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dc.creatorSchiller, Daniela
dc.creatorN C Yu, Alessandra
dc.creatorAlia-Klein, Nelly
dc.creatorBecker, Susanne
dc.creatorC Cromwell, Howard
dc.creatorDolcos, Florin
dc.creatorJ Eslinger, Paul
dc.creatorFrewen, Paul
dc.creatorH Kemp, Andrew
dc.creatorF Pace-Schott, Edward
dc.creatorRaber, Jacob
dc.creatorL Silton, Rebecca
dc.creatorStefanova, Elka
dc.creatorH G Williams, Justin
dc.creatorAbe, Nobuhito
dc.creatorAghajani, Moji
dc.creatorAlbrecht, Franziska
dc.creatorAlexander, Rebecca
dc.creatorAnders, Silke
dc.creatorR Aragón, Oriana
dc.creatorA Arias, Juan
dc.creatorArzy, Shahar
dc.creatorAue, Tatjana
dc.creatorBaez, Sandra
dc.creatorBalconi, Michela
dc.creatorBallarini, Tommaso
dc.creatorBannister, Scott
dc.creatorC Banta, Marlissa
dc.creatorCaplovitz Barrett, Karen
dc.creatorBelzung, Catherine
dc.creatorBensafi, Moustafa
dc.creatorBooij, Linda
dc.creatorBookwala, Jamila
dc.creatorBoulanger-Bertolus, Julie
dc.creatorWeber Boutros, Sydney
dc.creatorBräscher, Anne-Kathrin
dc.creatorBruno, Antonio
dc.creatorBusatto, Geraldo
dc.creatorM Bylsma, Lauren
dc.creatorCaldwell-Harris, Catherine
dc.creatorRaymond, C K Chan
dc.creatorCherbuin, Nicolas
dc.creatorChiarella, Julian
dc.creatorCipresso, Pietro
dc.creatorCritchley, Hugo
dc.creatorE Croote, Denise
dc.creatorA Demaree, Heath
dc.creatorF Denson, Thomas
dc.creatorDepue, Brendan
dc.creatorDerntl, Birgit
dc.creatorM Dickson, Joanne
dc.creatorDolcos, Sanda
dc.creatorDrach-Zahavy, Anat
dc.creatorDubljević, Olga
dc.creatorEerola, Tuomas
dc.creatorEllingsen, Dan-Mikael
dc.creatorFairfield, Beth
dc.creatorFerdenzi, Camille
dc.creatorH Friedman, Bruce
dc.creatorH Y Fu, Cynthia
dc.creatorM Gatt, Justine
dc.creatordeGelder, Beatrice
dc.creatorH E Gendolla, Guido
dc.creatorGilam, Gadi
dc.creatorGoldblatt, Hadass
dc.creatorKotynski Gooding, Anne Elizabeth
dc.creatorGosseries, Olivia
dc.creatorO Hamm, Alfons
dc.creatorL Hanson, Jamie
dc.creatorHendler, Talma
dc.creatorCornelia, Herbert
dc.creatorG Hofmann, Stefan
dc.creatorIbanez, Agustin
dc.creatorJoffily, Mateus
dc.creatorJovanovic, Tanja
dc.creatorJ Kahrilas, Ian
dc.creatorKangas, Maria
dc.creatorKatsumi, Yuta
dc.creatorKensinger, Elizabeth
dc.creatorA J Kirby, Lauren
dc.creatorKoncz, Rebecca
dc.creatorH W Koster, Ernst
dc.creatorKozlowska, Kasia
dc.creatorKrach, Sören
dc.creatorE Kret, Mariska
dc.creatorKrippl, Martin
dc.creatorKusi-Mensah, Kwabena
dc.creatorD Ladouceur, Cecile
dc.creatorLaureys, Steven
dc.creatorLawrence, Alistair
dc.creatorR Li, Chiang-Shan
dc.creatorJ Liddell, Belinda
dc.creatorK Lidhar, Navdeep
dc.creatorA Lowry, Christopher
dc.creatorMagee, Kelsey
dc.creatorMarin, Marie-France
dc.creatorMariotti, Veronica
dc.creatorJ Martin, Loren
dc.creatorA Marusak, Hilary
dc.creatorV Mayer, Annalina
dc.creatorR Merner, Amanda
dc.creatorMinnier, Jessica
dc.creatorMoll, Jorge
dc.creatorRobert, G Morrison
dc.creatorMoore, Matthew
dc.creatorMouly, Anne-Marie
dc.creatorC Mueller, Sven
dc.creatorAndreas, Mühlberger
dc.creatorNora, A Murphy
dc.creatorMuscatello, Maria Rosaria Anna
dc.creatorD Musser, Erica
dc.creatorTamara, L Newton
dc.creatorNoll-Hussong, Michael
dc.creatorNorrholm, Seth Davin
dc.creatorNorthoff, Georg
dc.creatorNusslock, Robin
