective Immune Response" in Pharmaceuticals, 17, no. 3 (2024):286, . .

Morphometric analysis of somatotropic and folliculostellate cells of human anterior pituitary during ageing

Čukuranović-Kokoris, Jovana; Đorđević, Miodrag; Jovanović, Ivan; Kundalić, Braca; Pavlović, Miljana; Graovac, Ivana; Ajdžanović, Vladimir; Ristić, Nataša; Marković-Filipović, Jelena; Milošević, Verica

(Belgrade: Serbian Medical Society, 2022)

AU  - Čukuranović-Kokoris, Jovana
AU  - Đorđević, Miodrag
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
AU  - Kundalić, Braca
AU  - Pavlović, Miljana
AU  - Graovac, Ivana
AU  - Ajdžanović, Vladimir
AU  - Ristić, Nataša
AU  - Marković-Filipović, Jelena
AU  - Milošević, Verica
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Introduction/Objective. In this study, we have pointed out the immunohistomorphometric characteristics of somatotropic (GH) and folliculo-stellate (FS) cells of the human pituitary gland during ageing. Methods. On histological sections of the pituitary gland of 14 male cadavers of different ages, the GH and FS cells were immunohistochemically labeled with corresponding antibodies, monoclonal anti-GH antibody and polyclonal anti-S100 antibody, respectively. Immunopositive GH- and FS-cells were further morphometrically analyzed using ImageJ software. Results. The obtained results of morphometric analysis showed that the surface area of GH cells increased significantly with age. In these cells, the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio gradually decreased and became significantly higher after the age of 70 years. The volume density of GH cells has not changed during ageing, while in FS cells this parameter significantly increased in the cases older than 70 years. The nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio of GH cells is negatively correlated with the volume density of FS cells. Conclusions. Based on the obtained results, we concluded that hypertrophy of GH and FS cells occurs in men with ageing and that correlation between the morphometric parameters of these two cell types indicates their mutual interaction.
AB  - Увод/Циљ У овој студији смо указали на имунохистоморфометријске карактеристике соматотропних (ГХ) и фоликулостелатних (ФС) ћелија хипофизе човека током старења. Методе На хистолошким пресецима хипофизе 14 мушких кадавера различите старости, ГХ и ФС ћелије су имунохистохемијски обележене одговарајућим антителима (моноклонско анти-ГХ антитело и поликлонско анти-С100 антитело). Имунопозитивне ГХ- и ФС-ћелије су морфометријски анализиране коришћењем ImageJ софтвера. Резултати Добијени резултати морфометријске анализе су показали да се површина коју заузимају ГХ ћелије значајно повећава са старењем. У овим ћелијама нуклеарно-цитоплазматски однос се постепено смањивао и након 70. године старости постао значајно већи. Волуменска густина ГХ ћелија се није мењала током старења, док је код ФС ћелија овај параметар значајно повећан у случајевима старијим од 70 година. Нуклеарно-цитоплазматски однос ГХ ћелија је у негативној корелацији са волуменском густином ФС ћелија. Закључак На основу добијених резултата, закључили смо да се хипертрофија ГХ и ФС ћелија јавља код мушкараца са старењем и да корелација између морфометријских параметара ова два типа ћелија указује на њихову међусобну интеракцију.
PB  - Belgrade: Serbian Medical Society
T2  - Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo - Serbian Archives of Medicine
T1  - Morphometric analysis of somatotropic and folliculostellate cells of human anterior pituitary during ageing
T1  - Морфометријска анализа соматотропних и фоликулостелатних ћелија
аденохипофизе човека током старења
IS  - 5-6
VL  - 150
DO  - 10.2298/SARH211214044C
SP  - 274
EP  - 280
ER  - 
