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dc.contributorPavlović, Miomir
dc.contributorPavlović, Miroslav
dc.contributorPantović Pavlović, Marijana
dc.creatorMatić, Marija
dc.creatorPavlović, Dragana
dc.creatorPerović, Veljko
dc.creatorČakmak, Dragan
dc.creatorMitrović, Miroslava
dc.creatorPavlović, Pavle
dc.description.abstractThis research represents a comparative analysis of the effect of Pb on the concentration of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and total carotenoids) in deciduous Tilia sp and in the coniferous Pinus nigra species in two cities in Serbia that are exposed to different types of pollution. The aims were to determine which species is more efficient in Pb accumulation and to analyze the difference in chlorophyll a and total carotenoids content. Also, the potential of selected species to be grown in polluted environments was assessed. Results obtained showed that both species accumulated Pb in small amounts, and that samples from Belgrade contained higher amounts of Pb in relation to Smederevo. When comparing species, it was revealed that Tilia sp leaves had higher content of photosynthetic pigments in relation to P. nigra needles, probably due to epicuticular waxes that are present on needles and that selectively reflect blue light. Both species from Smederevo had higher content of photosynthetic pigments, however obtained difference between cities was not significant. This indicates that tested species are tolerant to Pb pollution and that can be recommended for planting in urban areas.sr
dc.publisherBelgrade: Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection (UISKOZAM)sr
dc.sourceProceedings: 22nd YUCORR - International Conference: Meeting Point of the Science and Practice in the Fields of Corrosion, Materials and Environmental Protection; 2021 Sep 13-16; Tara, Serbiasr
dc.subjectPhotosynthetic pigmentssr
dc.subjectTilia sp.sr
dc.subjectPinus nigrasr
dc.subjectUrban environmentsr
dc.titleEcophysiological response of Tilia sp and Pinus nigra to Pb in urban environmentsr
dcterms.abstractПавловић, Драгана; Павловић, Павле; Митровић, Мирослава; Чакмак, Драган; Матић, Марија; Перовић, Вељко;
dc.rights.holder© 2021 by Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection (UISKOZAM)sr
dc.description.otherPavlović M, Pavlović M, Pantović Pavlović M, editors. Proceedings: 22nd YUCORR - International Conference: Meeting Point of the Science and Practice in the Fields of Corrosion, Materials and Environmental Protection; 2021 Sep 13-16; Tara, Serbia. Belgrade: Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection (UISKOZAM); 2021. p. Oral42-8.sr
dc.citation.spageOral 42
dc.citation.epageOral 48



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