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dc.creatorTomović, Ljiljana
dc.creatorAjtić, Rastko
dc.creatorĐorđević, Sonja
dc.creatorSimović, Aleksandar
dc.creatorGolubović, Ana
dc.creatorAnđelković, Marko
dc.creatorArsovski, Dragan
dc.creatorTrajčevska, Ivona
dc.creatorKrstić, Milivoj
dc.creatorBallouard, Jean-Marie
dc.creatorBonnet, Xavier
dc.creatorSterijovski, Bogoljub
dc.description.abstractPopulation studies on three reptile species (Testudo hermanni, Natrix tessellata and Vipera ammodytes)were established in 2007 on a small island in Prespa Lake. The island of Golem Grad is part of theNational Park “Galicica“ and has a status of a strictly protected area. The research was done on the areaof the whole island (plateau and beaches of approximately 20 ha) in three periods of the active seasonin six consecutive years. Since the beginning of the studies more than 1600 tortoises, 5000 dice snakesand 350 nose horned vipers were marked. These results of the CMR study are excellent matrix for pre-cise estimation of the population density and size, indicating that these are among the densest popula-tions of these species in the world. This suggests that the reptile populations on the island are prosper-ous and can be a model system for future ecology studies on reptiles in other parts of the country orelsewhere. Also the results can contribute to determine the protection status and conservation measureson national level for these speciessr
dc.publisherSkopje: Macedonian Ecological Societysr
dc.sourceAbstract Book: IV Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia, with international participation: on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Macedonisa Ecological Society; 2012 Oct 12-15; Ohrid, North Macedoniasr
dc.titleReptile megalopolis on a small island: Population studies on Reptiles on the island of Golem Gradsr
dc.rights.holder© 2012 by the Macedonian Ecological Societysr
dc.description.otherAbstract Book: IV Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia, with international participation: on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Macedonisa Ecological Society; 2012 Oct 12-15; Ohrid, North Macedonia. Skopje: Macedonian Ecological Society; 2012. p.



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