author = "Čukuranović-Kokoris, Jovana and Đorđević, Miodrag and Jovanović, Ivan and Kundalić, Braca and Pavlović, Miljana and Graovac, Ivana and Ajdžanović, Vladimir and Ristić, Nataša and Marković-Filipović, Jelena and Milošević, Verica",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Introduction/Objective. In this study, we have pointed out the immunohistomorphometric characteristics of somatotropic (GH) and folliculo-stellate (FS) cells of the human pituitary gland during ageing. Methods. On histological sections of the pituitary gland of 14 male cadavers of different ages, the GH and FS cells were immunohistochemically labeled with corresponding antibodies, monoclonal anti-GH antibody and polyclonal anti-S100 antibody, respectively. Immunopositive GH- and FS-cells were further morphometrically analyzed using ImageJ software. Results. The obtained results of morphometric analysis showed that the surface area of GH cells increased significantly with age. In these cells, the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio gradually decreased and became significantly higher after the age of 70 years. The volume density of GH cells has not changed during ageing, while in FS cells this parameter significantly increased in the cases older than 70 years. The nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio of GH cells is negatively correlated with the volume density of FS cells. Conclusions. Based on the obtained results, we concluded that hypertrophy of GH and FS cells occurs in men with ageing and that correlation between the morphometric parameters of these two cell types indicates their mutual interaction., Увод/Циљ У овој студији смо указали на имунохистоморфометријске карактеристике соматотропних (ГХ) и фоликулостелатних (ФС) ћелија хипофизе човека током старења. Методе На хистолошким пресецима хипофизе 14 мушких кадавера различите старости, ГХ и ФС ћелије су имунохистохемијски обележене одговарајућим антителима (моноклонско анти-ГХ антитело и поликлонско анти-С100 антитело). Имунопозитивне ГХ- и ФС-ћелије су морфометријски анализиране коришћењем ImageJ софтвера. Резултати Добијени резултати морфометријске анализе су показали да се површина коју заузимају ГХ ћелије значајно повећава са старењем. У овим ћелијама нуклеарно-цитоплазматски однос се постепено смањивао и након 70. године старости постао значајно већи. Волуменска густина ГХ ћелија се није мењала током старења, док је код ФС ћелија овај параметар значајно повећан у случајевима старијим од 70 година. Нуклеарно-цитоплазматски однос ГХ ћелија је у негативној корелацији са волуменском густином ФС ћелија. Закључак На основу добијених резултата, закључили смо да се хипертрофија ГХ и ФС ћелија јавља код мушкараца са старењем и да корелација између морфометријских параметара ова два типа ћелија указује на њихову међусобну интеракцију.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Serbian Medical Society",
journal = "Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo - Serbian Archives of Medicine",
title = "Morphometric analysis of somatotropic and folliculostellate cells of human anterior pituitary during ageing, Морфометријска анализа соматотропних и фоликулостелатних ћелија
аденохипофизе човека током старења",
number = "5-6",
volume = "150",
doi = "10.2298/SARH211214044C",
pages = "274-280"
Čukuranović-Kokoris, J., Đorđević, M., Jovanović, I., Kundalić, B., Pavlović, M., Graovac, I., Ajdžanović, V., Ristić, N., Marković-Filipović, J.,& Milošević, V.. (2022). Morphometric analysis of somatotropic and folliculostellate cells of human anterior pituitary during ageing. in Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo - Serbian Archives of Medicine
Belgrade: Serbian Medical Society., 150(5-6), 274-280.
Čukuranović-Kokoris J, Đorđević M, Jovanović I, Kundalić B, Pavlović M, Graovac I, Ajdžanović V, Ristić N, Marković-Filipović J, Milošević V. Morphometric analysis of somatotropic and folliculostellate cells of human anterior pituitary during ageing. in Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo - Serbian Archives of Medicine. 2022;150(5-6):274-280.
doi:10.2298/SARH211214044C .
Čukuranović-Kokoris, Jovana, Đorđević, Miodrag, Jovanović, Ivan, Kundalić, Braca, Pavlović, Miljana, Graovac, Ivana, Ajdžanović, Vladimir, Ristić, Nataša, Marković-Filipović, Jelena, Milošević, Verica, "Morphometric analysis of somatotropic and folliculostellate cells of human anterior pituitary during ageing" in Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo - Serbian Archives of Medicine, 150, no. 5-6 (2022):274-280, . .