dc.creatorHadas, Okon-Singer
dc.creatorM Olino, Thomas
dc.creatorOrtner, Catherine
dc.creatorMayowa, Owolabi
dc.creatorPadulo, Caterina
dc.creatorRomina, Palermo
dc.creatorPalumbo, Rocco
dc.creatorPalumbo, Sara
dc.creatorPapadelis, Christos
dc.creatorJ Pegna, Alan
dc.creatorPellegrini, Silvia
dc.creatorPeltonen, Kirsi
dc.creatorW J H Penninx, Brenda
dc.creatorPietrini, Pietro
dc.creatorPinna, Graziano
dc.creatorPintos Lobo, Rosario
dc.creatorL Polnaszek, Kelly
dc.creatorPolyakova, Maryna
dc.creatorRabinak, Christine
dc.creatorRichter, S Helene
dc.creatorRichter, Thalia
dc.creatorGiuseppe, Riva
dc.creatorRizzo, Amelia
dc.creatorL Robinson, Jennifer
dc.creatorRosa, Pedro
dc.creatorS Sachdev, Perminder
dc.creatorSato, Wataru
dc.creatorL Schroeter, Matthias
dc.creatorSchweizer, Susanne
dc.creatorShiban, Youssef
dc.creatorSiddharthan, Advaith
dc.creatorSiedlecka, Ewa
dc.creatorC Smith, Robert
dc.creatorSoreq, Hermona
dc.creatorP Spangler, Derek
dc.creatorR Stern, Emily
dc.creatorStyliadis, Charis
dc.creatorB Sullivan, Gavin
dc.creatorE Swain, James
dc.creatorUrben, Sébastien
dc.creatorVan den Stock, Jan
dc.creatorA Vander Kooij, Michael
dc.creatorvan Overveld, Mark
dc.creatorE Van Rheenen, Tamsyn
dc.creatorB VanElzakker, Michael
dc.creatorVentura-Bort, Carlos
dc.creatorVerona, Edelyn
dc.creatorVolk, Tyler
dc.creatorWang, Yi
dc.creatorT Weingast, Leah
dc.creatorWeymar, Mathias
dc.creatorWilliams, Claire
dc.creatorL Willis, Megan
dc.creatorYamashita, Paula
dc.creatorZahn, Roland
dc.creatorZupan, Barbra
dc.creatorLowe, Leroy
dc.creatorGabriela, Gan
dc.creatorHuggins F, Charlotte
dc.creatorLoeffler, Leonie
dc.description.abstractOver the last decades, the interdisciplinary field of the affective sciences has seen proliferation rather than integration of theoretical perspectives. This is due to differences in metaphysical and mechanistic assumptions about human affective phenomena (what they are and how they work) which, shaped by academic motivations and values, have determined the affective constructs and operationalizations. An assumption on the purpose of affective phenomena can be used as a teleological principle to guide the construction of a common set of metaphysical and mechanistic assumptions-a framework for human affective research. In this capstone paper for the special issue "Towards an Integrated Understanding of the Human Affectome", we gather the tiered purpose of human affective phenomena to synthesize assumptions that account for human affective phenomena collectively. This teleologically-grounded framework offers a principled agenda and launchpad for both organizing existing perspectives and generating new ones. Ultimately, we hope Human Affectome brings us a step closer to not only an integrated understanding of human affective phenomena, but an integrated field for affective
dc.relationI01 BX000132/BX/BLRD VA/United Statessr
dc.relationR01 EB002092/EB/NIBIB NIH HHS/United Statessr
dc.relationR03 HD053692/HD/NICHD NIH HHS/United Statessr
dc.relationR15 MH091016/MH/NIMH NIH HHS/United Statessr
dc.sourceNeuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviewssr
dc.titleThe Human Affectomesr
dc.rights.holder© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier
