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dc.contributorBaebler, Špela
dc.contributorDermastia, Marina
dc.contributorGrebenc, Tine
dc.contributorPraprotnik, Eva
dc.contributorRazinger, Jaka
dc.contributorUrbanek Krajnc, Andreja
dc.creatorGašić, Uroš
dc.creatorNestorović Živković, Jasmina
dc.creatorDmitrović, Slavica
dc.creatorAničić, Neda
dc.creatorMilutinović, Milica
dc.creatorSkorić, Marijana
dc.creatorBožunović, Jelena
dc.creatorPetrović, Luka
dc.creatorŠiler, Branislav
dc.creatorFilipović, Biljana
dc.creatorBanjanac, Tijana
dc.creatorMatekalo, Dragana
dc.creatorTodorović, Miloš
dc.creatorLukić, Tamara
dc.creatorDragićević, Milan
dc.creatorMišić, Danijela
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to determine qualitative composition of methanol-soluble metabolites in leaves from in vitro-grown plants of phylogenetically distinct Nepeta species producing iridoids (N. sibirica L., N. spicata Benth., N. argolica Bory & Chaub., and N. rtanjensis Diklić & Milojević) and iridoid-lacking N. nervosa Royle ex Benth., adopting UHPLC-LTQ OrbiTrap MS technique. Totally, 52 compounds were identified based on their monoisotopic masses, MSn fragmentation, and previously reported MS data and they were clustered into four major groups: phenolic acid derivatives (23 compounds), flavonoids (10 compounds), iridoids (13 compounds), and 6 compounds belonging to other classes. Both phenolic and iridoid profiles of the tested species were found to be very diverse regarding both qualitative content of compounds and their relative representation in extracts. Rosmarinic, 5-O-cafeoylquinic, and caffeic acids were found to be the dominant phenolics in all analyzed species, especially in N. argolica, N. rtanjensis, and N. nervosa. Iridoids were present in the form of glucosides and the most abundant compounds from this group were epideoxyloganic acid, geniposide, and aucubin. Although iridoids were not detected in N. nervosa extracts, this species was revealed as a rich source of phenolic acids and flavonoids. Conversely, N. spicata was found to produce iridoids but negligible amounts of phenolic compounds. Extracts of two closely related endemic species originating from the Balkan Peninsula, N. argolica and N. rtanjensis, were very similar in both phenolic and iridoid profiles. The UHPLC-LTQ OrbiTrap MS method, in combination with chemometrics data processing, was proved to be simple, rapid, and accurate strategy for unambiguous taxonomic determination and chemical differentiation of Nepeta
dc.publisherLjubljana: Slovenian Society of Plant Biologysr
dc.sourceBook of abstracts: Plants in Changing Environment: International conference of the Slovenian Society of Plant Biology; 2022 Sep 15-16; Ljubljana, Sloveniasr
dc.titleMetabolomic evaluation of five Nepeta species (fam. Lamiaceae) using liquid chromatography with multistage mass spectrometrysr
dc.rights.holder© 2022 by the Slovenian Society of Plant Biologysr
dc.description.otherBaebler Š, Dermastia M, Grebenc T, Praprotnik E, Razinger J, Urbanek KrajncA , editors. Book of abstracts: Plants in Changing Environment: International conference of the Slovenian Society of Plant Biology; 2022 Sep 15-16; Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Slovenian Society of Plant Biology; 2022. p.

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