Alchemilla vulgaris agg ethanol extract enhances the antitumor immune response in syngeneic mouse melanoma model

Jelača, Sanja; Drača, Dijana; Dajić-Stevanović, Zora; Jovanović, Ivan; Pavlović, Sladjana; Gajović, Nevena; Mijatović, Sanja; Arsenijević, Nebojša; Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela

(EFIS Young Immunologist Network (yEFIS Network), 2022)

AU  - Jelača, Sanja
AU  - Drača, Dijana
AU  - Dajić-Stevanović, Zora
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
AU  - Pavlović, Sladjana
AU  - Gajović, Nevena
AU  - Mijatović, Sanja
AU  - Arsenijević, Nebojša
AU  - Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Alchemilla vulgaris is well known for its diverse biological properties such as antiinflammatory,
antioxidant, wound healing, neuroprotective as well as for the treatment of female reproductive
system disorders. Our previous results showed that Alchemilla vulgaris agg. ethanol extract suppresses
the growth of melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect
of this extract on immune response in spleen and tumor microenvironment in syngeneic model of solid
melanoma. The obtained results strongly suggest that treatment with A. vulgaris extract significantly
modulates the systemic, as well as local intratumor immune response. A similar response was observed
in the spleen and tumor microenvironment. Applied treatment significantly increases the accumulation
of cytotoxic lymphocytes, while reducing the percentage of CD8+ cells that express inhibitory molecules
on their surface. On the other hand, treatment increased expression of cytotoxic activity markers of
CD8+ T cells derived from spleen and primary tumor. In line with this, A. vulgaris extract facilitates
maturation of dendritic cells making them efficient initiators as well as regulators of acquired immune
response to growing tumors. All mentioned above suggest that Alchemilla vulgaris agg. ethanol extract
diminishes immunosuppressive branch of immune response and stimulates the antitumor activities of
immune system through accumulation of cytotoxic lymphocytes and DCs maturation.
PB  - EFIS Young Immunologist Network (yEFIS Network)
C3  - Abstract Book: 1st Symposium: Shaping the Future of Immunology in Europe; 2022 Nov 10-11; Berlin, Germany
T1  - Alchemilla vulgaris agg ethanol extract enhances the antitumor immune response in syngeneic mouse melanoma model
DO  - 10.1002/eji.202270200
SP  - 69
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jelača, Sanja and Drača, Dijana and Dajić-Stevanović, Zora and Jovanović, Ivan and Pavlović, Sladjana and Gajović, Nevena and Mijatović, Sanja and Arsenijević, Nebojša and Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Alchemilla vulgaris is well known for its diverse biological properties such as antiinflammatory,
antioxidant, wound healing, neuroprotective as well as for the treatment of female reproductive
system disorders. Our previous results showed that Alchemilla vulgaris agg. ethanol extract suppresses
the growth of melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect
of this extract on immune response in spleen and tumor microenvironment in syngeneic model of solid
melanoma. The obtained results strongly suggest that treatment with A. vulgaris extract significantly
modulates the systemic, as well as local intratumor immune response. A similar response was observed
in the spleen and tumor microenvironment. Applied treatment significantly increases the accumulation
of cytotoxic lymphocytes, while reducing the percentage of CD8+ cells that express inhibitory molecules
on their surface. On the other hand, treatment increased expression of cytotoxic activity markers of
CD8+ T cells derived from spleen and primary tumor. In line with this, A. vulgaris extract facilitates
maturation of dendritic cells making them efficient initiators as well as regulators of acquired immune
response to growing tumors. All mentioned above suggest that Alchemilla vulgaris agg. ethanol extract
diminishes immunosuppressive branch of immune response and stimulates the antitumor activities of
immune system through accumulation of cytotoxic lymphocytes and DCs maturation.",
publisher = "EFIS Young Immunologist Network (yEFIS Network)",
journal = "Abstract Book: 1st Symposium: Shaping the Future of Immunology in Europe; 2022 Nov 10-11; Berlin, Germany",
title = "Alchemilla vulgaris agg ethanol extract enhances the antitumor immune response in syngeneic mouse melanoma model",
doi = "10.1002/eji.202270200",
pages = "69",
url = ""
Jelača, S., Drača, D., Dajić-Stevanović, Z., Jovanović, I., Pavlović, S., Gajović, N., Mijatović, S., Arsenijević, N.,& Maksimović-Ivanić, D.. (2022). Alchemilla vulgaris agg ethanol extract enhances the antitumor immune response in syngeneic mouse melanoma model. in Abstract Book: 1st Symposium: Shaping the Future of Immunology in Europe; 2022 Nov 10-11; Berlin, Germany
EFIS Young Immunologist Network (yEFIS Network)., 69.
Jelača S, Drača D, Dajić-Stevanović Z, Jovanović I, Pavlović S, Gajović N, Mijatović S, Arsenijević N, Maksimović-Ivanić D. Alchemilla vulgaris agg ethanol extract enhances the antitumor immune response in syngeneic mouse melanoma model. in Abstract Book: 1st Symposium: Shaping the Future of Immunology in Europe; 2022 Nov 10-11; Berlin, Germany. 2022;:69.
doi:10.1002/eji.202270200 .
Jelača, Sanja, Drača, Dijana, Dajić-Stevanović, Zora, Jovanović, Ivan, Pavlović, Sladjana, Gajović, Nevena, Mijatović, Sanja, Arsenijević, Nebojša, Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela, "Alchemilla vulgaris agg ethanol extract enhances the antitumor immune response in syngeneic mouse melanoma model" in Abstract Book: 1st Symposium: Shaping the Future of Immunology in Europe; 2022 Nov 10-11; Berlin, Germany (2022):69, ., .

Antitumor properites of alchemilla vulgaris agg.