dc.citation.apaSchiller, Daniela, Alessandra N. C. Yu, Nelly Alia-Klein, Susanne Becker, Howard C. Cromwell, Florin Dolcos, Paul J. Eslinger, Paul Frewen, Andrew H. Kemp, Edward F. Pace-Schott, Jacob Raber, Rebecca L. Silton, Elka Stefanova, Justin H. G. Williams, Nobuhito Abe, Moji Aghajani, Franziska Albrecht, Rebecca Alexander, Silke Anders, Oriana R. Aragón, Juan A. Arias, Shahar Arzy, Tatjana Aue, Sandra Baez, Michela Balconi, Tommaso Ballarini, Scott Bannister, Marlissa C. Banta, Karen Caplovitz Barrett, Catherine Belzung, Moustafa Bensafi, Linda Booij, Jamila Bookwala, Julie Boulanger-Bertolus, Sydney Weber Boutros, Anne-Kathrin Bräscher, Antonio Bruno, Geraldo Busatto, Lauren M. Bylsma, Catherine Caldwell-Harris, Raymond C. K. Chan, Nicolas Cherbuin, Julian Chiarella, Pietro Cipresso, Hugo Critchley, Denise E. Croote, Heath A. Demaree, Thomas F. Denson, Brendan Depue, Birgit Derntl, Joanne M. Dickson, Sanda Dolcos, Anat Drach-Zahavy, Olga Dubljević, Tuomas Eerola, Dan-Mikael Ellingsen, Beth Fairfield, Camille Ferdenzi, Bruce H. Friedman, Cynthia H. Y. Fu, Justine M. Gatt, Beatrice deGelder, Guido H. E. Gendolla, Gadi Gilam, Hadass Goldblatt, Anne Elizabeth Kotynski Gooding, Olivia Gosseries, Alfons O. Hamm, Jamie L. Hanson, Talma Hendler, Cornelia Herbert, Stefan G. Hofmann, Agustin Ibanez, Mateus Joffily, Tanja Jovanovic, Ian J. Kahrilas, Maria Kangas, Yuta Katsumi, Elizabeth Kensinger, Lauren A. J. Kirby, Rebecca Koncz, Ernst H. W. Koster, Kasia Kozlowska, Sören Krach, Mariska E. Kret, Martin Krippl, Kwabena Kusi-Mensah, Cecile D. Ladouceur, Steven Laureys, Alistair Lawrence, Chiang-shan R. Li, Belinda J. Liddell, Navdeep K. Lidhar, Christopher A. Lowry, Kelsey Magee, Marie-France Marin, Veronica Mariotti, Loren J. Martin, Hilary A. Marusak, Annalina V. Mayer, Amanda R. Merner, Jessica Minnier, Jorge Moll, Robert G. Morrison, Matthew Moore, Anne-Marie Mouly, Sven C. Mueller, Andreas Mühlberger, Nora A. Murphy, Maria Rosaria Anna Muscatello, Erica D. Musser, Tamara L. Newton, Michael Noll-Hussong, Seth Davin Norrholm, Georg Northoff, Robin Nusslock, Hadas Okon-Singer, Thomas M. Olino, Catherine Ortner, Mayowa Owolabi, Caterina Padulo, Romina Palermo, Rocco Palumbo, Sara Palumbo, Christos Papadelis, Alan J. Pegna, Silvia Pellegrini, Kirsi Peltonen, Brenda W. J. H. Penninx, Pietro Pietrini, Graziano Pinna, Rosario Pintos Lobo, Kelly L. Polnaszek, Maryna Polyakova, Christine Rabinak, S. HeleneRichter, Thalia Richter, Giuseppe Riva, Amelia Rizzo, Jennifer L. Robinson, Pedro Rosa, Perminder S. Sachdev, Wataru Sato, Matthias L. Schroeter, Susanne Schweizer, Youssef Shiban, Advaith Siddharthan, Ewa Siedlecka, Robert C. Smith, Hermona Soreq, Derek P. Spangler, Emily R. Stern, Charis Styliadis, Gavin B. Sullivan, James E. Swain, Sébastien Urben, Jan Van den Stock, Michael A. vander Kooij, Mark van Overveld, Tamsyn E. Van Rheenen, Michael B. VanElzakker, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Edelyn Verona, Tyler Volk, Yi Wang, Leah T. Weingast, Mathias Weymar, Claire Williams, Megan L. Willis, Paula Yamashita, Roland Zahn, Barbra Zupan, Leroy Lowe, Gan Gabriela, Huggins Charlotte F, and Loeffler Leonie. 2023. “The Human Affectome.” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 105450.
