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dc.creatorWallace, Megan A
dc.creatorCoffman, Kelsey A
dc.creatorGilbert, Clément
dc.creatorRavindran, Sanjana
dc.creatorAlbery, Gregory F
dc.creatorAbbott, Jessica
dc.creatorArgyridou, Eliza
dc.creatorBellosta, Paola
dc.creatorBetancourt, Andrea J
dc.creatorColinet, Hervé
dc.creatorEric, Katarina
dc.creatorGlaser-Schmitt, Amanda
dc.creatorGrath, Sonja
dc.creatorJelić, Mihailo
dc.creatorKankare, Maaria
dc.creatorKozeretska, Iryna
dc.creatorLoeschcke, Volker
dc.creatorMontchamp-Moreau, Catherine
dc.creatorOmetto, Lino
dc.creatorOnder, Banu Sebnem
dc.creatorOrengo, Dorcas J
dc.creatorParsch, John
dc.creatorPascual, Marta
dc.creatorPatenković, Aleksandra
dc.creatorPuerma, Eva
dc.creatorRitchie, Michael G
dc.creatorRota-Stabelli, Omar
dc.creatorSchou, Mads Fristrup
dc.creatorSerga, Svitlana V
dc.creatorStamenković-Radak, Marina
dc.creatorTanasković, Marija
dc.creatorSavić Veselinović, Marija
dc.creatorVieira, Jorge
dc.creatorVieira, Cristina P
dc.creatorKapun, Martin
dc.creatorFlatt, Thomas
dc.creatorGonzález, Josefa
dc.creatorStaubach, Fabian
dc.creatorObbard, Darren J
dc.description.abstractDrosophila melanogaster is an important model for antiviral immunity in arthropods, but very few DNA viruses have been described from the family Drosophilidae. This deficiency limits our opportunity to use natural host-pathogen combinations in experimental studies, and may bias our understanding of the Drosophila virome. Here we report fourteen DNA viruses detected in a metagenomic analysis of approximately 6500 pool-sequenced Drosophila, sampled from 47 European locations between 2014 and 2016. These include three new nudiviruses, a new and divergent entomopoxvirus, a virus related to Leptopilina boulardi filamentous virus, and a virus related to Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus. We also find an endogenous genomic copy of galbut virus, a dsRNA partitivirus, segregating at very low frequency. Remarkably, we find that Drosophila Vesanto virus, a small DNA virus previously described as a bidnavirus, may be composed of up to 12 segments and thus represent a new lineage of segmented DNA viruses. Two of the DNA viruses, Drosophila Kallithea nudivirus and Drosophila Vesanto virus are relatively common, found in 2% or more of wild flies. The others are rare, with many likely to be represented by a single infected fly. We find that virus prevalence in Europe reflects the prevalence seen in publicly-available datasets, with Drosophila Kallithea nudivirus and Drosophila Vesanto virus the only ones commonly detectable in public data from wild-caught flies and large population cages, and the other viruses being rare or absent. These analyses suggest that DNA viruses are at lower prevalence than RNA viruses in D. melanogaster, and may be less likely to persist in laboratory cultures. Our findings go some way to redressing an earlier bias toward RNA virus studies in Drosophila, and lay the foundation needed to harness the power of Drosophila as a model system for the study of DNA viruses.
dc.relationUK Natural Environmental Research Council through the E3 doctoral training programme (NE/L002558/1)
dc.relationWellcome Trust PhD programme (108905/Z/15/Z)
dc.relationBBSRC grant BB/P00685X/1
dc.relationSwiss National Science Foundation grants 31003A-182262, PP00P3_165836, and PP00P3_133641/1
dc.relationAgence Nationale de la Recherche (grant ANR-15-CE32-0011-01)
dc.relationFundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia-Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (FCT-15-10187)
dc.relationDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant GR 4495/2
dc.relationAcademy of Finland projects 268214 and 322980
dc.relationAustrian Science Fund (FWF) grant P32275
dc.relationDanish Research council for natural Sciences (FNU) grant nr 4002-00113B
dc.relationScientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (Grant No. 214Z238)
dc.relationDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant PA 903/8
dc.relationDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant STA1154/4-1; Projektnummer 408908608
dc.relationSpecial Topics Network (STN) grant by the European Society of Evolutionary Biology (ESEB)
dc.sourceVirus Evolution
dc.sourceVirus Evolution
dc.subjectDNA virus
dc.subjectEndogenous viral element
dc.subjectFilamentous virus
dc.subjectGalbut virus
dc.titleThe discovery, distribution and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe
dcterms.abstractЈелић, Михаило; Гратх, Соња; Виеира, Јорге; Патенковић, Aлександра; Лоесцхцке, Волкер; Виеира, Цристина П; Капун, Мартин; Флатт, Тхомас; Гонзáлез, Јосефа; Wаллаце, Меган A; Цоффман, Келсеy A; Гилберт, Цлéмент; Равиндран, Сањана; Aлберy, Грегорy Ф; Aбботт, Јессица; Aргyридоу, Елиза; Беллоста, Паола; Бетанцоурт, Aндреа Ј; Цолинет, Хервé; Ериц, Катарина; Гласер-Сцхмитт, Aманда; Канкаре, Маариа; Козеретска, Ирyна; Монтцхамп-Мореау, Цатхерине; Ометто, Лино; Ондер, Бану Себнем; Оренго, Дорцас Ј; Парсцх, Јохн; Пасцуал, Марта; Пуерма, Ева; Ритцхие, Мицхаел Г; Рота-Стабелли, Омар; Сцхоу, Мадс Фриструп; Серга, Свитлана В; Савић Веселиновић, Марија; Оббард, Даррен Ј; Стаубацх, Фабиан; Танасковић, Марија; Стаменковић-Радак, Марина;
dc.rights.holder© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press.
dc.citation.apaWallace, M. A., Coffman, K. A., Gilbert, C., Ravindran, S., Albery, G. F., Abbott, J., et al. (2021). The discovery, distribution and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe. Virus Evolution, DOI:10.1093/ve/veab031.
dc.citation.vancouverWallace MA, Coffman KA, Gilbert C, Ravindran S, Albery GF, Abbott J, Argyridou E, Bellosta P, Betancourt AJ, Colinet H, Eric K, Glaser-Schmitt A, Grath S, Jelic M, Kankare M, Kozeretska I, Loeschcke V, Montchamp-Moreau C, Ometto L, Onder BS, Orengo DJ, Parsch J, Pascual M, Patenkovic A, Puerma E, Ritchie MG, Rota-Stabelli O, Schou MF, Serga S V, Stamenkovic-Radak M, Tanaskovic M, Veselinovic MS, Vieira J, Vieira CP, Kapun M, Flatt T, González J, Staubach F, Obbard DJ. The discovery, distribution and diversity of DNA viruses associated with Drosophila melanogaster in Europe. Virus Evol. 2021;DOI:10.1093/ve/veab031.



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