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Metabolism of nepetalactone in leaves of selected species of the genus Nepeta (Lamiaceae) and its regulation during dehydration

dc.contributor.advisorMatekalo, Dragana
dc.contributor.advisorRakić, Tamara
dc.creatorAničić, Neda
dc.description.abstractSpecijalizovani metabolizam roda Nepeta (Lamiaceae) karakteriše monoterpenoidni iridoid nepetalakton (NL), koji se javlja u vidu 4 diastereoizomera sa 7S konfiguracijom. Iako se dosta zna o biološkim aktivnostima NL, nedovoljno je istražen njegov metabolizam, kao i uloga u biljkama. Ova doktorska disertacija po prvi put opisuje mehanizme regulacije biosinteze NL tokom dehidratacije u listovima vrsta Nepeta rtanjensis Diklić & Milojević i N. argolica Bory & Chaub subsp. argolica, koje su adaptirane na kserotermna staništa. Uprkos koordinisanom sniženju ekspresije kandidata 10 gena biosintetskog puta iridoida i redukovanoj metaboličkoj aktivnosti, ove vrste su razvile mehanizme za očuvanje nivoa NL u uslovima vodnog deficita. U ovim mehanizmima značajnu ulogu imaju transkripcioni faktori MYC2 i YABBY5 kao pozitivni regulatori biosinteze NL, snižen intenzitet katabolizma NL, kao i očuvanje morfologije glandularnih trihoma, koji predstavljaju glavno mesto biosinteze i akumulacije NL. Iridoid sintaze, čija je funkcija potvrđena enzimatskim in vitro testovima sa rekombinantim proteinima eksprimiranim u heterologom domaćinu Escherichia coli, eksprimiraju se kako kod N. rtanjensis (NrIS2) i N. sibirica L. (NsIS), koje produkuju NL, tako i kod N. nervosa L. (NnIS) koja se odlikuje odsustvom merljivih količina NL u tkivima. N. nervosa očigledno poseduje biosintetsku platformu za produkciju iridoida, koja je neaktivna, najverovatnije usled „gašenja” ili „stišavanja” funkcije nekog gena uzvodno u biosintetskom putu. Rasvetljavanjem mehanizama regulacije metabolizma NL kod vrsta roda Nepeta date su smernice za buduću primenu metaboličkog inženjeringa u cilju optimizacije proizvodnje NL, dok je N. nervosa izdvojena kao interesantna model vrsta za ova istraž
dc.description.abstractThe specialized metabolism of the genus Nepeta (Lamiaceae) is distinguished by the monoterpenoid iridoid nepetalactone (NL), which exists in the form of 4 diastereoisomers with a 7S configuration. Although its biological activities are well-studied, the NL metabolism, as well as its role in plants, is not well understood. Results of this doctoral thesis describe the regulatory mechanisms determining NL biosynthesis during dehydration, in leaves of Nepeta rtanjensis Diklić & Milojević and N. argolica Bory & Chaub subsp. argolica, which are adapted to xerothermic habitats. Despite a coordinated decrease in the expression of 10 candidate iridoid-related biosynthetic genes and reduced metabolic activity, these species have developed mechanisms to preserve NL levels under water deficit conditions. These mechanisms include the significant role of MYC2 and YABBY5 transcription factors as positive regulators of NL biosynthesis, reduced intensity of NL catabolism, and preservation of the morphology of glandular trichomes – the major site of NL biosynthesis and accumulation. Iridoid synthases, functionaly characterized by in vitro enzymatic assays using recombinant proteins heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, are expressed in NL-producing N. rtanjensis (NrIS2) and N. sibirica L. (NsIS), as well as in N. nervosa L. (NnIS), which is characterized by the absence of NL in tissues. N. nervosa probably possesses inactive iridoid biosynthetic platform, most likely due to the "switching off" or "silencing" of some genes upstream in the pathway. Elucidation of the regulatory mechanisms behind NL metabolism in Nepeta, provides the background for future metabolic engineering of NL production, and highlightes N. nervosa as an interesting model species for future studies.en
dc.publisherBelgrade: Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173024/RS//
dc.sourceFaculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
dc.subjectFunkcionalna karakterizacija genasr
dc.subjectIridoid sintazasr
dc.subjectPolietilen glikolsr
dc.subjectTranskripcioni faktorisr
dc.subjectFunctional characterization of genesen
dc.subjectIridoid synthaseen
dc.subjectPolyethylene glycolen
dc.subjectTranscription factors
dc.titleMetabolizam nepetalaktona u listovima odabranih vrsta roda Nepeta (Lamiaceae) i njegova regulacija tokom dehidratacijesr
dc.titleMetabolism of nepetalactone in leaves of selected species of the genus Nepeta (Lamiaceae) and its regulation during dehydrationen
dcterms.abstractРакић, Тамара; Матекало, Драгана; Aничић, Неда; Метаболизам непеталактона у листовима одабраних врста рода Непета (Ламиацеае) и његова регулација током дехидратације; Метаболизам непеталактона у листовима одабраних врста рода Непета (Ламиацеае) и његова регулација током дехидратације;
dc.rights.holder© 2020 by the author
dc.citation.vancouverAničić N. Metabolism of nepetalactone in leaves of selected species of the genus Nepeta (Lamiaceae) and its regulation during dehydration [dissertation]. Belgrade: Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade; 2020. 147 p.

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