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Procena štetnog uticaja potencijalno toksičnih elemenata (PTE) iz zemljišta na zdravlje ljudi

dc.contributorBelanović Simić, Snežana
dc.creatorČakmak, Dragan
dc.creatorPavlović, Dragana
dc.creatorMatić, Marija
dc.description.abstractThe topsoil is the most exposed, and contains the highest concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs). The increased content of PTEs in the soil is directly related to anthropogenic inflow, and due to their toxicity, persistence and high bioaccumulation potential, PTEs pose a serious threat to human health and the environment. In order to determine the negative effects that PTEs have on living beings, numerous researches and experiments have been performed on various living models (organisms), so that the findings can be applied to assess health risks to humans. This chapter aimed to provide a brief overview of the current literature concerning the impact of PTEs from soil on human health, and also to highlight current national legislation and their shortcomings. The authors provided an insight into the latest world and European methodologies for health risk assessment, as well as a proposal for their implementation at the national level. The main problem represents the literary inconsistency, which is why it should be of worldwide interest to reduce the differences in legal regulations at the global level. When assessing the risk to human health, it is necessary to first identify the pollutant (agent), and then determine the doses at which these effects are manifested. The third step in health risk assessment is exposure, which involves the contact of the individual with pollutants. The most complete methodology was presented by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), which has been dealing with this issue for many years and is constantly improving it, and integrates the most recent data from the world's agencies. The author's recommendation is that the adoption of laws related to the assessment of health risks of PTEs from soil to humans should be harmonized with the norms defined by the USEPA, which would significantly improve existing health system and quality of
dc.publisherBelgrade: Faculty of Forestrysr
dc.sourceПроцена деградације земљишта - методе и моделиsr
dc.subjectpotentially toxic elements (PTEs)sr
dc.subjecthuman health risk assessmentssr
dc.subjectglobal and national legislationsr
dc.titleПроцена штетног утицаја потенцијално токсичних елемената (ПТЕ) из земљишта на здравље људиsr
dc.titleProcena štetnog uticaja potencijalno toksičnih elemenata (PTE) iz zemljišta na zdravlje ljudisr
dc.rights.holder© 2022 by the Faculty of Forestrysr
dc.description.otherBelanović Simić S, editor. Procena degradacije zemljišta: metode i modeli. Belgrade: Faculty of Forestry; 2022. p. 420-38. (Serbian).sr

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