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Allelopathic effects of Chenopodium murale L. hairy roots in vitro

dc.contributor.advisorNinković, Slavica
dc.contributor.advisorSabovljević, Aneta
dc.contributor.otherBanjac, Nevena
dc.contributor.otherSimonović, Ana
dc.contributor.otherMaksimović, Vuk
dc.creatorDmitrović, Slavica
dc.description.abstractKorenov sistem C. murale produkuje i luči hemijske materije koje imaju alelopatsku aktivnost. Proučavanje efekata na druge organizme, kao i izolovanje i karakterizacija metabolita koji su izlučeni iz korenova u zemljište je veoma kompleksan proces. Zbog toga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio uspostavljanje kulture transformisanih korenova C. murale in vitro, kao novog sistema pogodnog za izučavanje alelopatskog efekta. Transgeni korenovi su indukovani pomoću Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4M70GUS na eksplantatima korenova, kotiledona, listova i internodija klijanaca C. murale. Eksplantati korenova su imali najveću efikasnost transformacije (11,1%). Uspostavljeni su klonovi transformisanih korenova različite morfologije i potencijala rasta koji se gajenjem (subkultivisanjem) u tečnom MS medijumu održavaju više od dve godine. Potvrda transformacije ovih klonova je urađena pomoću PCR, RT–PCR i histohemijske GUS analize. Nije ustanovljena razlika u prisustvu rol gena među klonovima. Ispitivan je alelopatski efekat tečnih medijuma u kojima su rasli transformisani i netransformisani korenovi C. murale (fitotoksični medijum) na klijanje i rast klijanaca test biljaka arabidopsisa (Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh), pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) i salate (Lactuca sativa L.). Kod sve tri test biljke ustanovljen je inhibitorni efekat na klijanje semena i rast klijanaca. Klonovi transformisanih klonova: R1 i R8, imali su najveći alelopatski potencijal. Kod test biljaka arabidopsisa i pšenice, koje su bile tretirane fitotoksičnim medijumima, praćena je ukupna aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima – katalaza, peroksidaza i superoksid dismutaza (spektrofotometrijski), kao i zastupljenost i aktivnost pojedinih izoformi navedenih enzima (elektroforetski). Aktivnost ovih enzima (izuzev katalaza kod arabidopsisa) bila je povećana kod klijanaca isklijavanih i gajenih na fitotoksičnim medijumima, što je u skladu sa aktiviranjem odbrambenih mehanizama u biljkama kada se one bile izlažu stresu (fitotoksinima, tj. alelohemikalijama). Fitotoksični medijumi različitih klonova transformisanih korenova dovodili su do različitog nivoa povećanja aktivnosti katalaza, peroksidaza i superoksid dismutaza kod različitih test biljaka. Pošto su fitotoksični medijumi dovodili do inhibicije rasta i razvoja klijanaca, kod tretiranih test biljaka ispitivana je i ekspresija gena regulatora ćelijskog ciklusa. Metodom qPCR–a je pokazano statistički značajno smanjenje ekspresije gena koji regulišu prelaz iz G1 u S fazu kao i prelaz iz G2 u M fazu, što ukazuje na potencijalnu inhibiciju procesa DNK sinteze, kao i same mitoze. Homologi geni arabidopsisa i pšenice (CDKA;1 / CDC2 kao i CYCD2;1 / CYCD2) su pokazivali sličan profil ekspresije. HPLC analizom fitotoksičnih medijuma utvrđeno je prisustvo fenolnih kiselina, kafeinske, ferulinske i p–kumarinske kiseline u koncentraciji od 0,07 – 2,85 μmol/l. Sve tri fenolne kiseline, komercijalno proizvedene, primenjene pojedinačno ili u binarnim ili tercijarnim smešama, u koncentraciji od 5 mmol/l za pšenicu i salatu i 0,5 mmol/l za arabidopsis, pokazale su sličan inhibitorni efekat na klijanje semena i rast klijanaca test biljaka, kao i u slučaju primene fitotoksičnih medijuma. Međutim, pošto su koncentracije čistih supstanci fenolnih kiselina koje izazivaju inhibitorni efekat bile znatno veće od koncentracija ovih fenolnih kiselina određenih u fitotoksičnim medijumima, pretpostavljamo da alelopatsko svojstvo fitotoksičnih medijuma potiče od nekih drugih hemijskih jedinjenja ili njihovih interakcija, što će biti predmet daljih istraživanja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja predstavljaju osnovu za rasvetljavanje hemijske prirode i mehanizma alelopatske interferencije biljaka C.
