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dc.creatorMihailović, Mirjana
dc.creatorArambašić Jovanović, Jelena
dc.creatorBogojević, Desanka
dc.creatorDinić, Svetlana
dc.creatorGrdović, Nevena
dc.creatorGrigorov, Ilijana
dc.creatorIvanović-Matić, Svetlana
dc.creatorMartinović, Vesna
dc.creatorPetrović, Miodrag
dc.creatorUskoković, Aleksandra
dc.creatorVidaković, Melita
dc.creatorPoznanović, Goran
dc.description.abstractIn order to ,issess effects of environme ntal pollutants on aqu at ic ecosystem s, different biomarkers may be exa mined. The pha se I biotransforma t ion e nzymes, notab ly CYP l A, definitely belong to t he most sensitive fish biomarker s known at present. CYP l A is a well-established biomarker of exposure of fish to xenobiotic compounds. The CY P l A protein le vels can be determined immunologicaly , using mono- or polyclonal antibodies with ELISA, Western-blotting or histochemic al technique s. Generally, a good correlation is observed between CYP I A mRNA , protein le ve l s and CYP I A activity. ln this work we per fo rm ed Weste r-b lot analys is and our aim was to characterize the in du c ti on of CYPIA in he patopanc reas of the European hake-Merluccius mer /ucc ius and Red mul let-Mu l/us barbatus and in winter and spring at the mouth of th e river Bojana. Both species are of considerable commercial import ance Whereas intersp ecies differences in protein profiles were established, no qualitative or quantitative intraspecies or seasonal variations in protein profiles were observed. Western blot analysis with a polyclonal antibody to CYP1A reve aled the CYP I A expression in both examined fish species in winter at the very low level. However, the relative concent!"ations of CYP I A were increased in sprin g. The apparent initiation of the defens e response in fish suggests that the contamin ants present in seawater have an eco toxico logic al potentia l. These findings could be interpreted as an ea rly­ warning signal for the deleter ious effects of the pollutants. The higher le vel of CYP l A in spr in g could be connecte d with increased antopo genic ac ti v ity at the mouth of the river Bojana in this part of the
dc.publisherNovi Sad: Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecologysr
dc.relation''Stanje bioindikatora Crnogorskog primorja'' Savezni sekretarijat za rad, zdravstvo i socijalno staranje SRJ, koordinator
dc.sourceCollection of abstracts: 1st International Congress on Biology in Serbia: Kobis 2007; 2007 Oct 25-28; Palić, Serbiasr
dc.subjectCYP l Asr
dc.titleSeasonal depending expression of CYP1A in the hepatopancreas of Merluccius merluccius and Mullus barbatus at the mouth of the river Bojanasr
dc.rights.holder© 2007 by the Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecologysr
dc.description.otherCollection of abstracts: 1st International Congress on Biology in Serbia: Kobis 2007; 2007 Oct 25-28; Palić, Serbia. Novi Sad: Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology;

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