Jelača, Sanja; Drača, Dijana; Dajić-Stevanović, Zora; Jovanović, Ivan; Tanić, Nikola; Mijatović, Sanja; Arsenijević, Nebojša; Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela

(Serbian Society for Immunology, Molecular Oncology and Regenerative Medicine, 2022)

AU  - Jelača, Sanja
AU  - Drača, Dijana
AU  - Dajić-Stevanović, Zora
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
AU  - Tanić, Nikola
AU  - Mijatović, Sanja
AU  - Arsenijević, Nebojša
AU  - Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Alchemilla vulgaris is well known in traditional medicine especially for the treatment
of gynecological problems in women. Several ethnomedicinal studies for the territory
of Balkan reports its well known biological properties against many conditions such
as infertility, dysmenorrhea, cysts, menopausal complaints and endometriosis.
Concidering ethnomedicinal data on female illnesses, the aim of our study was to
determine whether ethanol extract of Alchemilla vulgaris agg. exert antitumor effect
against mouse breast cancer cells in vitro. Treatment with Alchemilla vulgaris agg. extract
decreased viability of mouse breast cancer cells (4T1) in dose-dependent manner after
72 h. The viability decrease was followed by loss of dividing potential after the treatment.
In parallel with this, certain percentage of 4T1 cells was subjected to programmed cell
death ̶ apoptosis. Detected apoptosis was followed with caspase activation while typical
apoptotic morphology of treated cells was observed by fluorescent microscopy. Apart
from inhibited cell division and induced apoptosis, decreased cell viability was due to
triggered autophagy cell death. In parallel, diminished metastatic potential of these
cells was confirmed by abrogated adhesion, invasion, migration and decreased colony
forming potential after the treatment. All mentioned effects can be connected with
enhanced production of ROS and intracellular NO after the treatment with Alchemilla
vulgaris agg. Taken together, the effect of Alchemilla vulgaris agg. against breast cancer
cells makes this plant worthwhile for further evaluation in the field of oncology.
AB  - Alchemilla vulgaris је добро позната у традиционалној медицини, посебно за
лечење гинеколошких тегоба код жена. Неколико етномедицинских студија за
територију Балкана описује благотворна дејства ове биљке против различитих
патолошких стања попут неплодности, дисменореје, циста, тегоба у менопаузи
и ендометриозе. Циљ нашег истраживања био је да се утврдe антитуморска свој-
ства етанолног екстракта Alchemilla vulgaris agg. на ћелијској линији тумора дојке
4Т1 in vitro. Третман екстрактом Alchemilla vulgaris agg. у трајању од 72 сата је
смањио вијабилитет 4Т1 ћелија на дозно-зависан начин. Смањење вијабилно-
сти праћено је губитком пролиферативног потенцијала ћелија. Поред тога, одре-
ђени проценат 4Т1 ћелија подлегао је програмираној ћелијској смрти познатој
као апоптоза. Детектована апоптоза је праћена активацијом каспаза и додатно
потврђена типичном морфологијом нуклеуса коришћењем флуоресцентне ми-
кроскопије. Свеукупној антитуморској активности екстракта Alchemilla vulgaris
agg. доприноси и ћелијска смрт аутофагијом. Паралелно, метастатски потенцијал
ових ћелија је смањен, што је потврђено смањеном адхезијом, инвазијом, мигра-
цијом и потенцијалом ћелија да формирају колоније. Сви поменути ефекти могу
бити у корелацији са повећаном продукцијом реактивних кисеоничних и азот-
них врста детектованом након третмана. У целини, добијени резултати о делова-
њу Alchemilla vulgaris agg. на ћелије рака дојке чине ову биљку вредном пажње за
даљу евалуацију у области експерименталне онкологије.
PB  - Serbian Society for Immunology, Molecular Oncology and Regenerative Medicine
C3  - Abstract Book: First Serbian molecular medicine congress; 2022 Jun 16-18; Foča, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T1  - Antitumor properites of alchemilla vulgaris agg.
SP  - 129
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jelača, Sanja and Drača, Dijana and Dajić-Stevanović, Zora and Jovanović, Ivan and Tanić, Nikola and Mijatović, Sanja and Arsenijević, Nebojša and Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Alchemilla vulgaris is well known in traditional medicine especially for the treatment
of gynecological problems in women. Several ethnomedicinal studies for the territory
