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Philogeogrpic differentiation of leech Dina lineata (Müller, 1774) on the Western Balkans

dc.contributorĐukić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorMarinković, Nikola
dc.creatorIlić, Marija
dc.creatorĐuknić, Jelena
dc.creatorVasiljević, Božica
dc.creatorJovičić, Katarina
dc.creatorTomović, Jelena
dc.creatorKaradžić, Branko
dc.creatorNikolić, Vera
dc.creatorRaković, Maja
dc.description.abstractVrsta Dina lineata (Müller, 1774) naseljava slatkovodne ekosisteme zapadnog Palearktika, od Velike Britanije do Irana. Kod predatornih vrsta iz podreda Erpobdelliformes uočava se određeni stepen morfološke varijabilnosti što je doprinelo opisivanju i većeg broja podvrsta. Boris Sket (1968) je na Balkanskom poluostrvu opisao tri podvrste (D. l. dinarica, D. l. lacustris, D. l. montana), sa očekivanim prisustvom i nominotipske podvrste D. lineata lineata, što su novija istraživanja i dokazala. Pored vrste D. lineata, na području Balkana, a pre svega Dinarida, opisane su nove vrste iz roda Dina (D. minuoculata, D. prokletiaka, D. sketi), koje pokazuju preferencu prema sličnim staništima kao balkanske podvrste D. lineata i relativno male morfološke razlike. Filogenetski odnosi između podvrsta D. lineata nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni. Savremene molekularno genetičke analize omogućavaju da se ovi odnosi razjasne. Cilj ove studije je bio da se utvrde filogenetski i filogeografski odnosi između podvrsta vrste D. lineata, ali i odnosi sa drugim srodnim taksonima iz roda Dina. Studija je obuhvatila veliko područje od Save na severozapadu, do Makedonije na jugoistoku. Zabeleženo je prisustvo tri podvrste D. lineata. D. l. dinarica, kao dominantna podvrsta, zatim D. l. lineata zabeležena na samo nekoliko lokaliteta na teritoriji Srbije i D. l. montana koja je zabeležena samo na planini Komovi u Crnoj Gori. Analiza filogenetskih odnosa je rađena na osnovu sekvenci mitohondrijalne DNK koja kodira za citohrom oxidazu-I (COI). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da bi se D. l. dinarica mogla izdvojiti kao zasebna vrsta D. dinarica. Ovaj takson je pokazao i značajnu filogeografsku varijabilnost. Analizom je pokazano i grupisanje haplotipova prema geografskom poreklu populacija, te su se grupisali haplotipovi sa područja Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore kao zasebne haplogrupe. Velika genetička raznovrsnost može ukazati i na potencijalno skrivenu specijaciju u okviru vrste D. dinarica.sr
dc.description.abstractThe species Dina lineata (Müller, 1774) inhabits freshwater habitats of western Palearctic from Great Britain to Iran. Predaceous leeches from the suborder Erpobdelliformes show a degree of morphological variability which leads to description of several subspecies. Boris Sket described three subspecies of D. lineata on the Balkan Peninsula (D. l. dinarica, D. l. lacustris, D. l. montana) and suspected presence of nominotypical subspecies D. lineata lineata, which was confirmed by recent studies. On the Balkan Peninsula, predominantly on the Dinaric Alps, several new species in the genus Dina were recently described (D. minuoculata, D. prokletiaka, D. sketi). These species show preference to same habitats as Balkan subspecies of D. lineata and relatively small morphological differences. Phylogenetical relations between subspecies of D. lineata are not clear. Contemporary molecular- genetic analyses enable clarification of these relations. The aim of this study is to determine the phylogenetic and phylogeographic relations between subspecies of D. lineata as well as their relations with other species in the genus Dina. The study incorporates large area from the Sava River in the northwest to Macedonia in the southeast. Three subspecies of D. lineata were recorded during the field work. D. l. dinarica was the most frequent, D. l. lineata was recorded on few localities in Serbia and D. l. montana was collected on the Komovi mountain (Montenegro). Analyses of phylogenetic relations were conducted on the sequences of mitochondrial DNA that code for cytochrome oxydase I (COI). The results show that D. l. dinarica could be treated as separate species D. dinarica. This taxon shows significant phylogeographical variability. Analyses have shown grouping of haplotypes based on geographical origin of populations. Haplotypes from Serbia were grouped in one group, those from Bosnia and Herzegovina in to second and third group was comprised of haplotypes from Montenegro. Great genetic variability may indicate potential hidden speciation within D. dinarica species.en
dc.publisherBelgarde: Serbian Association for Water Protectionsr
dc.source49th Annual Conference of the Serbian Water Pollution Control Society: Water 2020: Conference proceedingssr
dc.subjectBalkansko poluostrvosr
dc.subjectBalkan Peninsulaen
dc.titleFilogeografska diferencijacija pijavice – Dina lineata (Müller, 1774) na području Zapadnog Balkanasr
dc.titlePhilogeogrpic differentiation of leech Dina lineata (Müller, 1774) on the Western Balkansen
dc.rights.holder© 2020 by the Serbian association for water protectionsr
dc.description.otherĐukić A, editor. Water 2020: Conference proceedings 49th Annual Conference of the Serbian Water Pollution Control Society; 2020 Nov 19-20; Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Belgrade: Serbian association for water protection; 2020. p. 171-2.sr



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