dc.description.abstractRoot system produces and releases chemical compounds with allelopathic activity. Isolation and characterization of these metabolites, as well as investigation of their effects on other organisms, are very complicated processes. The aim of the present study was to initiate and establish Chenopodium murale L. transgenic hairy root in vitro culture system, as a new tool for allelopathic assays. Transgenic hairy roots were induced by Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4M70GUS from roots, cotyledons, leaves and internodes of C. murale seedlings. Roots were found to be the best target explants, providing transformation efficiency of up to 11.1%. Established 13 hairy root clones differed in their morphology and growth potential. The liquid culture system of characterized hairy root clones was maintained for over two years. Molecular characterization of these clones was carried out by PCR, RT-PCR and histochemical GUS analyses. No differences in rol gene presence were observed. We investigated allelopathic effect of wild-type and hairy root growth media (phytotoxic media) against germination and seedling development of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) test plants. The inhibitory potential varied depending on the test plant and hairy root clone. R1 and R8 clones had strong allelopathic effects. These results revealed that hairy roots as an independent system synthesize some bioactive substances with allelopathic activity and exude them into the growth medium. In test plants A. thaliana and wheat, after treatment with phytotoxic media, activity of different antioxidative enzymes (catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) were analyzed spectrophotometrically and electrophoretically. Activities of these antioxidative enzymes were higher in comparison to the control, except the catalase activity in A. thaliana, which was the same or lower. Phytotoxic media from different hairy root clones cause different changes in activities of catalases, peroxidases and superoxide dismutases in test plants. Allelopathic interactions implicate the inhibition of cell division by allelochemicals. We investigated expression of cell cycle-related genes (CDK and CYC) in test plant A. thaliana and wheat, after phytotoxic medium treatment of clone R8. We demonstrated, by q-PCR method, that expression of genes involved in G1-to-S and G2-to-M transition were significantly down-regulated by phytotoxic medium of clone R8 in root and shoot apexes of test plants, indicating inhibition of DNK synthesis and mitosis. Homologous genes of A. thaliana and wheat (CDKA;1/CDC2 and CYCD2;1/CYCD2) had similar expression profiles, after the treatment with phytotoxic medium. Concentrations of caffeic, ferulic and p-coumaric acids (0.07 – 2.85 μmol/l) identified and quantified by HPLC analyses in the growth media, were significantly lower than the inhibitory active concentration of pure grade phenolic acids when applied to A. thaliana (0.5 mmol/l) or wheat and lettuce (5.0 mmol/l, both), suggesting that phenolic acids have a limited role in the allelopathic phenomena of C. murale. The presented hairy root system appears to be a suitable tool for further investigation of the potential and nature of root-mediated allelopathic interference of C. murale.en
dc.publisherBelgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173024/RS//
dc.sourceUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
dc.subjectAgrobacterium rhizogenessr
dc.subjectAntioksidativni enzimisr
dc.subjectChenopodium murale
dc.subjectFenolne kiselinesr
dc.subjectGenetička transformacijasr
dc.subjectGeni ćelijskog ciklusasr
dc.subjectHairy rootssr
dc.subjectRol genisr
dc.subjectAgrobacterium rhizogenesen
dc.subjectAntioxidant enzymeen
dc.subjectChenopodium murale L.en
dc.subjectPhenolic acidsen
dc.subjectGenetic transformationen
dc.subjectCell cycle-related genesen
dc.subjectHairy rootsen
dc.subjectRol genesen
dc.titleAlelopatski efekti transformisanih korenova Chenopodium murale L. in vitrosr
dc.titleAllelopathic effects of Chenopodium murale L. hairy roots in vitroen
dcterms.abstractНинковић, Славица; Сабовљевић, Aнета; Митић, Невена; Симоновић, Aна; Максимовић, Вук; Дмитровић, Славица; Aлелопатски ефекти трансформисаних коренова Цхеноподиум мурале Л. ин витро; Aлелопатски ефекти трансформисаних коренова Цхеноподиум мурале Л. ин витро;
dc.citation.apaDmitrović, S. (2012). Alelopatski efekti transformisanih korenova Chenopodium murale L. in vitro. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology. p. 183.
dc.citation.vancouverDmitrović S. Alelopatski efekti transformisanih korenova Chenopodium murale L. in vitro [dissertation]. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology; 2012. 183 p.



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