of Balkan reports its well known biological properties against many conditions such
as infertility, dysmenorrhea, cysts, menopausal complaints and endometriosis.
Concidering ethnomedicinal data on female illnesses, the aim of our study was to
determine whether ethanol extract of Alchemilla vulgaris agg. exert antitumor effect
against mouse breast cancer cells in vitro. Treatment with Alchemilla vulgaris agg. extract
decreased viability of mouse breast cancer cells (4T1) in dose-dependent manner after
72 h. The viability decrease was followed by loss of dividing potential after the treatment.
In parallel with this, certain percentage of 4T1 cells was subjected to programmed cell
death ̶ apoptosis. Detected apoptosis was followed with caspase activation while typical
apoptotic morphology of treated cells was observed by fluorescent microscopy. Apart
from inhibited cell division and induced apoptosis, decreased cell viability was due to
triggered autophagy cell death. In parallel, diminished metastatic potential of these
cells was confirmed by abrogated adhesion, invasion, migration and decreased colony
forming potential after the treatment. All mentioned effects can be connected with
enhanced production of ROS and intracellular NO after the treatment with Alchemilla
vulgaris agg. Taken together, the effect of Alchemilla vulgaris agg. against breast cancer
cells makes this plant worthwhile for further evaluation in the field of oncology., Alchemilla vulgaris је добро позната у традиционалној медицини, посебно за
лечење гинеколошких тегоба код жена. Неколико етномедицинских студија за
територију Балкана описује благотворна дејства ове биљке против различитих
патолошких стања попут неплодности, дисменореје, циста, тегоба у менопаузи
и ендометриозе. Циљ нашег истраживања био је да се утврдe антитуморска свој-
ства етанолног екстракта Alchemilla vulgaris agg. на ћелијској линији тумора дојке
4Т1 in vitro. Третман екстрактом Alchemilla vulgaris agg. у трајању од 72 сата је
смањио вијабилитет 4Т1 ћелија на дозно-зависан начин. Смањење вијабилно-
сти праћено је губитком пролиферативног потенцијала ћелија. Поред тога, одре-
ђени проценат 4Т1 ћелија подлегао је програмираној ћелијској смрти познатој
као апоптоза. Детектована апоптоза је праћена активацијом каспаза и додатно
потврђена типичном морфологијом нуклеуса коришћењем флуоресцентне ми-
кроскопије. Свеукупној антитуморској активности екстракта Alchemilla vulgaris
agg. доприноси и ћелијска смрт аутофагијом. Паралелно, метастатски потенцијал
ових ћелија је смањен, што је потврђено смањеном адхезијом, инвазијом, мигра-
цијом и потенцијалом ћелија да формирају колоније. Сви поменути ефекти могу
бити у корелацији са повећаном продукцијом реактивних кисеоничних и азот-
них врста детектованом након третмана. У целини, добијени резултати о делова-
њу Alchemilla vulgaris agg. на ћелије рака дојке чине ову биљку вредном пажње за
даљу евалуацију у области експерименталне онкологије.",
publisher = "Serbian Society for Immunology, Molecular Oncology and Regenerative Medicine",
journal = "Abstract Book: First Serbian molecular medicine congress; 2022 Jun 16-18; Foča, Bosnia and Herzegovina",
title = "Antitumor properites of alchemilla vulgaris agg.",
pages = "129",
url = ""
Jelača, S., Drača, D., Dajić-Stevanović, Z., Jovanović, I., Tanić, N., Mijatović, S., Arsenijević, N.,& Maksimović-Ivanić, D.. (2022). Antitumor properites of alchemilla vulgaris agg.. in Abstract Book: First Serbian molecular medicine congress; 2022 Jun 16-18; Foča, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbian Society for Immunology, Molecular Oncology and Regenerative Medicine., 129.
Jelača S, Drača D, Dajić-Stevanović Z, Jovanović I, Tanić N, Mijatović S, Arsenijević N, Maksimović-Ivanić D. Antitumor properites of alchemilla vulgaris agg.. in Abstract Book: First Serbian molecular medicine congress; 2022 Jun 16-18; Foča, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2022;:129. .
Jelača, Sanja, Drača, Dijana, Dajić-Stevanović, Zora, Jovanović, Ivan, Tanić, Nikola, Mijatović, Sanja, Arsenijević, Nebojša, Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela, "Antitumor properites of alchemilla vulgaris agg." in Abstract Book: First Serbian molecular medicine congress; 2022 Jun 16-18; Foča, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2022):129, .

