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dc.creatorPavlović, Slađan
dc.creatorOgnjanović, Branka
dc.creatorŠtajn, Andraš Š.
dc.creatorŽikić, Radoslav V.
dc.creatorSaičić, Zorica
dc.creatorRadojičić, Ratko
dc.creatorPetrović, Vojislav M.
dc.description.abstractIn our experiments male two months old Wistar albino rats were used. In the experim with acute Cd intoxication animals were injected with (1) Cd (0.4 mg CdCh/kg b.m., i.p., before the sacrificing), (2) Vitamin E+Coenzyme Q10+Cd (20 IU Vit E/kg b.m ., i.m. , 48h be the sacrificing+ 20 mg CoQ10/kg b.m., i.m., 48h before the sacrificing+ 0.4 mg CdCb/kg b i p., 24h before the sacrificing). Third group (3) was control (C). In the experiment with chro Cd intoxication the animals were treated as follov,s: (1) Cd (14 mg/day/kg b.m. CdCb in drink water during 15 days (Cd), (2) Vit E+CoQ 1o+Cd (pretreated with 20 IU/kg/dose of Vit E and mg/kg/dose of CoQ10 i.m., every fifth day during 15 days and then treated with 14 mg/day b.m. of Cd during next 15 days Third group (3) was control (C). After the treatment the rats w sacrificed by decapitation and blood samples were collected and analyzed. In the blood of rats conce ntration of lipide peroxides (LP) were evaluated, while the activity of gluta tione transferase was assayed in the plasma after separation from the blood cells. The results obtained in our experiments show that acute treatment with Cd leads to significantly increased LP concentration (p<0.01) in the blood of rats in respect to the con animals. Pretreatment with Vit E+CoQ 10 pryor to Cd exposure normalyzed the concentration LP in the· blood. Contrary to that, in chronic Cd intoxication concentration of LP significantly decreased (p<0.005) in comparison to the control value. Pretreatment Vit E+CoQ 10 pryor to Cd intoxication influences an additional decrease of LP concentra (p<0.005) compared with controls. It appears that in chronic Cd treatment the period of 15 day sufficient for the development of efficient red blood cell protection against Cd (per)oxida damage. The activity of GST in the plasma of rats acutely treated with Cd was signi fica increased in respect to the controls (p<0.02). Pretreatment of rats with Vit E+CoQ 10 influenc significant decrease of GST activity in the plasma (p<0.05). Similar results were obtained chronic Cd intoxication where Cd induces a significantly higher activity of GST in the pla (p<0.01), while pretreatment with Vit E+CoQ 10 reversed this value to the control level. From the presented results, it can be concluded that Cd both in acute and chr intoxication influences blood LP concentration and plasma GST activi ty . Pretreatment antioxidants, such as Vit E and CoQ 10 diminishes the toxi c effects of Cd on both evalu parameters. At the same time, we were also noticed a different mechanisms of defence against toxicity in acute and in chronic intoxication, especially in the case of blood LP con cen
dc.publisherMorgantown: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Healthsr
dc.relationSerbian Ministry of Sciences, Yugoslavia, Grants No. 03E23 and
dc.source2nd Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Metal Toxicity; 2002 Sep 8-11; Morgantown, USAsr
dc.subjectVitamin Esr
dc.subjectCoenzyme Q10sr
dc.subjectLipide peroxidationsr
dc.titleProtective role of vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 on blood LP concentration and GST activity in rats after acute and chronic cadmium intoxicationsr
dc.rights.holder© 2002 by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantownsr
dc.description.other2nd Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Metal Toxicity; 2002 Sep 8-11; Morgantown, USA. Morgantown: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; 2002. p.



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