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Change in the activity of Na+/K+ pump and its effect on the spontaneous bioelectric activity of neuron of the garden snail Helix pomantia L. in the magnetic field

dc.contributor.advisorŽivić, Miroslav
dc.contributor.advisorNedeljković, Miodrag
dc.contributor.otherKartelija, Gordana
dc.contributor.otherTodorović, Nataša
dc.contributor.otherZakrzewska, Joanna
dc.creatorNikolić, Ljiljana
dc.descriptionaktivnost neurona ima veliki značaj jer je magnetno polje umerene jačine prisutno uživotnoj sredini. Jednako važno je i proučavanje mehanizama delovanja umereno jakogstatičkog magnetnog polja na biofizičke osobine membrane neurona usled sve većeterapijske primene ovog polja, s tim što odgovarajuća jačina polja i dužina izlaganjapolju tek treba da budu precizno određene.Uporednim eksperimentima primenom tehnike intracelularne registracijeutvrđeno je da kratkotrajno izlaganje (15 min) umereno jakom statičkom magnetnompolju jačine 2,7 mT i 10 mT dovodi do promena bioelektrične aktivnosti spontanoaktivnog Br neurona, dok promene nisu uočene kod nemog N1 neurona. Magnetno poljeod 2,7 mT povećalo je amplitudu i skratilo trajanje akcionog potencijala, dok jemagnetno polje od 10 mT hiperpolarisalo membranu, povećalo amplitudu, smanjilofrekvenciju i trajanje akcionog potencijala Br neurona. Veličine promena ispitivanihparametara zavisile su od jačine magnetnog polja i uočavane su i tokom perioda od 20min nakon prestanka izlaganja Br neurona polju od 2,7 mT i 10 mT.Kombinovanim eksperimentima, biohemijskim analizama i 31P NMRspektroskopijom na okoloždrelnom ganglijskom kompleksu kao i tehnikomintracelularne registracije na Br neuronu vinogradskog puža, pronađeno je dakratkotrajno izlaganje (15 min) statičkom magnetnom polju jačine 10 mT povećava aktivnost Na+/K+ pumpe. Povećana aktivnost Na+/K+ pumpe dovodi do povećanjapotrošnje ATP-a, kao i povećanja pHi posredstvom povećanja aktivnosti Na+/H+izmenjivača, pH regulatornog sistema čija je aktivnost zavisna od gradijenta Na+ jonakoji stvara i održava Na+/K+ pumpa. Rezultati elektrofizioloških eksperimenata na Brneuronu u saglasnosti su sa rezultatima dobijenim na okoloždrelnom ganglijskomkompleksu...sr
dc.descriptionIt is important to investigate the effects of moderate intensity static magneticfield on the bioelectric activity of neurons, since this field is present in the environment.Equally important is to reveal the mechanism of action of moderate intensity staticmagnetic field on biophysical properties of neuronal membranes, as this field has beenapplied in disease treatment, whereby proper dosages of exposure still need to bedetermined.Comparative intracellular registration studies showed that short term exposure(15 min) to the moderate intensity static magnetic field of 2,7 mT and 10 mT strengthchanged bioelectric activity of the spontaneously active Br neuron, while bioelectricactivity of silent N1 neuron remained unchanged. The 2,7 mT magnetic field increasedamplitude and decreased duration of action potential, whereas the 10 mT magnetic fieldhyperpolarized membrane potential, increased amplitude, decreased firing frequencyand duration of action potential of the Br neuron. The magnitude of change of measuredbioelectric parameters depended on the strength of applied magnetic field, and was stillobserved during the period of 20 min after exposure of Br neuron to the 2,7 mT and 10mT magnetic field.Combined experiments, using biochemical analysis and NMR spectroscopy onwhole snail brains and intracellular registration on Br neuron, showed that short-term exposure (15 min) to the 10 mT magnetic field increased activity of Na+/K+ pump.Increased Na+/K+ pump activity in the snail brain caused an increase in ATPconsumption and increase in the pHi which is mediated through an increase in theactivity of Na+/H+ exchanger, a pH regulatory system governed by the gradient of Na+ions created and maintained by Na+/K+ pump. Electrophysiology from Br neuron is inagreement with the results obtained on the whole snail brain...en
dc.description.abstractIspitivanje dejstva umereno jakog statičkog magnetnog polja na bioelektričnu aktivnost neurona ima veliki značaj jer je magnetno polje umerene jačine prisutno u životnoj sredini. Jednako važno je i proučavanje mehanizama delovanja umereno jakog statičkog magnetnog polja na biofizičke osobine membrane neurona usled sve veće terapijske primene ovog polja, s tim što odgovarajuća jačina polja i dužina izlaganja polju tek treba da budu precizno određene. Uporednim eksperimentima primenom tehnike intracelularne registracije utvrđeno je da kratkotrajno izlaganje (15 min) umereno jakom statičkom magnetnom polju jačine 2,7 mT i 10 mT dovodi do promena bioelektrične aktivnosti spontano aktivnog Br neurona, dok promene nisu uočene kod nemog N1 neurona. Magnetno polje od 2,7 mT povećalo je amplitudu i skratilo trajanje akcionog potencijala, dok je magnetno polje od 10 mT hiperpolarisalo membranu, povećalo amplitudu, smanjilo frekvenciju i trajanje akcionog potencijala Br neurona. Veličine promena ispitivanih parametara zavisile su od jačine magnetnog polja i uočavane su i tokom perioda od 20 min nakon prestanka izlaganja Br neurona polju od 