Multiple effects of Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract on melanoma cells and tumor microenvironment

Jelača, Sanja; Drača, Dijana; Dajić Stevanović, Zora; Jovanović, Ivan; Pavlović, Slađana; Gajović, Nevena; Mijatović, Sanja; Arsenijević, Nebojša; Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela

(Wiley‐VCH GmbH, 2021)

AU  - Jelača, Sanja
AU  - Drača, Dijana
AU  - Dajić Stevanović, Zora
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
AU  - Pavlović, Slađana
AU  - Gajović, Nevena
AU  - Mijatović, Sanja
AU  - Arsenijević, Nebojša
AU  - Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Several ethnobotanical reports on Alchemilla vulgaris L. pointed out diverse biological properties against problems such as dysmenorrhea, pruritus vulvae, menopausal complaints 
as  well  as  related  diseases  in  women.  Also  previous  studies  have  shown  that  Alchemilla  vulgaris  L.  extracts  are  exhibiting  antiinflammatory,  antioxidant,  wound  healing  and 
neuroprotective activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the direct effect of Alchemilla vulgaris L. ethanol extract against melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo, as well as its effect 
on tumor microenvironment ex vivo. This study was performed on two different mouse melanoma cell lines, B16 and B16F10, and on syngeneic mouse melanoma model in vivo. 
Obtained results revealed dose‐dependent decrease of cell viability after 72 h‐ treatment with Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract. The observed effect was followed by loss of dividing 
potential in both tested cell lines. In parallel with this, certain percentage of B16F10 cells was subjected to programmed cell death in a caspase independent manner while in B16 cells 
estimation of the presence of autophagosomes by flow cytometry has shown that autophagy is occurring after the treatment and it is shown to be mechanism of death. Concerning in 
vivo studies Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract significantly reduced tumor growth in B16 melanoma model partly through stimulation of antitumor immune responce. It altered dendritic 
cells phenotype which activated cytotoxic and CD4+ T lymphocytes to successfully destroy tumor cells. In summary, these data indicate that Alchemilla vulgaris L. is valuable of further 
investigation in the field of experimental oncology.
PB  - Wiley‐VCH GmbH
C3  - 6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting
T1  - Multiple effects of Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract on melanoma cells and tumor microenvironment
IS  - Suppl 1
VL  - 51
DO  - 10.1002/eji.202170200
SP  - 352
ER  - 
author = "Jelača, Sanja and Drača, Dijana and Dajić Stevanović, Zora and Jovanović, Ivan and Pavlović, Slađana and Gajović, Nevena and Mijatović, Sanja and Arsenijević, Nebojša and Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Several ethnobotanical reports on Alchemilla vulgaris L. pointed out diverse biological properties against problems such as dysmenorrhea, pruritus vulvae, menopausal complaints 
as  well  as  related  diseases  in  women.  Also  previous  studies  have  shown  that  Alchemilla  vulgaris  L.  extracts  are  exhibiting  antiinflammatory,  antioxidant,  wound  healing  and 
neuroprotective activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the direct effect of Alchemilla vulgaris L. ethanol extract against melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo, as well as its effect 
on tumor microenvironment ex vivo. This study was performed on two different mouse melanoma cell lines, B16 and B16F10, and on syngeneic mouse melanoma model in vivo. 
Obtained results revealed dose‐dependent decrease of cell viability after 72 h‐ treatment with Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract. The observed effect was followed by loss of dividing 
potential in both tested cell lines. In parallel with this, certain percentage of B16F10 cells was subjected to programmed cell death in a caspase independent manner while in B16 cells 
estimation of the presence of autophagosomes by flow cytometry has shown that autophagy is occurring after the treatment and it is shown to be mechanism of death. Concerning in 
vivo studies Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract significantly reduced tumor growth in B16 melanoma model partly through stimulation of antitumor immune responce. It altered dendritic 
cells phenotype which activated cytotoxic and CD4+ T lymphocytes to successfully destroy tumor cells. In summary, these data indicate that Alchemilla vulgaris L. is valuable of further 
investigation in the field of experimental oncology.",
publisher = "Wiley‐VCH GmbH",
journal = "6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting",
title = "Multiple effects of Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract on melanoma cells and tumor microenvironment",
number = "Suppl 1",
volume = "51",
doi = "10.1002/eji.202170200",
pages = "352"
Jelača, S., Drača, D., Dajić Stevanović, Z., Jovanović, I., Pavlović, S., Gajović, N., Mijatović, S., Arsenijević, N.,& Maksimović-Ivanić, D.. (2021). Multiple effects of Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract on melanoma cells and tumor microenvironment. in 6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting
Wiley‐VCH GmbH., 51(Suppl 1), 352.
Jelača S, Drača D, Dajić Stevanović Z, Jovanović I, Pavlović S, Gajović N, Mijatović S, Arsenijević N, Maksimović-Ivanić D. Multiple effects of Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract on melanoma cells and tumor microenvironment. in 6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting. 2021;51(Suppl 1):352.
doi:10.1002/eji.202170200 .
Jelača, Sanja, Drača, Dijana, Dajić Stevanović, Zora, Jovanović, Ivan, Pavlović, Slađana, Gajović, Nevena, Mijatović, Sanja, Arsenijević, Nebojša, Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela, "Multiple effects of Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract on melanoma cells and tumor microenvironment" in 6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting, 51, no. Suppl 1 (2021):352, . .

Antitumor potential of Alchemilla vulgaris L. in ortotopic mouse breast cancer model

Jelača, Sanja; Drača, Dijana; Dajić Stevanović, Zora; Mijatović, Sanja; Jovanović, Ivan; Jovanović, Marina; Jurišević, Marina; Arsenijević, Nebojša; Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela

(Wiley‐VCH GmbH, 2021)