dc.citation.vancouverSchiller D, Yu ANC, Alia-Klein N, Becker S, Cromwell HC, Dolcos F, Eslinger PJ, Frewen P, Kemp AH, Pace-Schott EF, Raber J, Silton RL, Stefanova E, Williams JHG, Abe N, Aghajani M, Albrecht F, Alexander R, Anders S, Aragón OR, Arias JA, Arzy S, Aue T, Baez S, Balconi M, Ballarini T, Bannister S, Banta MC, Barrett KC, Belzung C, Bensafi M, Booij L, Bookwala J, Boulanger-Bertolus J, Boutros SW, Bräscher A-K, Bruno A, Busatto G, Bylsma LM, Caldwell-Harris C, Chan RCK, Cherbuin N, Chiarella J, Cipresso P, Critchley H, Croote DE, Demaree HA, Denson TF, Depue B, Derntl B, Dickson JM, Dolcos S, Drach-Zahavy A, Dubljević O, Eerola T, Ellingsen D-M, Fairfield B, Ferdenzi C, Friedman BH, Fu CHY, Gatt JM, deGelder B, Gendolla GHE, Gilam G, Goldblatt H, Gooding AEK, Gosseries O, Hamm AO, Hanson JL, Hendler T, Herbert C, Hofmann SG, Ibanez A, Joffily M, Jovanovic T, Kahrilas IJ, Kangas M, Katsumi Y, Kensinger E, Kirby LAJ, Koncz R, Koster EHW, Kozlowska K, Krach S, Kret ME, Krippl M, Kusi-Mensah K, Ladouceur CD, Laureys S, Lawrence A, Li CR, Liddell BJ, Lidhar NK, Lowry CA, Magee K, Marin M-F, Mariotti V, Martin LJ, Marusak HA, Mayer A V., Merner AR, Minnier J, Moll J, Morrison RG, Moore M, Mouly A-M, Mueller SC, Mühlberger A, Murphy NA, Muscatello MRA, Musser ED, Newton TL, Noll-Hussong M, Norrholm SD, Northoff G, Nusslock R, Okon-Singer H, Olino TM, Ortner C, Owolabi M, Padulo C, Palermo R, Palumbo R, Palumbo S, Papadelis C, Pegna AJ, Pellegrini S, Peltonen K, Penninx BWJH, Pietrini P, Pinna G, Lobo RP, Polnaszek KL, Polyakova M, Rabinak C, HeleneRichter S, Richter T, Riva G, Rizzo A, Robinson JL, Rosa P, Sachdev PS, Sato W, Schroeter ML, Schweizer S, Shiban Y, Siddharthan A, Siedlecka E, Smith RC, Soreq H, Spangler DP, Stern ER, Styliadis C, Sullivan GB, Swain JE, Urben S, Van den Stock J, vander Kooij MA, van Overveld M, Van Rheenen TE, VanElzakker MB, Ventura-Bort C, Verona E, Volk T, Wang Y, Weingast LT, Weymar M, Williams C, Willis ML, Yamashita P, Zahn R, Zupan B, Lowe L, Gabriela G, Charlotte F H, Leonie L. The Human Affectome. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2023;105450.

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