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The specific character of forest vegetation of the future natural area Radan mountain

dc.creatorDinić, Anka
dc.creatorOstojić, Dragana
dc.creatorKrsteski, Biljana
dc.description.abstractRadan mountain massif is located in southeastern Serbia, between the upper flows of the rivers Kosanica and Jablanica. The highest peak of the massif is Šapot (1409 m altitude). Radan mountain is part of the Lece volcanic-andesite massif, the volcanism of which began in the late Oligocene. The geological layer consists of andesites and dacites. Altitudinal distribution of forests on Radan mountain was caused by the geographical position of the mountain, relief, climate, geological layer and soil. Up to 800 m of altitude, the communities of Hungarian oak and Turkey oak are distributed, which are in poor condition and need to be protected from further cutting. The sessile oak forests are few and their fragments are at the altitudes ranging from 700 to 900 m, which are mainly degraded. In the contact area between the oak and beech belt, on the eastern side of Radan mountain, the polydominant forest communities of Turkish hazel and Caucasian linden are distributed in their refugium at the altitudes ranging from 850 to 1000 m. At the area of Delivode, on wetlands at the altitudes ranging from 850 to 950 m, there are the communities of several different species of maple and hornbeam. At the altitudes ranging from 900-1400 m, the mountain beech forests of regional climate character are distributed. Radan mountain is of great interest for science, due to its richness of flora and vegetation and deserves to be protected as a natural area. At the area of Radan mountain the sites with characteristic types of forest ecosystems have been determined. According to their values, the borders of protection regime I (first) at the sites 'Prolom', 'Ripivode' and 'Petrovac', as well as of protection regime II (second) have been determined.en
dc.description.abstractPlaninski masiv Radana se nalazi u jugoistočnoj Srbiji, između gornjih tokova reka Kosanice i Jablanice. Najviši vrh na masivu je Šapot (1409 m n.v.). Planina Radan je sastavni deo vulkansko-andezitskog masiva Lece, čiji je vulkanizam počeo u gornjem oligocenu. Geološku podlogu čine andeziti i daciti. Visinsko rasprostranjenje šuma na Radanu je uslovljeno položajem planine, reljefom, klimom, geološkom podlogom i zemljištem. Do 800 m n.v. se prostire zajednica sladuna i cera koja je u lošem stanju i treba je zaštititi od daljih seča. Kitnjakovih šuma ima malo i u fragmentima se nalaze od 700-900 m n.v. i one su pretežno degradovane. U kontaktnom delu između hrastovog i bukovog pojasa, na istočnoj strani Radana, u refugijumu su rasprostranjene polidominantne šumske zajednice sa mečjom leskom i kavkaskom lipom od 850-1000 m n.v. U predelu Delivoda, na vlažnim staništima od 850-950 m n.v. nalazi se zajednica sa više vrsta javora i graba. Od 900-1400 m n.v. rasprostranjene su planinske bukove šume koje imaju klimaregionalni karakter. Po bogatstvu flore i vegetacije planina Radan je veoma interesantna za nauku i zaslužuje da bude izdvojena kao prirodno dobro. Na području Radana izdvojeni su prostori sa karakterističnim tipovima šumskih ekosistema, na osnovu čijih vrednosti su definisane granice režima zaštite I (prvog) na lokalitetima 'Prolom', 'Ripivode' i 'Petrovac', kao i granice II (drugog) stepena.sr
dc.sourceZaštita prirodesr
dc.subjectRadan mountainENG
dc.subjectplanina RadanSRP
dc.subjectšumska vegetacijaSRP
dc.subjectforest vegetationENG
dc.subjectprirodno dobroSRP
dc.subjectnatural areaENG
dc.subjectrežimi zaštiteSRP
dc.subjectprotection regimesENG
dc.titleSpecifičnosti šumske vegetacije planine Radan budućeg prirodnog dobrasr
dc.titleThe specific character of forest vegetation of the future natural area Radan mountainen
dcterms.abstractКрстески, Биљана; Остојић, Драгана; Динић, Aнка; Специфичности шумске вегетације планине Радан будућег природног добра; Специфичности шумске вегетације планине Радан будућег природног добра;



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