AU  - Jelača, Sanja
AU  - Drača, Dijana
AU  - Dajić Stevanović, Zora
AU  - Mijatović, Sanja
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
AU  - Jovanović, Marina
AU  - Jurišević, Marina
AU  - Arsenijević, Nebojša
AU  - Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Alchemilla vulgaris L. has long history of usage in folk medicine especially against gynecological problems. Ethnomedicinal reports for the territory of Balkan are mentioning its well 
known biological properties against dysmenorrhea, menopausal complaints, infertility, cysts and endometriosis. Based on ethnomedicinal data on female illnesses, the objective of 
our study was to determine the effect of Alchemilla vulgaris L. ethanol extract against breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Our results have showed remarkable viability decrease 
of mouse (4T1) breast cancer cells in dose‐dependent manner after the treatment with Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract. Strong inhibition of cell prolifertion was observed in treated 
cells. In parallel with this, different types of cell death was found. Certain percentage of 4T1 cells was subjected to programmed cell death‐apoptosis which was followed with caspase 
activation and confirmed by fluorescent microscopy observing tipical morphologicas features of apoptosis in treated culture. Estimation of the presence of autophagosomes shown 
that autophagy contributing  to  the cytotoxicity of the  treatment. Also, enhanced production of ROS and intracellular NO after treatment with Alchemilla vulgaris L. was  found. 
In parallel, metastatic potential of this cells is diminished. Apart from the direct effect of A. Vulgaris L. extract on tumor cells, strong potentiation of antitumor immune responce 
manifested dominantly through enhanced accumulation of activated dendritic cells and subsequently CD8+ T cells in spleen and tumor microenvironment. Above briefly described 
mode of action of Alchemilla vulgaris L. against breast cancer cells makes this plant worthwhile for further evaluation in the field of oncology.
PB  - Wiley‐VCH GmbH
C3  - 6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting
T1  - Antitumor potential of Alchemilla vulgaris L. in ortotopic mouse breast cancer model
IS  - Suppl 1
VL  - 51
DO  - 10.1002/eji.202170200
SP  - 351
ER  - 
author = "Jelača, Sanja and Drača, Dijana and Dajić Stevanović, Zora and Mijatović, Sanja and Jovanović, Ivan and Jovanović, Marina and Jurišević, Marina and Arsenijević, Nebojša and Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Alchemilla vulgaris L. has long history of usage in folk medicine especially against gynecological problems. Ethnomedicinal reports for the territory of Balkan are mentioning its well 
known biological properties against dysmenorrhea, menopausal complaints, infertility, cysts and endometriosis. Based on ethnomedicinal data on female illnesses, the objective of 
our study was to determine the effect of Alchemilla vulgaris L. ethanol extract against breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Our results have showed remarkable viability decrease 
of mouse (4T1) breast cancer cells in dose‐dependent manner after the treatment with Alchemilla vulgaris L. extract. Strong inhibition of cell prolifertion was observed in treated 
cells. In parallel with this, different types of cell death was found. Certain percentage of 4T1 cells was subjected to programmed cell death‐apoptosis which was followed with caspase 
activation and confirmed by fluorescent microscopy observing tipical morphologicas features of apoptosis in treated culture. Estimation of the presence of autophagosomes shown 
that autophagy contributing  to  the cytotoxicity of the  treatment. Also, enhanced production of ROS and intracellular NO after treatment with Alchemilla vulgaris L. was  found. 
In parallel, metastatic potential of this cells is diminished. Apart from the direct effect of A. Vulgaris L. extract on tumor cells, strong potentiation of antitumor immune responce 
manifested dominantly through enhanced accumulation of activated dendritic cells and subsequently CD8+ T cells in spleen and tumor microenvironment. Above briefly described 
mode of action of Alchemilla vulgaris L. against breast cancer cells makes this plant worthwhile for further evaluation in the field of oncology.",
publisher = "Wiley‐VCH GmbH",
journal = "6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting",
title = "Antitumor potential of Alchemilla vulgaris L. in ortotopic mouse breast cancer model",
number = "Suppl 1",
volume = "51",
doi = "10.1002/eji.202170200",
pages = "351"
Jelača, S., Drača, D., Dajić Stevanović, Z., Mijatović, S., Jovanović, I., Jovanović, M., Jurišević, M., Arsenijević, N.,& Maksimović-Ivanić, D.. (2021). Antitumor potential of Alchemilla vulgaris L. in ortotopic mouse breast cancer model. in 6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting
Wiley‐VCH GmbH., 51(Suppl 1), 351.
Jelača S, Drača D, Dajić Stevanović Z, Mijatović S, Jovanović I, Jovanović M, Jurišević M, Arsenijević N, Maksimović-Ivanić D. Antitumor potential of Alchemilla vulgaris L. in ortotopic mouse breast cancer model. in 6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting. 2021;51(Suppl 1):351.
doi:10.1002/eji.202170200 .
Jelača, Sanja, Drača, Dijana, Dajić Stevanović, Zora, Mijatović, Sanja, Jovanović, Ivan, Jovanović, Marina, Jurišević, Marina, Arsenijević, Nebojša, Maksimović-Ivanić, Danijela, "Antitumor potential of Alchemilla vulgaris L. in ortotopic mouse breast cancer model" in 6th European Congress of Immunology; 2021 Sep 1-4; Virtual Meeting, 51, no. Suppl 1 (2021):351, . .

