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Striving for healthy habits in primary education in the Republic of Serbia

dc.contributorJojić, Duško
dc.creatorMiličić, Dragan
dc.creatorTrajković, Jelena
dc.creatorPavković-Lučić, Sofija
dc.creatorSavić, Tatjana
dc.creatorDrndarski, Marina
dc.description.abstractU okviru programa biologije u osnovnoj školi uči se i o značaju zdrave ishrane i fizičke aktivnosti za zdravlje ljudi. Cilj rada bio je da u odelјenjima od 5. do 8. razreda osnovne škole istražimo zdravstvene navike učenika. Intervjuisali smo 415 učenika (uzrasta od 11 do 14 godina). Radeći zadatke alternativnog i višestrukog izbora, učenici su mogli da se opredele za određeni odgovor u vezi toga šta jedu za doručak, koliko vode piju u toku dana i da li i koliko praktikuju fizičke vežbe. Da bismo utvrdili da li postoje razlike u ispitivanim navikama između dečaka i devojčica, odnosno među uzrastima koristili smo Hi-kvadrat test (χ2). Koeficijent kontingencije smo koristili za merenje stepena povezanosti pola i odgovora učenika na određena pitanja. U vezi sa ishranom, uočili smo u svim razredima značajnu razliku između dečaka i devojčica u tome šta jedu za doručak. Takođe smo uočili značajnu razliku između uzrasta: kod devojčica je postojala snažna korelacija između odgovora na određeno pitanje o ishrani i starosti, dok kod dečaka nismo ustanovili takvu povezanost. U navikama vezanim za uzimanje vode nije bilo značajne razlike između dečaka i devojčica. Međutim, uočili smo značajnu razliku u konzumiranju vode među uzrastima. Razlika u bavljenju fizičkim aktivnostima između dečaka i devojčica javila se jedino u 7. razredu. Samo kod devojčica primetili smo značajnu razliku između uzrasta, ali korelacija između odgovora i starosti učenica je bila mala. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pružaju značajne informacije pri planiranju strategija promocije zdravih stilova života među decom školskog uzrasta.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Biology curriculum in primary school addresses various topics, including healthy diet, a school-based and out of school physical activities. The aim of the study is to investigate health habits of students from 5th to 8th grade of primary school. We interviewed 415 students (ages 11 to 14). Doing an alternative choice and the multiple choice tests, they could opt for a particular answer about their breakfast diet, drinking of water habits, and their physical activity behaviors. We used Chi-square test (χ2) to determine if there are differences in examined habits between boys and girls, and among ages, respectively. The Coefficient of contingency we used to measure the degree of association between the ages and student's answer to specific questions. Related to diet, we observed a significant difference between boys and girls in what they eat for breakfast, in all grades. We also noted significant difference between ages: in girls, there was a strong correlation between answers to a certain diet question and the age, while in boys we have not established such association. In habits related to water consumption, there was no significant difference between boys and girls. However, we noticed a significant difference in water consumption between ages. Difference in doing physical activities between boys and girls exists only in the 7th grade. Only in girls, we noticed significant difference between ages, but the correlation between response and age was weak. Results of this research provide important information in implementation of strategies for promotion healthy lifestyles among school-age children.en
dc.publisherBanja Luka: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Lukasr
dc.sourceIV symposium of biologists and ecologists of Republic of Srpska with international participation – SBERS2020sr
dc.subjectPrimary Schoolen
dc.subjectWater intakeen
dc.subjectPhysical activitiesen
dc.subjectOsnovna školasr
dc.subjectIshrana učenikasr
dc.subjectUnos vodesr
dc.subjectFizičke aktivnostisr
dc.titleTežnјa ka zdravim navikama u osnovnoškolskom obrazovanјu u Republici Srbijisr
dc.titleStriving for healthy habits in primary education in the Republic of Serbiaen
dcterms.abstractДрндарски, Марина; Миличић, Драган; Трајковић, Јелена; Павковић-Лучић, Софија; Савић, Татјана; Težnja ka zdravim navikama u osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju u Republici Srbiji;
dc.rights.holder© 2020 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Lukasr
dc.description.otherJojić D, editor. IV symposium of biologists and ecologists of Republic of Srpska with international participation – SBERS2020: Book of Abstracts; 2020 Nov 12-14; Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovinia. Banja Luka: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka; 2020. p. 192-3.sr



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