2,7 mT i 10 mT. Kombinovanim eksperimentima, biohemijskim analizama i 31P NMR spektroskopijom na okoloždrelnom ganglijskom kompleksu kao i tehnikom intracelularne registracije na Br neuronu vinogradskog puža, pronađeno je da kratkotrajno izlaganje (15 min) statičkom magnetnom polju jačine 10 mT povećava aktivnost Na+/K+ pumpe. Povećana aktivnost Na+/K+ pumpe dovodi do povećanja potrošnje ATP-a, kao i povećanja pHi posredstvom povećanja aktivnosti Na+/H+ izmenjivača, pH regulatornog sistema čija je aktivnost zavisna od gradijenta Na+ jona koji stvara i održava Na+/K+ pumpa. Rezultati elektrofizioloških eksperimenata na Br neuronu u saglasnosti su sa rezultatima dobijenim na okoloždrelnom ganglijskom kompleksu. Naime, u uslovima kada je pumpa blokirana ouabainom, promene potencijala mirovanja membrane, trajanja akcionog potencijala i intervala između akcionih potencijala u paketićima, veće su u Br neuronu koji je izlagan magnetnom polju. Na taj način je pokazano da Na+/K+ pumpa igra važnu ulogu u uočenim promenama bioelektričnih parametara Br neurona u magnetnom polju jačine 10 mT. Signalni putevi delovanja magnetnog polja na aktivnost Na+/K+ pumpe u nervnom sistemu puža uključuju procese fosforilacije i defosforilacije pošto se nakon blokiranja ovih procesa ne može uočiti opisani efekat magnetnog polja.sr
dc.description.abstractIt is important to investigate the effects of moderate intensity static magnetic field on the bioelectric activity of neurons, since this field is present in the environment. Equally important is to reveal the mechanism of action of moderate intensity static magnetic field on biophysical properties of neuronal membranes, as this field has been applied in disease treatment, whereby proper dosages of exposure still need to be determined. Comparative intracellular registration studies showed that short term exposure (15 min) to the moderate intensity static magnetic field of 2,7 mT and 10 mT strength changed bioelectric activity of the spontaneously active Br neuron, while bioelectric activity of silent N1 neuron remained unchanged. The 2,7 mT magnetic field increased amplitude and decreased duration of action potential, whereas the 10 mT magnetic field hyperpolarized membrane potential, increased amplitude, decreased firing frequency and duration of action potential of the Br neuron. The magnitude of change of measured bioelectric parameters depended on the strength of applied magnetic field, and was still observed during the period of 20 min after exposure of Br neuron to the 2,7 mT and 10 mT magnetic field. Combined experiments, using biochemical analysis and NMR spectroscopy on whole snail brains and intracellular registration on Br neuron, showed that short-term exposure (15 min) to the 10 mT magnetic field increased activity of Na+/K+ pump. Increased Na+/K+ pump activity in the snail brain caused an increase in ATP consumption and increase in the pHi which is mediated through an increase in the activity of Na+/H+ exchanger, a pH regulatory system governed by the gradient of Na+ ions created and maintained by Na+/K+ pump. Electrophysiology from Br neuron is in agreement with the results obtained on the whole snail brain. Magnitude of ouabain effect measured on the membrane resting potential, action potential and interspike interval duration, was higher in Br neurons exposed to the magnetic field, demonstrating that Na+/K+ pump plays an important role in modulation of bioelectric activity of Br neuron caused by 10 mT magnetic field. Pathways through which the magnetic field influenced the Na+/K+ pump activity involve phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, as blocking these processes abolished the effect of the static magnetic field.en
dc.publisherBelgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
dc.sourceUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
dc.subjectSpontana bioelektrična aktivnostsr
dc.subjectStatičko magnetno poljesr
dc.subjectNa+/K+ pumpasr
dc.subjectIntracelularna registracijasr
dc.subjectSpontaneous bioelectric activityen
dc.subjectStatic magnetic fielden
dc.subjectNa+/K+ pumpen
dc.subjectIntracellular registrationen
dc.subjectGarden snailen
dc.titlePromena aktivnosti Na+/K+ pumpe i njen uticaj na spontanu bioelektričnu aktivnost neurona vinogradskog puža Helix pomatia L. pod dejstvom magnetnog poljasr
dc.titleChange in the activity of Na+/K+ pump and its effect on the spontaneous bioelectric activity of neuron of the garden snail Helix pomantia L. in the magnetic fielden
dcterms.abstractЖивић, Мирослав; Недељковић, Миодраг; Картелија, Гордана; Тодоровић, Наташа; Закрзеwска, Јоанна; Николић, Љиљана;
dc.citation.apaNikolić, L. (2012). Promena aktivnosti Na+/K+ pumpe i njen uticaj na spontanu bioelektričnu aktivnost neurona vinogradskog puža Helix pomatia L. pod dejstvom magnetnog polja. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology. 107 p.
dc.citation.vancouverNikolić L. Promena aktivnosti Na+/K+ pumpe i njen uticaj na spontanu bioelektričnu aktivnost neurona vinogradskog puža Helix pomatia L. pod dejstvom magnetnog polja [dissertation]. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology; 2012. p. 107.



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