Morphometric analysis of the folliculostellate cells and luteinizing hormone gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary of the men during the aging process.

Čukuranović Kokoris, Jovana; Jovanović, Ivan; Pantović, Vukica; Krstić, Miljan; Stanojković, Milica; Milošević, Verica; Ugrenović, Slađana; Stojanović, Vesna


AU  - Čukuranović Kokoris, Jovana
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
AU  - Pantović, Vukica
AU  - Krstić, Miljan
AU  - Stanojković, Milica
AU  - Milošević, Verica
AU  - Ugrenović, Slađana
AU  - Stojanović, Vesna
PY  - 2017
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this research was to quantify the changes in the morphology and density of the anterior pituitary folliculostellate (FS) and luteinizing hormone (LH) cells. Material was tissue of the pituitary gland of the 14 male cadavers. Tissue slices were immunohistochemically stained with monoclonal anti-LH antibody and polyclonal anti-S100 antibody for the detection of LH and FS cells, respectively. Digital images of the stained slices were afterwards morphometrically analyzed by ImageJ. Results of the morphometric analysis showed significant increase of the FS cells volume density in cases older than 70 years. Volume density of the LH cells did not significantly change, whereas their area significantly increased with age. Nucleocytoplasmic ratio of the LH cells gradually decreased and became significant after the age of 70. Finally, volume density of the FS cell significantly correlated with LH cells area and nucleocytoplasmic ratio. From all above cited, we concluded that in men, density and size of the FS cells increase with age. Long-term hypertrophy of the LH cells results in their functional decline after the age of 70. Strong correlation between FS cells and LH cells morphometric parameters might point to age-related interaction between these two cell groups.
T2  - Tissue & Cell
T1  - Morphometric analysis of the folliculostellate cells and luteinizing hormone gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary of the men during the aging process.
IS  - 1
VL  - 49
DO  - 10.1016/j.tice.2016.11.006
SP  - 78
EP  - 85
ER  - 
author = "Čukuranović Kokoris, Jovana and Jovanović, Ivan and Pantović, Vukica and Krstić, Miljan and Stanojković, Milica and Milošević, Verica and Ugrenović, Slađana and Stojanović, Vesna",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The aim of this research was to quantify the changes in the morphology and density of the anterior pituitary folliculostellate (FS) and luteinizing hormone (LH) cells. Material was tissue of the pituitary gland of the 14 male cadavers. Tissue slices were immunohistochemically stained with monoclonal anti-LH antibody and polyclonal anti-S100 antibody for the detection of LH and FS cells, respectively. Digital images of the stained slices were afterwards morphometrically analyzed by ImageJ. Results of the morphometric analysis showed significant increase of the FS cells volume density in cases older than 70 years. Volume density of the LH cells did not significantly change, whereas their area significantly increased with age. Nucleocytoplasmic ratio of the LH cells gradually decreased and became significant after the age of 70. Finally, volume density of the FS cell significantly correlated with LH cells area and nucleocytoplasmic ratio. From all above cited, we concluded that in men, density and size of the FS cells increase with age. Long-term hypertrophy of the LH cells results in their functional decline after the age of 70. Strong correlation between FS cells and LH cells morphometric parameters might point to age-related interaction between these two cell groups.",
journal = "Tissue & Cell",
title = "Morphometric analysis of the folliculostellate cells and luteinizing hormone gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary of the men during the aging process.",
number = "1",
volume = "49",
doi = "10.1016/j.tice.2016.11.006",
pages = "78-85"
Čukuranović Kokoris, J., Jovanović, I., Pantović, V., Krstić, M., Stanojković, M., Milošević, V., Ugrenović, S.,& Stojanović, V.. (2017). Morphometric analysis of the folliculostellate cells and luteinizing hormone gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary of the men during the aging process.. in Tissue & Cell, 49(1), 78-85.
Čukuranović Kokoris J, Jovanović I, Pantović V, Krstić M, Stanojković M, Milošević V, Ugrenović S, Stojanović V. Morphometric analysis of the folliculostellate cells and luteinizing hormone gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary of the men during the aging process.. in Tissue & Cell. 2017;49(1):78-85.
doi:10.1016/j.tice.2016.11.006 .
Čukuranović Kokoris, Jovana, Jovanović, Ivan, Pantović, Vukica, Krstić, Miljan, Stanojković, Milica, Milošević, Verica, Ugrenović, Slađana, Stojanović, Vesna, "Morphometric analysis of the folliculostellate cells and luteinizing hormone gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary of the men during the aging process." in Tissue & Cell, 49, no. 1 (2017):78-85, . .